
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

Angel+Shotgun - HK-5 Squadron Mission Complete - Chris' Arrival

The truck accelerated off with Celine, Sheena, and Tenshi standing at the top of the trailer. The other vehicle also accelerated and followed them while being chased by the hovering jet and the helicopters

The vehicle now became aggressive and it's using its all to take down the truck. The driver wasn't able to come close becaise Sheena and Tenshi is aiming for them with their laser-like gun

It was then that Tenshi shouted to Celine, who was watching the vehicle with angry eyes

"Celine! The Roadkill Bike is inside the trailer! You can use it to get to Mark!"

Celine looked at Tenshi and nodded. She jumped down the hatch and went through inside the trailer at the back

A few seconds later, the four-part back door of the trailer opened and Celine ramped off the inclined plane. Sheens leaned down the edge and managed to touch the motorbike to upgrade it

The motorbike wobbled and the engine roared. The exhaust released fire and the wheels drifted as it compensate for the acceleration speed of the engine. The motorbike became all-wheel drive and it immediately reach 180mph as the wheels gained traction

Celine drove back towards Mark to pick him up, or tag team the remaining vehicle that was left on Mark


Mark brandished his katana and prepared to cut vehicle like he did to the previous one. He slowly walked forwards while slicing and parrying the incoming bullets

He was about to lunge and cut everything in one fell swoop when he heard a loud roar of a motorbike coming from behind

The vehicle accelerated towards Mark to ram him but the vehicle met a wall and almost tipped over

It was because Celine drifted and skidded across the highway to kick the vehicle with her right foot

"Bone Shatterer"

The armor of the vehicle broken and cracked in a chain reaction and some components fell apart. Celine wasn't fazed and she had a cold look

She immediately drove around away from the vehicle because Mark is about to move

He immediately dashed and swung his sword around as he pass the vehicle

A flash occured and the vehicle was cut into pieces, along with the armed men and the driver. Mark flicked the sword downward to remove the blood stains on the katana

Celine then drove next to Mark to let him ride. Instead of sitting behind Celine, Mark stood at the backseat sideways while holding the katana to the side

Celine instantly drove off while Mark is maintaing his balance. He looked in front with narrowed eyes as his white hair fluttered from the wind

Meanwhile, Tenshi and Sheena kept firing at the last vehicle. The vehicle is mostly destroyed and disabled since it was being bombarded by them with the addition of the jet, the helicopters, and the mounted turrets from the trailer

In just a few seconds, Celine caught up with the 250mph truck by doing a wheelie with the motorbike that reached 280mph

Mark was leaning forward to maintain the center of gravity. Celine jumped off while still holding the handle bars and performed a maneuver. She stomped the ground while while drifting and Mark poked the ground forcefully with his katana

The motorbike launched off and flew to the sky. Celine stayed on the bike whipe performing a backflip and landed above the trailer perfectlt. Meanwhile, Mark jumped off and landed next to the shooting Tenshi and Sheena gracefully

"Tenshi, grab your shotgun"

Mark ordered Tenshi to grab her personal shotgun inside the trailer. It was because Sheena is almost out of bullets and she can't materialize ammo even though she can upgrade the guns that she touches

The firepower of the Siren is not enough to take down the bizarre vehicles, so Tenshi needed to get the shotgun to finish the job

Tenshi nodded and jumped down the hatch. A few seconds later, Tenshi climbed up and got a modified shotgun that is light blue in color

The shotgun is called Harp and it was a gun that was transmuted by Mark into a metal that can resist a powerful blast force. The metal is called Onsten, an Osmium-Titanium-Tungsten alloy

At this moment, Sheena ran out of bullets, including the jet, but the helicopters are still on pursuit on the vehicle. The vehicle will be trying its last futile attempt in taking down the trailer

Sheena stood up and went towards Tenshi. She touched the Harp and the shotgun was upgraded. The spacings across the casing emitted blue and rainbow light. The nozzle also emitted white light

Tenshi aimed the shotgun at the vehicle, even though it's several meters away. Surely the shotgun won't have any effect on the vehicle that far away, right?

The helicopters disengaged and flew away from the vehicle, leaving the blast zone of the shotgun. The driver became confused as to why the rain of bullets stopped, until he looked to the left and saw Tenshi aiming the shotgun at him

"An angel with a shotgun?"

Those were the driver's last words after his vision completely turned white and then black

Tenshi pressed the trigger of the shotgun and a massive cone-shaped explosion filled the area. A flash of blinding light also filled the surroundings and the vehicle disappeared from their sight

As the light dimmed, the ground was left by chunks of metal and compenents. The vehicle was obliterated completely

Tenshi then fell on the roof of the trailer due to exhaustion. She exerted too much energy then she suffered a backlash. Using the Harp while im the Heavenly Guidance state uses too much energy from the heavens. Tenshi's mortal human body couldn't handle too much of the energy

Mark stood straight while looking at the distance with his arms crossed in front of him and holding the katana backwards in his right hand, Celine leaned over the top of the bike and looked forward with cold eyes, Sheena kneeled down to support the exhausted Tenshi, and Elaine was smiling in the command center after the Counter Ambush mission

"HK-5 Squadron, rescue mission accomplished!"

Elaine's voice echoed in everyone's head from their earpiece. The name of their squadron is HK-5, short for Heaven's Keep with five members

The Heaven's Truck drove off in the horizon as everyone tried to look cool. Celine drove the bike off the trailer and drove along with the truck. She preferred to drive than to standby. She drove the motorbike while lying down with her feet on the steering wheel and her hand behind her head

They continued to drive for 2 more hours before arriving at the military facility


Meanwhile, everyone has already woken up and fixed their beds in Philip's room inside the mansion. They have already took a bath and eaten breakfast

Philip and Justine ate together in Philip's room while the three sisters ate and bonded together

"Are you sure that today's going to be a tough day?"

Justine asked Philip with worry

"Yeah... I'm feeling it and I can't quite put my finger on it"

"I see... Do you have any idea on what's going to happen?"

"Yeah, it's about the military facility and Chris is arriving in a few minutes"


"Yeah, he'll recruit me to some sort of secret mission along with his squadron or something"

"I heard that when he came here..."

Justine replied with a solemn face

"What's wrong?"

Philip asked after noticing or feeling the change in Justine's emotion

"Can I come with you?"


Philip paused for a moment to think of the pros and cons of Justine coming along with him

"Jude, Mathilda, and Sai can protect the mansion if we're gone... Yeah! You could come. I don't know if Chris will allow it though"

"I'll make him!!"

Justine's face brightened up and pumped her fist from excitement. Philip stood up and he was about to leave

"Alright, I'll prepare to meet Chris. You can come if you want"

"I'll come with you!"


Philip then walked across the hallway. Justine walked with him to his side. They arrived in front of Alucard's room. He knocked politely and Alucard let them in with respect and hospitality. Sai is also seen sitting on Alucard's lap as Alucard is sitting on the single couch while looking over the large window



"Can you provide me the list of the Pureblood abilities that you had? I need it in a few minutes"

"Yes, I'll list everything in my memory. I'll try to include how the abilities came to be"

"I'll appreciate that"

Philip requested the entire list of the Pureblood abilities from the first ability to the 100th ability. The reason for that is he wanted to be aware what ability suddenly activates whenever the Pureblood acts automatically. It already happened twice, plus Philip is curious about everything

The four of them then engaged in idle talk before Philip remembered the residents of Saykrandae. Sai took them in and let them sleep in Alucard's room. Alucard didn't mind after Sai told him the entire story

"Who are they?"

Justine noticed them after looking at the master's bed that was supposed to be fore Alucard. He never used it because he preferred to sleep in the very comfortable coffin-shaped bed

"They're Sai's people from her world"

Justine's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect to see otherworlders on Earth. She only knew that it was from fantasy, well, Mana and Magic are already fantasy

Philip told her the story of when he agreed to save Saykrandae as Sai's hero. Justine's emotions were ever changing, she still couldn't believe that Philip went to another world, like it was some space mission. Secretly, Justine wanted to experience that after she read manga and watched anime

From Philip's story, looks like he had fun and Justine was little jealous. She disregarded the tragic and horrible experiences of the human on Saykrandae

It was like an anime where humans lost to the demon but their was a third party of aliens that led to the destruction of the world. It sounded like the synopsis of an anime

Philip also explained as to why he wanted to keep them in the mansion. Justine didn't mind since Philip is the Homeowner, he could do what he want, as long as it doesn't harm the people living in the mansion

After a while, Philip and Justine left Alucard and Sai. They didn't want to wake Corleona, Clara, and Braudain up and let them rest since they've experienced too much

"Why are you asking Alucard about his Pureblood abilities?"

Justine asked as they are walking along the hallway towards the exit of the front door

"I haven't told you didn't I?"

"About what?"

"I already saved Alucard from his Fate, his inevitable death. I took the Pureblood from him to remove the ability that kills him and destroys his sould"

"What?! Really?! So, he's saved and he'll never die in the near future?"

"Yes, after the Pureblood was pulled out from him, his Vampire pureblood took over and it might replicate the Pureblood abilities and make it his own, since the original and first owner of the Pureblood owns it and not him"

"That's good to hear then! I was worried when he asked permission to me to die"

"Yeah, the original plan is to kill him and I'll take his soul to preserve him, but the plan also includes the Pureblood being taken from him that will liberate his soul. Fortunately, I managed to take the Pureblood without killing him"

"Where's the Pureblood now?"

Justine asked as they opened the front door. They walked outside and stood on the sidewalk while facing the fountain. Philip paused and looked at Justine with a smirk

Justine was confused as to why Philip was being mysterious. It was then that Philip pointed his right thumb at his chest. Justine's eyes widened from the simple gesture

"It's in here"

"What?! You took it for yourself?"

"Yes, I don't know how the Pureblood could be contained without hurting anyone. Instead, I just took it to contain it within myself. It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Besides! I think it's replacing my heart?"

"How would that turn out? That won't be you own heart anymore though"

"Nah, I don't need a heart for feelings... It just pumps my blood around my body and strengthens it"

"I see... Then that's fine"

For some reason, Justine felt relieved and slightly smiled from Philip's words. It might her selfish conscience that he will not have feeling for others except for her. But, it might also be dangerous because he won't be able to cycle his emotions without a heart

Unknown to everyone, even for Philip, his emotions are currently brewing and boiling lately. He has no heart to control his emotions, unlike when he was a kid. So, his emotions are being collected and mixed without control and it might cause him harm

Nevertheless, Justine hopes that Philip won't lose his humanity by having no heart, being able to see the future, controlling Fate, and seeing other worlds. At least Philip would keep the things that he loves the most and protect them. But that's just another one of her wishful conscience

In a few seconds, the large gate of the mansion opened and a convoy of military vehicles, the same as the one a few weeks ago, entered the front yard and circled around the fountain

Justine was slightly surprised because of the timing, like Philip knew that the moment they step out of the front door, Chris and the military will arrive at the same time

The vehicles parked and Chris came out of the passenger seat with Veronica and a few soldiers

Chris faced Philip with crossed arms and discering eye while Philip is looking back at him with deep eyes