
The Fated Omega One

This is a story about a boy named Philip possessing the powers of Fate Control and Future Vision while desperately trying to fulfill his ultimate goal of absolute death and total erasure to end his suffering and despair ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Novel Updates: 3-5 chapters per week Chapters per Arc: 50-200 chapters Chapters per Fillers: 5-10 chapters Arcs already finished: >25 Arcs Storyboarding/World Building Status (Prologue): On-going Fated Day: Incoming... Omega System: Chapter 167 Twitter: @AbsoluteAuthor Cover Photo Artist: http://instagram.com/weiyumarryme

Absolute_Author · Fantasy
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341 Chs

An Archangel vs Lost Whiteness - Adaptation - Turning the Tables


Tenshi mashed the button on her controller; direction buttons, action buttons, analog sticks, and two pairs of left and right back buttons

Her fingerworks are masterful that the button sounds are audible and pleasing to the ears

Tenshi's character, Sariel, then did a combination of maneuvers to initiate combo moves and prepare for chain combos

Sariel's wand threw light balls at first while he turned and twisted around in place for momentum

A white magic circle also appeared under his feet and illuminated the area around him

Mark, Sheena, and Elaine shook their heads at Tenshi's moves. They could only feel pity for Philip, who is about to get destroyed in one set of chain combo called, [The Light's Beatdown] which is a combination of three combos [Dance of Light], [White Dominion], and [Fighting Blessing]

Each of the combos consists of three or four skills which needs for ten buttons to be pressed to prompt one skill. This means that Tenshi mashed the button, for a perfect one set of chain combo, at least 90 times in the last few secodns

Tenshi could only have done this if she has mastered the character for years and memorized all of the skills and combos, to which she has for only a year

Meanwhile, Philip is still figuring out which buttons do what actions. He pressed the buttons individually to check the actions while Tenshi was button mashing

White-999 followed Philip's button presses and he looked like a fool who's doing unnecessary actions by himself. He punched the air, kicked the ground, and casually jumped vertically

"Ah! This is punch..."


"This is lower kick"


"Oh! Uppercut!'


"High kick..."


"Block... Lower block... Upper block"


"Dodge left and right"

"Whoa! Roundhouse kick!"


"What is this stance?"

"There's a jump kick..."


"Jump punch down? Lowercut"


"Ooh! Elbow right strike. There should be left"


"Of course there's knee strike"


"Huuuh?? Butt strike?"

"Yep, headbutt"

"Shoulder bash"

Philip discovered a lot of body skills in just a few seconds. He began to learn more and more

It was then that White-999 was hit by the dancing balls of light. The combo hit by the balls where so effective that White-999 couldn't react. His health bar was reduced by two bars and combo hit reached 277


White-999 stayed in suspended air animation and before he could land on the ground, the ground illuminated with a bright white light, dealing continues damage of 20 hits per second


The combo hit reached 477 and White-999 lost five bars of health out of ten. He only has three bars left

White-999 plopped on the ground. He was about to stand up when Sariel kicked his stomach, launching him in the air

At that point, it was all but a blur when Sariel's arms and legs broke the sound barrier to perform a continuous strikes at White-999

The combo hit sounds were audible that even Philip enjoyed the crunchiness of it when his character was being hit


The combo hit reached 777 and White-999's health bar was reduced to one. White-999 layed on the ground while bleeding and full of blood and dirt

"And... That's game"

Tenshi declared as she pushed one button on the controller

[Sariel has reached 777 combo hits!]

[The judgement has come to White-999!]

The game voice declared through the game

[The Kingdom of God shall come]

[You will be judged!]

Sariel declared towards White-999. He extended his staff at White-999 and a small white orb slowly flew towards him

Just then, the white orb touched White-999's body and the sound of a needle drop was heard


Sariel shoured and the white orb exploded into a bigger sphere and obliterated White-999 into oblivion


The screen faded into white and the round ended. The combo hit reached 7777

[Sariel wins round 1!]

[Condition has been met! Changing terrain!]

The game voice echoed and the terrain changed

The earthy ground broke and the area was flooded with bright white light. The light slowly faded away and white clouds filled the screen

It was then the the clouds reveal a golden gate that leads to a white staircase that goes up into the light

Mark, Sheena, and Elaine clutched their heads from Tenshi's ruthlessness. Tenshi wasn't holding back at all and wanted to claim the prize of their bets

"It's over for him..."

"What does Tenshi want to do with Philip?"

"Well, it's already over to begin with anyways..."

Meanwhile, Justine wasn't worried at all and quietly watched, especially after she felt Philip's calm demeanor change into a competitive demeanor

E-1 also was just watching quietly while enjoying the fights

Even though Philip could see the attacks coming at him with his Future Vision and the precise trajectory of the projectiles and strike with Definite Sight and Dimensionality Formulation, he couldn't counter attack because he hasn't discovered all of the attacks of his character

But this time, he already got the gist of it. He only needs to discover the combo moves of White-999

He also learned that there are 999 kinds of basic punches that White-999 can do. That can also mean that there are 999 kinds of kicks, knee strikes, and more

He then remembered White-999's description. He can replicate moves from other characters but with great difficulty of intervals between button presses

[Welcome to the Golden Gates of Heaven!]

[Match point! Round 2...]


White-999 ran towards Sariel and prepared to throw a punch. He jumped and threw a fist, to which Sariel dodge and deflected

Sariel then kicked White-999 into the ground and swung his staff down on White-999. A holy stake pinned White-999 into the cloud for 10 seconds

Tenshi started to mash the buttons of her controller again to perform two sets of chain combos. At this moment, Philip looked to his right to watch Tenshi's finger and hand movements

Definite Sight allows him to accurately see the finger placements, Clairvoyance allows him to see the hidden fingers that are doing work behind another finger, and Dimensionality Formulation allows him to measure the speed, intervals, and timings of the button presses, as well as to which button he should press

The first chain combo is called [Heaven's Hymn] that contains [Harpsichord Rend], [Acapella Blast], and [Grand Organ] combos

The second chain combo is called [Call of the Seraphim] that contains [Archangel Beating], [Storm of Stakes], and [Descent of the Holy Spear]

Tenshi performed 200 button presses and Sariel began to perform the combos

A four-winged angel descended from the top of the screen and beat the sh*t out of White-999 with the angel's punches. A flurry of white stakes then stormed around White-999 and stabbed his whole body as a golden holy spear stabbed him straight into his heart

The combo hit immediately reached 3377 hits and White-999's health bar was reduced to ten, out of twenty

It was then that a band of angels appeared around White-999 and began to sing. A giant harp was also played as its sound started to cut White-999's body into pieces. The grand organ was then played and obliterated White-999 once more

The combo hit reach 7777 hits and reduced his health bar to one once more

Surprisingly, White-999 did not moan or scream from pain or whatsoever. This is a fact that no one in the room noticed, except for Philip

It was because he has performed an action while being stun locked by Sariel

"Match... Over"

Tenshi once again declared as she pressed one button

[Sariel has reached 7777 combo hit in front of the Golden Gates of Heaven!]

[A Divine being is pleased!]

[The Golden Gates of Heaven opened!]

[Divine Energy sweeped out of the gates!]

The game voice shouted in triumph, to which Philip became slightly irritated at

White-999 was pulled into the white staircase and into the white light. There, combo hits filled the screen and reached 77,777. White-999 lost the first match

[Round!!! Sariel wins!]

[Match! Sariel wins the first match!]

[Conditions has been met! Changing terrain!]

The screen was sucked into the white light and the terrain changed. The terrain is now inside a white marble castle that reached into the horizon. There were large pillars scattered around the terrain and nothing can be seen anywhere

[A Divine being has descended!]

[Sariel will be replaced by Rachelle!]

[Rachelle wants to fight and judge White-999!]

"This is it!"

Tenshi's eyes were glimmering, happy that she gets to perfectly execute the exclusive achievement for the character Sariel. With this, she can perform the exclusive finisher to finish the match once and for all without going to round 2

[Match 2!!!]

[Round 1!]


Tenshi started to mash her buttons once again, for the final time. She decided to use the finisher to declare herself the winner

It was then that White-999 appeared in front of Rachelle in a stance only exclusive for a certain character that is a martial artist master


Tenshi was utterly surprised by the sudden appearance of White-999 in front of her. It was the same for Mark and Elaine as their eyes widened

Justine smirked and watched Philip directly

"He got it"

With Future Vision, Clairvoyance, and Extreme Self-awareness, he could now accurately determine the combo moves for most characters in game

There should be approximately 20,030,010 combinations of skills throughout the entire roster of characters and skill sheet assuming that the skills only reaches to ten combinations

Philip has noted all of them and he could replicate them with White-999. His brain is already overloaded but Extreme Self-awareness keeps him together

Philip started mashing the buttons on his controller this time, but in multiple intervals, giving space between skills

White-999 launched an uppercut at Rachelle and his fist hit her jaw. It was then followed by an explosion of pillar of fire and a giant metal spike protruding from the marble floor

Critical has been proc and dealt massive damage to Rachelle

As Rachelle remained is in a suspended air animation, White-999 widely swiped his right finger across in the air from his back to his front directed at Rachelle

A futuristic alien spaceship came flying in while firing its energy blasters straight into Rachelle and dealth multiple combo hits. Before the alien spaceship left, it launched heat seeking missile and bombarded her

It was then that an F-1 jet came flying in while emptying its guns and crashing into Rachelle

White-999 then spread his arms around and looked above. An orbital strike beamed down on Rachelle with the addition of Meteor Storm and Storm of Stakes

White-999 then snapped his left fingers and the white marble terrain turned demonic and bloody. Swarms of demons flooded the area and attacked Rachelle with tridents and spears

White-999 also came in and attacked Rachelle with a flurryvand bombardemnt of martial arts techniques that he replicated from other characters

The combo hit reached 700,000 and it kept increasing and then Rachelle's health bar, who is a Divine being, kept decreasing from 100 bars

"Now I understand why this character difficulty is X++"

Philip then mashed the buttons for twenty continuous combination is less than two seconds

White-999 suddenly bursted into yellow flames and took several stances in one

[White-999 has assumed Divine Authority! Temporary Divinity is granted!]

The game voice declared with a calm tone

Philip then immediately replicated the button combinations that Tenshi performed earlier. The Light's Beatdown, followed by Heaven's Hymn and Call of the Seraphim

Tenshi and everyone else's eyes, except for Justine and E-1, widened in surprise and shock

Whatever happened to White-999 in the past two round, started to happen to Rachelle. White-999 then snapped his finger once again

Time slowed down drastically and the projectiles and skills that rained down on Rachelle also slowed down that caused the combo hit count and multiplier to go over seven million in just a few seconds of real-time