
The Fated mates

The enmity between the Redmoon pack and Silvermoon pack has been going on for over a century now. The war was expected to end or at least subside after both Alpha's find out that they were fated to be mates but to everyone's surprise, the opposite happens. Kira and Damien hate each other, so much so that they will never accept that they're fated to be together and will fight against their fate. Damien already has who he loves and is unwilling to let her go for a nonchalant, hothead that happens to also happen to be an enemy. Kira, as much as she always wished to meet her mate, hates the thought of ever being with an arrogant and rude man like Alpha Damien and to top it off, he's the enemy. They're always brought together by one thing or the other. Can they really fight their fate and stay as enemies or will their fate ge

DaoistpaI7jP · Sci-fi
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25 Chs

Chapter 24

Sheila paced around impatiently at the old cottage as she waited for the idiot that was supposed to be here about ten minutes ago but was already running late.

She wasn't exactly the most patient person in the world and knowing just how terribly he has been on her nerves as of late, she hoped she would have the self control to hold herself back from lashing out at him and getting caught.

The fact that she was out this late at night was simply because the idiots she had assigned a simple assignment failed to carry it out and now she has no other choice but to warn them against lurking around so they don't end up ruining everything.

A hiss from behind Sheila distracted her from her thoughts and she immediately turns and spots the idiot that had been delaying her.

"We agreed on a set time you idiot! What the hell is wrong with you?" She hissed harshly at him.


"You know what, scratch that. What happened to the bitch? Why isn't she dead like I asked? I specifically told you to kill her and don't hurt him but she came back just fine you fools! Are you telling me that six of you couldn't even do one thing right? Really?" She hisses, trying as much as she could to avoid yelling.

She hated the fact that Kira and Damien had spent the entire night together courtesy of her plan that these idiots had failed to execute properly. She didn't want any kind of relationship or friendship to blossom between them because she knew just how strong the mate bond was and how dangerous it would be for her if they got any closer. Damien might be in love with her now but those feelings could be short lived if Kira doesn't disappear once and for all.

"Apologies Sheila but she isn't exactly easy to handle." The voice replied calmly and Sheila sighs.

"She's an ordinary werewolf you idiot! How strong could she possibly be? There were six of you against her so you had better not try to make excuses with me. It's the same stupid mistake Teko made. I asked for the guards to be killed but not to the point where you had to make it so obvious that it wasn't the bitch's doing. What is wrong with you guys and not understanding simple instructions?" She hissed in irritation, recalling how everything she had planned in the last week had fallen apart completely.

"We apologize Sheila." The voice replies and Sheila had enough already.

"Instead of apologising for being a fool, how about you try to correct your mistakes huh? Kira shouldn't be alive so the next time I give you the green light to go at her, you better do it and you better do it right this time. Also, you had better make sure you all don't make it obvious that werewolves are not behind her death. We cannot afford to get caught just yet, do you understand?" She instructed.

"Understood." The voice replied, turning his back and leaving immediately.

Sheila looked around to be one hundred percent sure no one had overheard them. She doubted they'd be anyone around though since absolutely no one came around the old cottage especially not by this time since the cottage was allegedly cursed and no one liked to be around the place.

She successfully found her way back to the main quarters and contemplated on whether or not to visit Damien's room but seeing as he had not even bothered to check on her in the last few days or even bother to tell her when he left the pack to investigate the death of his men. She had to find out from Olivia that he was leaving the pack with Kira and that definitely did not sit well with her.

She spotted him from afar discussing with Draco and as much as she wanted to approach him, she just could not bring herself to do it so instead, she chose to walk away, go back to her room and think of a way to get rid of the obstacle between herself and Damien, Kira.


"You two fought again?"Marianne asked, not exactly surprised by the fact that they did but wasn't exactly expecting another fight so soon.

"The idiot walked in on me while I was naked and he couldn't even apologize to me properly. Instead, he ended up insulting me and comparing my body to Draco's. Can you imagine the audacity?" Kira hissed and Marianne immediately broke into loud guffaws.

"Why the fuck are you laughing Marianne, it's not funny?" Kira snapped, not finding anything about the situation with Damien funny at all. She still hadn't gotten over how embarrassed she felt earlier.

"I'm so sorry Kira but oh my goodness, really? He said that? Oh shit!" Marianne muttered in betweens laughs and Kira stared back at her with an intense frown on her face.

"Are you indirectly telling me he isn't wrong? Do I really have Draco's body?" Kira asked in a child-like voice that cracked Marianne up even more.

"Of course not! Why would you even think that? Girl, you're so fucking beautiful and I'm not even lying cause I like you. I'm pretty sure Alpha Damien only said that because he was being loyal to Miss Sheila cause believe me, your body looks nothing like Draco's." Marianne assures her and Kira immediately throws her a knowing look.

"You know, I'm beginning to suspect that a lot more has happened between you guys and you're not telling me about it." Kira replied but Marianne quickly disregards her insinuation.

"I thought we were talking about you sweetie, why are you trying to switch subjects? Anyways, to clear your doubt, absolutely nothing has ever happened between Draco and I, he's a very loyal man and he doesn't even know I like him and he'll never know cause I'll never tell and you'll never tell as well." She tells Kira who simply nods but obviously wasn't buying it.

"Okay Marianne, if you say so." Kira drawled with a sly smile.

"What do you plan on doing about your situation with Alpha Damien now? You two need to eventually settle all of this." Marianne said and Kira sighed.

"Honestly Marianne, I think for my sanity and peace of mind, I'll stay as far away as I can from that perverted bastard. I know it's almost impossible since we're working together but I'll try as much as I can to keep things strictly formal with him and stay the fuck away from his sorry ass." Kira responded, getting sick and tired of dealing with the back and forth between herself and Damien.

Marianne sighed. "That's what you both say till the exact opposite happens. He is your mate Kira and no matter how much you guys push yourselves away, there will definitely be a force of attraction winning at the end."

"What are you talking about for Pete's sake?" Kira asked. If there was one thing Kira noticed about Marianne, it's that she liked to talk but she's rarely ever straightforward at first.

"The moon goddess doesn't do the mate shit without reason. She knows exactly what suits each and everyone of us and I tell you Kira, one of these days, you'll come to understand what I'm saying." Marianne replied and Kira couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I can't wait for the day I'll finally understand why I'm stuck with him but for now, I'll try not to think too much about his relevance cause I have a lot more things to worry about." Kira said and Marianne chuckled.

"If you say so. I'm going to bed now cause asides being your assistant, I'm also a freaking guard and a defense strategist and I don't think I get paid enough for all this work." Marianne said jokingly, stretching her hands and yawning slightly.

"Keep pushing big sis!" Kira teased and Marianne rolled her eyes before bidding her goodnight and leaving the room.

It was night time and Kira felt disturbed and uncomfortable for some reasons. The place she resided was quite isolated and it sometimes felt weird having to stay alone in such a huge room. She got up from bed and decided to take a walk outside of her room.

She walked outside and sat down on the corridor as she watched the stars. Her eyes moved to the moon and she whispered, "Moon goddess, hi, it's me again. Just wanted to report to you. I'm getting even more confused now and if you are looking down at me right now, please help me out. I need some kind of clue to move forward."

She closed her eyes as she took in a deep breath. She couldn't sleep no matter how much she wanted to. She stood up from the corridor in an attempt to go back into her room and force herself to sleep but she's immediately distracted by a weird sound.

Her ears flared up as she tried pinpointing where the sound came from. She began to walk very slowly as she moved towards the direction of the sound.

She paused when she spotted an old looking door with its windows covered in dust and cobwebs.

She has been staying in this area for quite a while now but she had never noticed a room like this or maybe it was because she never really attempted to leave the area she was told to reside.

She wanted to simply ignore and go find the direction the sound she had heard came from but strangely, she couldn't hear the sound anymore.

"This whole place is just creepy as fuck." She muttered to herself, not exactly surprised.

She made an attempt to go back to her room but her curiosity got the best of her as she thought of checking out what could be behind that old looking door that looked like it had been left there on its own for years.

She could tell the place wasn't developed compared to other places in the pack and she couldn't help but wonder why. She knew it wasn't any of her business but she still wanted to find out why they chose to abandon the room.

Gently, she pushed the door open with as much strength as she could muster just incase it was stuck but to her surprise, the door was already so weak to the point were little to no effort was needed to push it open and since she had used a good amount of force, it actually fell off.

She was a bit startled by the sound it made but she immediately dismissed her fear.

It was so dark inside that she could barely make out anything and as much as she wanted to leave, something kept pushing her to stay and slowly, she made her way inside the room.

She coughed as she got further into the room. Everywhere was dusty and she could barely see a thing.

She walked out of the old room and back to get room to go get herself a flashlight. When she got back into the old room, she switched it on and went further into the room. She looked around and could see the place was quite dusty and dirty and the roof seemed to be falling off as well..

She noticed that the walls already had so many crack lines and the entire place could collapse at any time. Something weird caught her attention and when she moved closer, there were two big stones carved and shaped in the form of a wolf facing each other. She walked towards the two stone wolves and she coughed when she bent down to take a closer look at it.

She noticed there were some writings on it and she immediately could tell that this building had been in existence for way too long and it probably used to be an old office or a library of some sort.

She wiped the dust on a stone carved wolf and tried reading what was written on it but she couldn't pick out the words as the writings were quite small and it seemed like the words were no longer the same anymore. She decided to leave as the room was starting to really creep her out but she slipped and fell, almost hitting her face on the carved stone wolves and causing other items to also fall.

She groaned in pain.

After a while of trying to gather herself together, she stood up but just as she did, her hands felt something underneath them. She furrowed her brows in confusion as she picked up the wooden item in her hands. From her knowledge, she could tell it was a papyrus.

"Well look what we have here." She muttered to herself as she quickly opened it.

As soon as she opens it, she uses her eyes to read through and something quite interesting immediately catches her attention.

'The Redmoon pack, the Silvermoon pack and the Crystalmoon pack' all three pack names were written together on one line causing her curiosity to be immediately peaked.

"This should be interesting." She muttered to herself, paying attention to the scroll and reading through it.