
The Fate System

When Lucious Grey dies a slow death in a dungeon, he thought that would be the end. But fate had other plans. Now, in the useless body of a minor antagonist from his favourite novel, Lucious must do whatever he can to quickly rise in power For the fate of the world depends on it. ------------------------ Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/46xHNXThKd Notice: there will be some strong language and adult themes

Reldy_XD · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 61- A green menace part 1

The following day, Lucious and Liara had been discussing their plan going forward.

They both wanted, needed, to get stronger for different reasons that managed to involve each other.

Together, the duo decided they should stay in Oura for another month to increase their rank at the adventurers guild. This would allow Lucious to collect a short stock of stat and skill points.

It would also give him time to fulfil his obligations to Sienna.

With most of my stats at the peak, maybe its time for me to advance to the second stage. Perception and charm are the only two falling behind. Lucious mused as he finished looking over his and Liara's stats.

He then turned his attention to Loa, the blue feathered snow bird perched on Liara's shoulder and smirked.

She was just as small as ever, however, it's strength had been developing at a steady rate over the past few days.

Seems she is warming up to me at long last. Lucious recalled the events of the past few days and surpressed a chuckle at the monster's antics.

Whenever he tried to touch or pet Loa, she would respond with violence. Though her strength couldn't harm Lucious or Liara, the unprompted aggressiveness towards him was slightly irritating.

Even when Liara told Loa off for pecking and scratching Lucious, she would continue doing it.

However, once Loa saw that Lucious was the one providing it with monster cores, and not her master Liara, all aggressive behaviour quickly stopped.

Rather than warming up to Lucious, it was more accurate to say she understood that attacking the one feeding you is a bad idea.

"Lucious, I've accepted another quest for us. I think you'll like this one." Liara smiled as she reached into her pouch and presented it.

"Eliminate the goblins attacking the F'azrain village." Lucious read aloud while inspecting the sheet of paper.

Why does she always think I'll enjoy the elimination quests? Lucious couldn't help but smile as he folded the paper.

He thought that perhaps she viewed him as a battle loving junkie who loved to fight... in which case she was partially right. There was nothing more thrilling that the sound of the system telling him of his increase in strength. Each increase, a small step closer to his former power before his death.

However, what he failed to realise was the slightly larger reward at the bottom of the page. The same reward that Liara had used to guide her decision when choosing the quest in his place.

Most battle themed quests had a higher reward than those of gathering and other none battle themes, as you're more likely to die.

By sheer coincidence, whenever Lucious picks multiple quests within the same area to stockpile points in his system, they all involved fighting monsters in one way or another.

As a result, Liara had drawn the conclusion that Lucious favoured the quests with a higher reward.

Despite their small misunderstanding, the duo shared a grin for different reasons and decided to set out for their hunt.

Using lightning step to traverse the distance in a shortened time, the two arrived at F'azrain village within the hour.

Traces of the previous attack could still be seen as villagers were repairing broken fences. The air also carried a faint scent of burnt wood and charcoal as soot marks were leading towards the edge of the city.

Guessing they've already dealt with most of the damage. Lucious could hear crying in the distance, a testament to how dangerous life could be in this world for those without power.

"This is terrible." Liara couldn't help but voice her thoughts as she looked around the village. A thick gloomy tension hung in the air, so much so that she didn't dare approach anyone lest she somehow further upset them.

Everyone present, excluding herself and Lucious, had lost something or someone precious to them, and approaching them now just didn't feel right to her.

"This is the way of the world. Those without power are left defenceless and at the mercy of those with power." Lucious exclaimed while searching for whomever was in charge. Though sympathetic to those who lost someone dear to them, he was here as an adventurer and couldn't afford to let his emotions control his actions.

Hearing his cold statement brought out a rare emotion in Liara as she angrily glared at him.

"How could you say something so heartless?" She retorted with unrestrained anger. Her hands balled up into fists and her face contorted.

Memories of her life in the castle began to resurface. Her lack of any magic talent, in a family of magic prodigies, was a hot topic among servants and staff.

However, it was her very family that protected her from their gossip and subtle mocking gazes. The day after the whispers and mockery, the ones who partook would mysteriously go missing, and yet nobody within her family would issue a search or investigation. She knew they had a hand in it, likely firing them as a result.

"People with strength are supposed to protect those without. They shouldn't have to be defenceless or at anyone's mercy." Her temper flared and her breathing became rugged, causing those around her to stare.

They didn't know what had happened, but they knew she was angry on their behalf and offered sympathetic smiles to her.

"The strong aren't obligated to protect anyone. If they choose to do so, then it'll be of their volition. Such is the way of the world." Lucious replied with an indifferent shrug.

People act with their own interest at heart, for their own benefit. Even now, Lucious and Liara were here to complete a quest in exchange for money and system points.

Liara's naive way of thinking could get her killed one day, and Lucious wanted to make sure she understood that, even if it meant he came across as cruel.

"The only thing we can be absolutely sure of, is power. People can do as they please so long as they have the power to back it up."

Though she refused to agree with him, she clicked her tongue and looked towards the man who had nervously stepped forth, dropping the issue entirely.

"Forgive my interruption, but are the two of you perhaps here about the guild request?"

He was a rather portly lupine man with grey furred ears and tail. However, his pupils were a little white, indicating his partial blindness.

A large wooden stick was nestled in his left hand that acted as a walking stick.

Lucious decided to take charge and talk on their behalf as Liara was still visibly angry.

"We are, which direction did they retreat to?" Lucious asked, intending on taking the flight straight to the goblins.

After receiving the necessary directions, the duo retreated from the village in search of the goblins.

They didn't have to go far before locating their tracks, along with drag marks.

"Looks like the goblins have taken captives. They only do that when they have a den to keep them in. Could be dealing with more than just a few troublemaking goblins."

A scowl crossed his face as he hastened his steps. He knew that goblin dens were a breeding ground, typically led by hobgoblins.

From the information gathered, it sounded as though it was newly established, and shouldn't house more than a couple dozen goblins and one or two hobgoblins.

Unaware of what lied in wait within a goblin den, quickened her own pace to keep up with a slightly confused expression.

"Wait for me!" she called out while breaking into a small jog, her pace slower than his.

Entering the deepest part of the forest, the sunlight faded above the canopy, creating a dark and gloomy atmospher despite being early in the morning.

Several goblins could be seen standing guard to the entrance of a cave. In their hands were rusty looking swords, so much so that they looked as though they'd be useless in a fight.

"Guess we found their den." Lucious whispered to Liara, before instructing her to deal with them both.

She was more than capable of dealing with a few weak goblins and so he let her gain the necessary experience.

However, Liara instead opted for a stealthy approach and fired two ice arrows simultaneously, killing them both at the same time.

"I...guess that works too." Lucious said with a slightly surprised tone.

He hadn't expected her to kill them from their current location as they were almost two hundred feet away.

(A/N: Roughly 60 metres away)

A beginner level spell would inevitably loose the strength behind it, making it impractical to attempt to fight with at such range.

Nonetheless, her attack found their mark in the centre of their foreheads, causing both goblins to be knocked off their feet as the life faded from their eyes.

Impressive, teach her a few more spells and she will surpass me in no time. Lucious grinned and made his way to the den with Liara in tow.

"Nice shot, now stay close." He remarked while storing their bodies into his inventory.

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