
The Fate Ridden Survivalist

A well build society has a very strict standard of quality, Wen Jin was cast out because of his talent. He has failed to awaken his talent, but fate says otherwise! "Who the stupid bastard who made you this way!" The Golden Dragon sighed. (Maybe i can used this human to get me out of here! But if i awaken his power will he be ungrateful? What if he refuse? What is he like?) "hmm! i better wait for you to awake then!" A Year later.. "Who the heck are you!" The level 8 Leng's family spiritualist screamed, his body was broken up by Wen Jin. "I am his grandson, are you deaf or stupid? Brain damage? You are pretending to be stupid so i don't tried to take advantage of you! Don't you worry i never take advantage of a beggar who want to blackmail my family for money, shame on you! I know you are as broke as shit! Go eat trash!" Wen Jin. "You! There is no one as strong as you amongst the Liu's! Who are you!" The man demanding answers. "Shut the fuck up! I told you, i am his grandson! Figure out yourself you don't deserve my explanation! Go eat trash or i am gonna make you eat the shit that my beast made! He is stone element his shit is hard to digest!" Wen Jin.

Egi_Dio · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs


"Baihu!" Wen Jin suddenly appeared on the white tiger temple.

"What brings you here?" Baihu.

"One of the family near your western barrier was looking for a battle spirit beast, i owe them a favor and their a chance the spiritualist that going to contracted the spirit beast going to be a future family of mine!" Wen Jin.

"Battle spirit beast, hmm!" Baihu.

"I'll bring it one myself!" Wen Jin bring his own cage that he borrowed from Hongfa.

"Actually there is one, but i don't know how to deal with it!" Baihu a bit worried.

"Tell me what is the problem, if it was too hard i'll go hunt by myself in the dark land, with your permission of course!" Wen Jin smiled.

"Well.." Baihu started to tell a story.

The story involved Fuxi and Nuwa, at the creation of the world there is a mulberry tree of Fusang that stands so high it's branch reach the heaven, on the branch lived ten three legged crows that was contained the power of one suns. On the sky at that time, the ten three legged crow would takes turn to shine the world, the crows like to eat immortality grass that was growing lush in the one of the valley in the earth realm, the archer god Houyi does not like the crows coming down to earth realm to feast on the grass. He tried to forbid the crows, but the crows fight back! The three legged crows was a direct descendants of the phoenix and the sun god! Ignoring the warning that Houyi sets upon the restrictions, all ten of the crows went landing on the earth realm, their power almost burn the earth, ten suns was too much! With vigilant Houyi the archer god shoot down the crows to saved the earth and spare only one for the world (that is why only one sun, originally there was ten!).

The single three legged crow misses the other nine, on the lower branch of the mulberry tree there is another normal crow that was uncommon spirit beast, the color of the crow was dark red "blood feathered crows". The three legged crows always come to the branch at night and eggs was conceived, whole new golden sun crows was hatched, Houyi found out! In fear of the safety of the world, he again exterminate the golden sun crows to their last living offspring, death was all there was left from their predecessor the blood feathered crows lost their red and became black so they would only be seen at daylight, at night the three legged crow could not find them! (That was why all crow are black feathered).

"Or Houyi thinks he has eliminate all of the three legged crow descendants! However all spirit beast share their own ancestor bloodline, sometimes an imbalance on the natural order does let a stronger bloodline to surfaced!" Baihu.

"The last of the golden sun crow?" Wen Jin.

"Not quite, this one is rather odd, black feathered, had a fire element, but not quite as strong as the sun!" Baihu.

"So it's just a normal black feathered crow spirit beast that has mastered a fire element attack!" Wen Jin was lost to see the connections of the said special crows.

"At first that was what i thought!" Baihu.

"Okay! Humor me!" Wen Jin got interested.

"This crow has three legs!" Baihu.

"!" Wen Jin.

"And it's growth was amazing, it has only living for 20 years but has reach a quarter deity cultivation! I am afraid i had to handle this right otherwise Houyi the archer god would lose his temper again against the three legged crow! Anyway it's a farfetched assumption, buy i have no other choice, you should contracted with the fate of a human to concealed it's true nature! Imagine if the crow manage to hatch a tribe of black feathered three legged crows! It would be catastrophic!" Baihu.

"Hey! This is sounded like a quest!" Wen Jin suddenly burst Baihu bubbles!

"No it was not! You asked first!" Baihu.

"Alright i would do it, but honestly can you give me something useful as a reward?" Wen Jin was crossing his finger while half tone saying the shameless plead.

"Hahaha! You brat! Alright since i was the most generous celestial protector with the most treasured artifacts and skills! What do you need?" Baihu.

"Honestly i do not know, i was planning going to this sealed small world that was on the northern side.." Suddenly Baihu change his tone.

"The evil underground garden!" Baihu.

"What you know about it?" Wen Jin.

"It takes a strong mental defense to break evil influence! Let me dig into my vaults mean while take care of the crow first, this is it last known locations!" Baihu sent the knowledge into Wen jin's mind.

"Got it! I'll settle this quickly!" Wen Jin teleported.

On the border of the west, inside a nest a three legged black crow was playing with a crystal core, it's like to collect shiny things this time it was a core of a hundred years spirit three tailed fox that it successfully killed, the fox was a high tier beast, the core size was at very condensed level.

"That is a very good beast core! Too bad you are not compatible with it!" Wen Jin appeared at it's side suddenly, the crows flew out of it's nest!

"Caw!" It condensed a fire on it's claws, slashing at the source of the voice, but there is nothing there!

"You are jumpy!" Wen Jin appeared once more beside it!

"Caw!" It attacked with a wing slash, the attack missed and slashed a quite thick branch in one strike!

(Wen Jin smiled, right now he was using his soul skill, his real body was almost two miles away!)

The crow was a giant bird, with six feet tall body and eight feet long, with a fourteen feet wingspan!

(A well suited equal to Wen siang Bifang bird!)

Wen Jin stopped harassing the crow, he got back to his body and summoned the three Rui Shi!

Da shi would be the bait, since it was also a fire element beast, the Rui Shi was only half a level above the Crow cultivation but half a level at high tier was a large gap!

"Burst!" A fire breath was streaming from the crow's mouth! Da Shi keep dodging the stream of fire, the tree was burnt crisp!

Several earth spikes was thrown into the crow's position, the crow agile movement able to dodge the spikes. The crow attention was distracted at the ground a large golden fur lion dog was taunting it!

(How dare you mangy dog!)

The crow lunge towards the lion dog with flaming triple fire claws! "Caw!"

But before the crow had it's claws into the target a surge of lightning bolts jolted and almost bringing it down to the ground!

Fu shi attack was executed with impeccable timing, but the crow was strong!

(Damn! It was stronger than i thought!)

Wen Jin frowned "Celestial fist!" He condensed a level 7 celestial energy into his fist! "BOOM!" The punch strike into the crow's side body tipping his flight and immediately grounded it into the ground falling like a rock!

"BLAM!" It was on the ground, but Fu Shi attempted another lightning strike "BZRRT!" The crow was stunned! "BAM!" Xiao Shi quickly pinned it down utilizing his body size!

It tried to spit some fireballs but Da Shi slapped the fireballs and routed the attack! "BAM!" Xiao Shi stepped again on the crow's head! Rendering it almost unconscious!

Wen Jin open the cage artifact he borrowed from Hongfa, casting the formation that activated the cage. The casting was slow not as fast as Hongfa, but anyone can see with the crow's condition now, even with spelling the heavenly runic formation one letters at a time, will definitively catch it without failed!

"Imprison! Freeze!" The cage manage to hold the crow, Wen Jin also froze the crow!

"Okay rest up everyone! Good hassle!" Wen Jin flattered the Rui Shi trio.

He walked into the crow's nest to pillage the nest!

He found several junk objects, several shiny body parts of spirit beast (ewh!) The best was a some kind of glowing seeds and the high tier one hundred years three tailed fox core!

He put the seed and the core in his storage ring!

At the temple, Baihu was just coming out from his artifact vaults.

"Ah! Good just in time! Have you finish the job?" Baihu.

"Of course!" Wen Jin show Baihu the captured three legged crow!

"Good! Know the reward! But before i give you this artifact i want to asked questions!" Baihu.

(The questioning takes several minutes, the Baihu was a bit worried leaving an important piece of his creations in a human hand!)

"Alright then! You can have one of them choose!" In front of Wen Jin there are two different functions protection artifacts!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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