

It was the famous blood betrayal by Generals that bought the War of Karterina and destroyed the Old Empire of Sun and the Moon. All the Royals were killed in this bloody war but an heir of true blood remains hidden in dark lands of Mirk wood , Safe and secure from the world of court and men. But Fate and Destiny are cunning in their work and have set work in motion, Sun and Moon both sing in harmony and send message to their messiah but is he ready? Will he be able to get past deception and betrayals of the past to the throne which calls him since day he was born ?

sarthak_gajbhiye · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

It took Timothy a lot of time to get to his cave in beneath the mountains beside the forest , today's dinner has to be deer and rabbit roasted over a fire with berries ,leaves and a few woods with pleasant smell (Cinnamon).

It was a very good day where he got food before he was dead with hunger in morning. It's been a long time since his sister died of tiredness of keeping him alive while he was old enough but streams , yellow sweet (honey), and food were all to boring for him to be in about.

He had longed for his sister to play and joke around with him . But as state it goes he was all alone in this place she called woods of ancients.He wanted to go beyond the forests but she had stopped him telling the tales of backstabbing men outside of this forest and he had promised he won't go but he still wants to go , meet people , see other beings other than plants , animals and his sister's drawing on cave wall.

He was growing restless with days when the ambition of his will took control and he set out

For outside world, but had collapse when after years of living he encountered a night without shelter and he was caught in a rain.

Trying to use leaf he went to a hut through window and sat near fire when exhaustion took him in deep slumber.

" Hey wake up"

Something was loud near his ear he was frightened,when he saw a guy of his height and was curious so he hanged the other one by his legs.

When a older man and lady came , they were horrified at the sight while the girl looked excited at sight of her brother being hanged by legs, Swaying like a cat on booze.

" Pl keep the boy down will you" The man said

Tim did as asked and then he picked the girl in hand lightly , the boy screamed in fear after being picked but the girl seems fine and was laughing in his hands like a giggling doll of laughter.

The man and woman looked very surprised and amazed their girl never was this brazen in front of their relatives but laughed after being picked by a poor slum boy.

There was the woman and man , the boy looked at them curiously as if observing new found alien species of outer space not humans.

The woman and man were perplexed at being stared at like that but we're still not moving like the boy James was , he seems frightened at the approach of the boy while girl wanted to be swung in air again by a nearly naked boy with fascinating strength for a small malnourished body.

Timothy found himself being also looked at as if he was strange but was confused because he was of opinion that they were strange not him.

He then took the apple that was offered to him , he took out a knife , cut it into pieces and gave one to girl who looked like a laughing doll while the boy had run away the moment he saw the blade while man and woman were left shocked yet pleased with his manners.

AFTER 4 years

Timothy now lived with the Simpson Family as a brother from dead relatives so that villagers do not demean him as a bastard from from a wench or a whore to make matters worse.

The Girl Elaine was now a stunning lady of village sought out by males as if meat by a starving wild animal, while Gerald the freaky or rather the frightened boy her brother had turned into a muscled young man with good sword skills and aspired to be one of holy knights but truth be told the dream was a fallacy as he was scared even of a small lizard how can he be a holy knight.

Timothy on the other hand was a handsome boy of rich manners and kind hearted soul found to be unfit for work but rather good in literature and accounts.

He had by 14 finished all the books in library, mastered variety of dishes , names of places and was master with account and numbers like they were his childhood buddies. Yet his sister who lay dead in Mirk wood was not paid homage to for a long time , he wanted to go there but Elaine will not hear a word of it.

Timothy by this time had forgotten all his rough attire unique to forest dweller but they still lingered here and there but we're mostly ignored as in cities we do not have much use of them either way. He now was a charming gentleman with a tongue like honey A and knowledge like a deep sea put anything in it he will have something give out irrespective of wheather he knows of it or not.

But profoundly of this reason he is also mostly sought out in village for advice and for answers to problems unsolved by the elders of the village.

AFTER 2 more years

It was Timothy and Elaine's coming of age , also Geralds but he had gone to capital for his knighthood training so only two of them were being celebrated.

It was a charming evening duely setting to darker hues of night to outlet cycle of 24 hours. To describe cycle of day and night both as 1 day I find it quite not right towards night so thereoff it will be 24 hour not convenient or conventional yet correct.

Reading and deep in books was Timothy.

" Ahh Tim you are again reading those books of philosophy, why waste on this garbage, also I saw you reading literature of Greeks and Romans they are barbarians on horses why do read of them" Said Estella, a girl of narrow understanding and deep follower of classicals, a firm believer that men should be doing rough and tough work like knights or mining or building or farming but reading and such were works of rake men.

Timothy smiled at her but didn't answer and kept on reading , he found her remarks quite hilarious as to replying he found no need to do it. Silence is best answer to these people as their beliefs are deep rooted and will not be shaken even after death so either way she will not change or even with a righteous of a reasoned person will give his words a try so but these blind classicals well will have none of it , they fancy themselves or rather propagate themselves as righteous being or messiahs of mother earth just let it slide.

" Well what will an illiterate like you will know the benefits of reading literature for once and second it needs a brain for one to understand but in your case it seems quite difficult with with a chronic absence of brain or its other functioning" Elaine answered her in a honest tone as if serious.

Timothy and few others were laughing trying quite hard to hold out from bursting out in laughter while Estella had gone completely red in face with tears of humiliation which threatened to come out on occasion.

"Well well Elaine do not rude she is our guest"

Timothy tried to keep Estella but Elaine had no such plans.

" Well she is not a proper guest , either way I was just stating the facts of matter , she is illerate and has no brains , you know Timmy I don't lie , it's bad to lie even if..."

At this point Estella ran out the hut like her life depended on it. Timmy sighed like always and gave Elaine a look of a elder like she was caught doing something bad, while Elaine looked him in eye with a crooked mischief straight written on her eyes like a fire blazing through.

CAPITAL' Octagram

It was Geralds tenth day of training with his coming of age ceremony held with a few other rookies while he knew he missed his pies and pork but he had to or try to look satisfied as this was all his choice.

His choices were heavily critical and we're mostly out his own inferiority complex he bore whenever he was met with Timothy his adopted brother ,who was liked therein by everyone for his wit ,wisdom and calm kind composed behaviour.

He all his life has being in Timothy's shadow but now he was free of Timothy and his shadow, he was a person here who had a voice and a being , a existence here.

Mother was kind soul and she took the orphan shivering kid who had come to their house on behest of warmth as her own to raise the moment he has saved her from a beast near river while Dad took his time adjusting to a new unknown orphan but yet was quite agreeable to him in the end , let's not talk of Elaine she was mad in need , want, love call it whatever you liked but he was her favourite since the moment he entered the hut, she cried for when young Tim had left after washing up ,she wailed , shouted and kept sulking till he came back with mom to live them.

Tim had strength , stealth and also the brain of strategic genius , all his friends with girls were instantly smiteen with him while I (Gerald ) had been sidelined like a waste or uninteresting object thrown by toddlers after they were bored with it.

But here there was or never will be any Timothy to snatch his centre position he had worked for. He had worked all this year's for a escape to a place where he will looked at for him being himself.

Gerald was again soaked in sweat from top to bottom as he did everyday , he trained like in hell for someone who had to surpass someone he needed to put that effort for not letting others do what had happened to him in academy, home and test, in all three he had being bested by Tim but now Tim chose the path of books while he chose swords. No comparison a book reader whatever he does cannot match the honour or a place of a knight.

He was sometimes startled to think a fighter Swift and powerful as Timothy will choose path of books not knights but was then cosiled by his own selfish intention of now taking his place ,honour and centre , as occupied by Tim now but won't be in future.

Just wait Tim I am coming for what's mine.