
The Fate of Ice and Fire

Axel /Allen/joanathan is the youngest in family he is protected and loved fiercely but he craves risk, blood and mystery and path of adventure. Isabella is girl with traumatic past which results in her being looked down by her family and peers she craves power and authority to live like a normal teen. What will happen when their fates intervine? what will happen when these two share their trauma and passion? Find answers to these questions in this dark tale of power, ambition ,love ,lust ,war and bloodshed .

Sarthak_Gajbhiye · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 6.1 Narratives of revenge and blood


It was getting more and more dangerous around the world now different heretic sorcery practitioners were being seen and were hanged by the decree of kings all aound.

It was blood and blood all around as being labelled as useless and fool I was ignored by my family and also the Institute had no hopes. But due to laws I had be called to ceremony and given my place due to the Royal blood.

I sat and heard everything but acted like I was iny own world irritating the heck out of everyone.

Today every powerful man and most powerful one our headmaster also was there. Suddenly he took out a sword and attacked I block it with a hidden knife in the robe. Everyone was shocked to see me blocking such a fast attack.

But I had no time to cover up my mistake as headmaster went on attacking and I went on blocking.

He kept on attacking and we moved all around the place it was getting hard keeping up and my skilled arms were aching for a grand show.

I finally gave in and masterfully beagan attacking him in return I used new techniques and my newly strengthened arms were able to make cut on him and he was shocked and impressed by these innovative fight.

The other had just become stone statues. But this fight was a mistake as these moves broke my back scar open and it's pain was unbearable the headmaster caught me before I fell and was very sad seeing my scar.

And I lost consciousness in his arms.


Not a nice way to faint in a battle is it but it was my limit I can say seems like I took the act to a very high level than I should have.

My elder brother was there he was the most sympathetic and kind one of us also good with medicine and conversations.

" You are away brother" he said

I tried to sit up but the pain that shot up in my back prevented me from

doing so.

" Don't try to, the wound is very deep and your body isis wounded beyond anything, it is your luck that you are still alive '

Not luck my determination I said to myself.

" Why didn't you say about this at home ,to see you like this it pains me "

He was truly hurt and very sad at this ordeal.

I tried to answer but gave up I didn't have the energy nor a good alternative answer to present. My father came in he was proud so was my eldest brother and heir to the king. My younger ones were also jolly and idolised me now . The sister were also prideful of my achievements.


Recovery was dull and painful as I had to eat healthy food and bitter medicines that I dislike even now. It took me 4 weeks ro fully recover and I was given extra vitamins to power up.

The Headmaster called me in the day I joined.

I entered his room, it was filled with books from wall to wall all books it was so rich in aroma and vibes that it gave the aura of knowledge and power to well to be ignored even by a fool.

I went for the knowledge first and kept on looking at them I sat at a small table and began reading it kept me engrossed till I fell asleep there itself.

It was certainly midnight when woke in my room again it seems like his insistence on meeting me will break he has been comming to infirmary for me but I always slept or acted dumb and said I don't remember anything.

My family, I made sure that they think it was all a bluff of pain and meds nothing else. The pride and all dissolved not completely but with time it did.

The exams came up I had keep up with my brother for 30 mins atleast or I would be expelled so I did He was full on shocked and was angry that I was easily dodging him. Now it is selection time I will be seen by by other top universities to be taken by them now I can play a bit.

Many people selected me but I chose the worst university obviously proving to all that I am a idiot it was college with no base and that goes with worst of the students.