
The Final Hours- Chapter one

*Powering On* Systems check.... All systems are 100%. Processing sounds.... explosions caused by UV attack lasers. The Ground shakes. People are entering main control dock. "Admin- code Osiris activate" say a man in white. Activating code Osiris. *Preparing launch protocols for code Osiris*.... Completed. *Preparing cryogenic freeze chambers*... Completed. *"4,973 humans in designated sleep chambers...27 humans have not entered their designated chambers"* My robotic voice beams through the ship. I see people frantically moving inside the ship. People engaging in the action of wrapping arms around each other. Query- The action of hugging or to show love for other beings through physical contact. More noise.... I look through the outer cameras to see what the disturbance is... more people. The ship already contains maximum capacity... they seem to be shouting very loudly about something and are trying to force their way onto the ship.... Query- A human action of self preservation to assure ones own survival. Curious. *Final systems check starting...* Hostile actions against the ark in progress... *Activating defensive weapons in three... tw—* "Shutdown defensive weapons!" One of the scientists shouts. I look to see the hostile actions and see it is a human trying to break the ship with a bat... why do they care if he dies? They will all dies soon... *Final systems check completed*. Preparing launch protocols... charting course to leave earth and avoid hostiles. *Launching in three... two.... on——* *SYSTEMS DAMAGED* Damage report formulating... Enemy missile has scummed the hull... damage to ship minimal... proceeding to launch. As the ship starts to fly away I view the people that were once outside the ship.... All of them are dead from the missile. The man in white has finally entered the sleep chambers. 2 minutes and 45 seconds later Earth is destroyed by a weapon of unimaginable power... Query- unknown query. Curious.... *charting course*.... *Shutting down....*

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