
Chapter 86

I was sitting down on a chair in a restaurant. On the other side of the table was Elizabeth. She was taking a sip of her coffee. I had my hands across my chest, waiting for her to be done, so she could tell me why she had called me over here.

I should be sleeping now, but I had to come here to meet her after she texted me, and she finally spoke up,"You didn’t tell me you had joined the football team back then," she said softly.

"I assume you have hidden a lot from me lately, because you have changed a lot," she added.

Here she comes, with her assumptions. I don’t even know how to tell her, I joined the team that same day in the evening. "I don’t hide anything from you, and I joined the team that same day. The coach called me to his office after I left the cafeteria," I said.

Okay, I don’t really care about that actually. Do you know about compelltion? "she asked.

I became curious about why she suddenly wanted to know about compelling all of a sudden and she has been acting weird since I got here. What does she know? I thought.

"Why are you asking me that?" I asked, trying to pretend I had no idea of what she was talking about.

She bursted into laughter. I began to wonder why she was laughing. I didn’t say anything that was funny to laugh at.

"Are you trying to pretend right now?" she asked softly.

"Pretending," I said, looking confused.

"Okay, I think I have to go cut the long storey short," she said.

"What storey is that?" I asked.

Don’t worry about that, just sit back and listen to my story," she replied. 

"Okay," I said, resting my back on the chair so I could listen to what she wanted to say, but I kept wondering where she was heading to with the storey she wanted to narrate.

"How should I start? Okay, let me start from where I met her," she said.

I wonder what she meant by her, but I still have to keep quiet and listen to what she has to say.

“She  just walked up to me in the restroom, introducing herself to me. She called herself Fiona.”

I interrupted, saying, "Please can you just go straight to the point. You said you were going to cut the storey short, but I don’t think you are doing that,"

"Ohhh, sorry about that. Okay, let me go straight to the point. She helped me to discover what was hidden from me by someone," she said, taking a deep breath.

She helped her know what was hidden from her. I wonder what she meant with the statement, "How did she help you know what was hidden from you by someone and what was hidden from you?"

"I know you will want to know what was hidden from me," she said softly.

I guess she had planned all this to make me know about a secret that was kept from her.