
Chapter 75


I was jogging down the street early in the morning. It had been a while since I had gone out to work out. I had my earpiece in my ear, listening to my favorite song. I jogged and passed in front of Elizabeth's house.


"Good morning, Mrs. Campbell," I said, greeting her, and she replied,After "Morning Adam," while I jogged off, I stopped at the garden to take a short rest before heading home.


The garden was a little bit filled up because some other people had also stopped at the garden just like I did. They stopped to either rest, exercise in groups to burn their fat, or so on. I finally sighted a free space to sit in the garden.


I walked briskly towards the space before someone sat on it. I got there and sat down, breathing heavily. I put my head down with my mouth a little bit open.


I removed my phone from my hand after I untied the cellphone holder. I paused the song I was listening to. After I got enough rest, I was about to stand up.


A hand was placed on my shoulder and sat me down back on my seat. I wondered who it was that held the mind to sit my back on my seat. The person finally showed his face.


It was Nicholas. He said, softly, sitting down beside me. He was wearing a black hoodie. I guess he was trying to disguise, "Hey Nicholas, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked.


"That’s the beginning of my plan," he said, "Your plan!" I exclaimed, "Won’t you like to share the plan with me as I’m your partner." I added, "It’s not yet time to tell you my plans, but when the time comes, you are going to find out." He replied.


I asked, turning my face to look into his eyes, and he replied with his deep voice, "Yes, it's part of the plan." I burst out laughing, which drew a few people's attention.


"Sorry I laughed," I pleaded, trying to stop laughing at all cost. He felt really stupid and disgraced. "That’s okay," he said softly but deadly. I had to stop by all means after he said it was okay.


"I pray you don’t make a stupid plan like how Richard did back then," I revealed, "What plan did he make that was stupid?" he asked, looking really interested in what I wanted to say. I revealed that after I saved him back then, when Michael was about to remove his heart, he told me I spoiled his plan. I asked him if that meant killing him was part of the plan he had made. He told me yes.” I revelation to him. 


Before I could reveal the story finish to Nicholas, he was already laughing heavily. "Like seriously, he said that," he asked. I joined him to laugh. "Yes, he did," I replied, "but come on, I'm smarter than Richard.""I guess you are," I replied.