
Chapter 66

The beautiful moon shone brightly across the woods. I was dashing through the woods with my super speed. I was covered with blood. Human blood strain was all over my mouth, but I wanted more. I came to a halt when I smelled humans. I moved slowly towards their direction and I made sure I didn’t make any sound.

I was panting heavily. When I got very close to the direction where the smell was coming, I stopped. There were tents. I assumed they were camping there. I trudged out of the place I was hiding, and walked into the camp area.

I could see fire at the end of the camp, but I started by checking the tents one after the other, in search of humans. I finally entered into one of the tents. I found a man sleeping. He was snoring loudly. I snarled with my fangs showing and bolted to him with my super speed.

I bit him in his neck before he could wake up. I drank all the blood in my blood. After I was done, I pushed him away and raised my head up with my mouth widely open.

My mouth was also covered with his blood. I stood up again, bringing my head down. I turned and walked out of the tents to continue my hunting. Getting outside, I bumped into a woman.

Immediately she saw me, she screamed. I held her neck and bit her, sucking all her blood. When I took my hands off of her when I was down, she must have alerted the rest.

Some were running towards my side to check what had happened to them. I jolted and hid behind a car in front of the tent to wait for a perfect ambush. I could see them with touch lights. They were checking the bodies. I turned, dashing out with super speed.


The sun rays shined brightly into my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly till they were fully open. The first thing I saw was the sky. My eyes became clear instantly.

I looked around to see where I was; had something happened to my room roof over night, I wondered, but instead I found myself in a house's backyard.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I closed them and shook my head. Maybe it was just my imagination. I opened them to see Elizabeth, still in the same backyard. She was surprised to see me in their backyard.

I was still wondering if it was really her. She used her hands to cover her mouth. What did she see? And why is she covering her mouth all of a sudden? I looked in the direction of her eyes and got to see it was my hand, covered with blood.

I hid my right hand behind me immediately. "It’s not what you are thinking," I mumbled. I looked at my left hand. It was also covered with blood. I don’t know the excuse I can give her or what I will tell her to make her know I don’t know how all this happened.