
Chapter 49

I jolted to them, ripping out the majority of their hearts before they could blink. I forced the remaining five to pee on their bodies. They retreated in terror, trembling like jellyfish. I also dashed up to them, snapping their heads off their body. They collapsed to the ground lifeless.

I slowly turned to look at where Raphael was standing when I entered, but he had vanished; I assumed the place had a back door, so I looked to my right side and saw a door leading out, and I bolted to the door, it was leading outside.

I looked around but couldn't find him anywhere; I assumed he had fled for his life at the start because I couldn't smell him; he must have gone quite a distance. I reverted to my human form and walked into the building to dispose of the dead vampires.


I was sitting with Ellie by the water's edge, telling her about Raphael. "I'm not sure why he went to Richard, but I'm curious what's going on between them," I explained. 

"Perhaps he wants revenge or something; I don't think he would have gone to the bar if he didn't know Richard well enough," she speculated. "Yeah, I'm thinking about it as well," I sighed. 

"But why will he bite you after you risked your life to save him, what a jerk," she retorted. "He killed me, but I resurrected in my lycan form,”I explained softly. "I despise him for always being rude; if I see him again, I will kill him," I declared angrily.

We both sensed the presence of a vampire nearby. We stood up and turned to see who it was, "I'm here, what will you do?" Raphael said as he emerged from the woods, and I smiled, "Thank goodness, you're here, I won't have to go around looking for you," I said.

"Do you honestly believe I came here without a plan?" he yelled. "You ruined my plan that I had plotted for years yesterday, and do you think you're not going to pay for it?" he snarled. 

"I aided your ass when Richard nearly ripped out your heart, and now you're telling me I ruined your plans, or are you trying to tell me that was part of the plan as well, you going to be kidding me," I said.

He morphed into his vampire form, displaying his fangs and red veins crawling into his eyes, as well as his sharp long nails. "If you want a fight, I'll give it to you," I snarled. 

I was about to transform when Ellie grabbed my left hand and shook her head, "You can't kill him, we need to hear what he as to say about Richard," she explained. "I don't care about knowing about that anymore; please don't get in my way I have to teach this rude dude some lessons," I said. 

I let go of her hand and ran towards Raphael, transforming into my hybrid lycan form. He ran away from the spot, I guess trying to lure me somewhere, before he could run away again with his super speed.