
Chapter 32

I went down to check for my partners, 'Josh, Elizabeth,' I came to a halt when I saw the next two names 'Ellie, and Lydia.’why would the chemistry teacher put me in this kind of group, I wish I can switch with someone. 

"I guess everyone knows to which groups they belong; each group has access to only one table, where everything you need for the practical will be," the teacher exclaimed. "We're in the same group," Josh gushed taping my shoulder. 

"Yeah, where are the rest?" I asked, I have no choice put to stay in the group, "I'm here," I turned to face who it was, and it turned out to be Lydia, shortly after Ellie, and Elizabeth joined us to start the practical. 


I was carrying a waste bag to the incinerator. When I saw Josh about to enter the woods near the incinerator, I came to a halt. He turned to see if anyone was watching. I immediately went into hiding. I came out  after he had gone into the woods. 

I was intrigued to learn what he was up to. I dashed away and threw away the waste bag. I went into the woods to find him. When I wasn't sure if he was going in this direction, I came to a halt. 

I sniffed the air for his scent in order to find him. I eventually got him. He was making his way east. I took off at breakneck speed. When I saw him in front of a cave, I came to a halt. He took a look around and entered the cave.

I got closer to the entrance but didn't go in. I took a position behind a tree near the entrance. I was curious as to what he was up to. I was startled to hear someone yelling. It had to be coming from the cave, I was certain. 

I was curious as to who the individual was and why he was yelling. Josh appeared to be torturing him. I was curious as to what secret he required from him. I used my super hearing ability to hear what they were saying.

"I swear I don’t know anything about it," "I think I need to inject you with the wolf bane now since you don’t want to talk, so this is going to be your last chance. Where is Issac?" Josh asked. There was silence, he cried out, revealing, "I don’t know really know all I saw was when Isaac was about to kill your friend a vampire came out of no where to help him, youcan ask your friend about the vampire.”

"Which of my friends?" Josh inquired, exclaiming, "Adam!, how do you expect me to believe what you just said?"Josh questioned, "I was there, I saw how it all happened," he yelled, "How come the vampire didn’t kill you?" Josh inquired.

I don’t know, I hid at the back of a tree," he said. "I’m not lying, try to believe me," he added, crying out. I can remember always having a headache whenever I tried remembering what really happened that night. I held my head. When it started, my eyes were turning me, I rested on the tree and went down slowly to sit.

I kicked a stone mistakenly. It rolled down and made a loud noise. Josh could have heard. I had to hide well. I struggled to stand up and moved to a tree. He wouldn’t be able to see me. Shortly after, I saw him coming out of the cave with a gun.