
Chapter 23

"I apologize for not informing you about your parents," she begged. "It's okay, you just had to keep your promise with them, but that doesn't mean I won't find out on my own," I smiled back. 

She placed her hand on my cheek and rubbed it. "Be careful out there," she murmured. "I would, mum," I cooed. I lifted my bag from the chair and slung it over my shoulder. 

I walked out of the house to my bike. A car parked in front of the house shortly after Lora arrived. Lora's name was called out by the guy in the car, and she yelled back, "Coming!"

It had to be her new boyfriend, I reasoned. He was dressed in a soccer jersey. "Bye, Adam," she said as she weaved her way into the car and drove away. On the other side of the street, I noticed a man. He was dressed in a dark hoodie. I thought he came to get me, but he seemed more interested in the guy driving the car. We made eye contact, he fled, and I was concerned about why he was peeping on him; I was already late for school, so I hopped on my bike and rode to school. 

I drove into the school after a few moments. I got down and parked my bike in the parking lot. I turned around to look behind me. Behind me, I noticed Jack and Josh. They were staring at me in an unflattering manner.

"Can you guys stop looking?" I requested. "Okay, we've heard," Jack yelled, "What the fuck have you been up to lately?" Josh mumbled, "We've been hurting down some supernaturals."

"Are you able to stop looking?" I made a request. "All right, we've heard," Jack yelled, "but what the fuck have you been up to lately?" "We've been hurting down some supernaturals," Josh mumbled. 

"Really," I cooed as I walked away, "but you know I'm not always interested in supernatural things," they ran and blocked my path. "Are you hiding something?" Josh inquired. "No way, why would I keep secrets from you?" I responded. 

Jake took out his iPad. He put it on and handed it over to me. It was a video clip. I tried it out. It included a video of a beast murdering people. He paused it and took it from me. "What in the world was that?" I enquired.

"That is the monstrous creature. He's the town's new supernatural. I obtained the video from my father and conducted some research with Josh. I believe he'll show up at our school tonight "Jack muttered, "And I want us to put a stop to him," Josh added. 

"Wait a minute, are you serious? "Why aren't you a fucking supernatural?" I exclaimed. "I have weapons that can be used to kill him, and a friend is going to assist us. Don't you think it'd be fun?" Josh uttered,.

"OK fine, I'm in," I yelled, "Now you're talking, boy," Jack yelled, "Let's go make some plans." Josh continued, "He and Jack turned and walked into the school, while I stood back and whispered, "The Beast." 

"Hey Adam," Ellie said as she approached me. "Hey Ellie," I said, "do you have anything bothering you?" she inquired"Nothing, I'm trying to remember something," I responded.