
Chapter 198

Another princess. She was also of the elite class. No wonder she hadn’t scurried away like the other students.

“No trouble at all, Prince Shade,” Danielle said with a sunny smile. “Pip, the new shifter girl, will settle in with me and my other companions in my penthouse.”

“No fucking way!” Viviane shouted. “The rat girl must go to the bunkhouse and stay with other lower shifters. That’s where she belongs.”

“Nope,” Danielle said. “I’m officially offering Pip new status as a companion to the Princess of the Asian Shifters United Kingdom.”

“She isn’t even an Asian like you, Danielle. She isn’t your pack,” Viviane pointed out vehemently. “She’s—she’s probably a mixed breed, some dirty blood.”

“Do you really want to bring race into it, Viviane?” Danielle asked.

Sideburns frowned deeply at the girls’ drama. “But you already have three companions, Princess Danielle.”

Danielle bowed to him a little to show respect. “But you can see that I have only two companions left, Alpha Heir. Joelle returned to her family in Japan, and I’ve been meaning to fill her position for a while. Pip will be the perfect fit.”

“What if Joelle returns?” Sideburns asked, still frowning like his ass was in pain.


 “Then she’ll have to stay in the bunk room,” Danielle insisted with an easy smile.

“You just want to get back at me because you’re so jealous,” Viviane hissed. “But know this, Danielle: you don’t want to cross me over that rat girl. Your tribe is small, and soon your title will be stripped from you, like what happened to your mother. No matter how you call yourself a princess, you’re a second class.”

Danielle stepped forward, her face turning red with fury, but I stepped in her way. Judging from the intel that I’d just gleaned, Danielle was in a weaker position. And that Viviane bitch had the Alpha Heir to back her up.

As a nobody, I had nothing to lose, but Danielle needed to tread more carefully. She had a tribe.

At the same time, I wasn’t going to let her be humiliated like this when she had stood up for me. That took great courage and kindness on her side.

So I did what I did best.

Princess Viviane let out another loud fart that had a long tail and sounded like “blue...blue...rude...” before she finished her threats.

Those remaining in the courtyard except for Sideburns laughed.

“That rat girl is a witch!” Viviane cried out while she was still farting and pointing her shaking finger at me. Then she gasped and ran away with her hands covering her face.

If she hadn’t, she might have shat herself. I wasn’t kidding.

Danielle grinned and stepped toward me.

“Will you accept my offer to be my third companion, Pip?”

I smiled at her. “It’s my honor, Your Highness. Should I curtsy?”

“No, Pip. We got rid of the custom two centuries ago. Call me


She turned and curtsied at Sideburns just for the fun of it. “Alpha Heir,

may we have your permission to take our leave?”