
Chapter 156


All I needed was to outrun them, rush to the river, jump in, and let the current take me further down. The basic rule of Escaping 101 was to flee at the first chance, or you might never get a second chance.

I opened my mouth and bit into Canary’s forearm. He yelped and gazed down at my teeth in his skin. The soldiers all around were about to surge forward to stop me, but Canary put up a hand to stop them.

The skin between my teeth suddenly hardened, and golden fur sprouted, tickling my throat and nearly choking me.

What the fuck?

Canary let out a low chuckle, utterly amused. “I can partially shift. I can also change into my warrior form at leisure. Would you care to see it, Catnip? My foes find it frightening, but women who like to walk on the wild side find it irresistible and attractive.”

I heard some soldiers’ barks of laughter.

This fucking Canary thought he was funny, and his team members thought he was hilarious.

My teeth abandoned his furry arm, and I spat out a few golden hairs that I’d torn from his fur.

“You think you’re cute, Canary?” I seethed. “You’re far from it.” I spat one last remaining hair from my mouth. “This is fucking disgusting!”

“Canary?” He scowled before he laughed again, peering down at my beet-red, angry face. “Sorry, Catnip, I forgot to warn you, but it’s worth it to hear you talk like this. You have a lovely voice, and it’d be a waste if you kept shouting something like ‘fuckooo’.”

Sideburns and Going-gray wheeled around to stare at me. Yeah, I could talk. I wasn’t the Mad Hatter either. At this point, it was useless to pretend further, since Canary, the ultimate man whore, had busted me irrevocably.

“Don’t feel bad,” Canary continued, in a perky mood. “Your act earlier was impressive. You nearly fooled me as well. Now quit being mad. I think we can be friends, if you can keep from holding a grudge. But I have a feeling you’re the kind of girl who never offers the other cheek when someone slaps you.”


 “Which fucking idiot would let both her cheeks be slapped?” I hissed at him.

Canary grinned. “Fierce and foul-mouthed, just my type.”

Before I could demand he let me down, a strong wind blew over, throwing up my gown and letting my ass feel its cold kiss.

“Quit flirting—” Sideburns’ mouth clamped close, and he inhaled.

He happened to be downwind. Something shifted in his eyes. Shock and confusion wrestled for control over his expression. He sniffed again, his handsome face nearly morphing into a wolf’s. A blink later, he seemed to regain control, but his eyes started to glow silver.

He stalked toward me, suddenly in a hurry, as if his butt was on fire.

Canary stared at him, looking stunned. Sideburns clearly wasn’t acting normally. The Alpha Heir stared at me with strange intensity, which sent my heart pumping.