
Chapter 14

I was trying to avoid Josh and Jack from questioning where I went last night. I was at the cafeteria eating in peace until they both showed up and sat down beside me, placing their food trays on the table.

I couldn’t take it anymore. "What, what do you guys want?" I yelled, "Where did you go last night at the music festival?" Jack asked, "Hmm, I forgot my ticket home, so I went to get it." I stammered.

"Do you accept me to believe that?" Josh replied. "Hey, you," she interrupted, and it was the girl Josh showed me the night before. "Hey," we exclaimed, waving our hands."Can I see you for a while?" she asked.

"Who?" we replied, looking at each other. She pointed at me, "Him." They cried out, "Me." I asked, "Yeah, you, I don’t know why you are doing this. You didn’t remember what you did yesterday, idiot. " She giggled.

I had a quick flashback, remembering the girl I bumped into, that I saved, but mistakenly placed my hand on her breast, and ran off without apologizing. "I guess she’s here for an apology. "Let me take her out of here before Josh and Jack find out more about the case," I said to myself.

I stood up and walked up to her briskly, grabbed her hand and took her out of the cafeteria. We went to the rooftop. I released her hand. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "I want you to apologize." She replied.

"I should apologize for doing what?" I queried. "You touched my breast, and ran off without apologizing." I couldn’t hold myself from laughing at that point. "You mean it was your breast I grabbed? It was a mistake. I didn’t do that intentionally. You should be thanking me for saving your ass, "I blabbed.

"Like seriously," she yelled, "You are angry, but you still look pretty." I giggled. She froze and looked at me with an awkward look, "Why are you trying to tease me?" She asked, "I’m not teasing you, just giving a compliment." I cooed and walked closer to her. "Or do you want me to grab it one more time?" I asked and ran off the rooftop. "Hey, get back here, we aren’t done," she yelled.


It was after school. We were all heading home. I sat down on my bike and talked to Elizabeth. "I have been apologizing ever since," I cooed. "Yeah, I have forgiven you." She grunted. and placed their one of her right hand finger on my lips, "Hey Adam." They called my name.

Hey Ella, Hey Rebecca, "I said, and she backed up and rested on me, saying, "Hey guys." "Let go, we will be late for the movie," Rebecca chortled. "Yeah, that’s true," Elizabeth replied, and turned to me and gave me a slight kiss. "Bye later," she said, and "Bye now," I cooed."Why are you guys doing that here?" the other girls asked, and we all burst in.