
Chapter 129

"What deal do you want to make with me to help me get the dagger of Orcus?" I inquired.

She offered me a cup of blood, which she held in her hands with a slight smile.

"Take it," she instructed.

While I waited for her response to my question, I took the cup from her with my right hand.

"There is a spell book I desperately want, and the only person who would know where it is is someone you know very well, so I guess it should be a simple one for you," she replied.

A spell book? Why would she want it so badly? But that isn't my concern right now; I need to protect my life first before worrying about what she was going to do with the spell book.

How will I be able to trust you with the job, and who is the person you said I know well and who has the spell book? I inquired.

You don't have to trust me; we're both making a deal; if you don't think making a deal with me is a good idea, don't bother," she responded.

I assume she won't fail, but I hope coming to her for the dagger was the right thing to do, even if I didn't tell Nicholas about it.

I can't let him have the dagger because he'll later betray me. He can't choose me over his family. Nobody will do that. I have to have an escape plan for myself in everything I do with him because he's very unpredictable, but he always keeps his words, which is why I have to stay around him.

She also knows how valuable the dagger is to me, and she probably knows I have no choice but to accept any deal she offers.

I agreed, "All right, you get the dagger of orcus, and I get you the spell book."

"I suppose you've thought about it," she said.

"Yeah, I did," I confessed.

"The person I said would know where the spell book is is Lydia; make sure you get it before my sister," she said.

"Lydia!" I yelled.

"Yes, Lydia," she said again.

"And who is this, your sister?" I inquired.

"You must have meant her, Esther; she's very close to Lydia," she replied.

"Esther!" Is she really your sister?" I inquired, hoping to confirm what I had heard.

"Yeah, Esther is my blood sister," she answered.

"Yeah, Esther is my biological sister," she replied.

But why wouldn't she want her sister to have the spell book when there's so much more to learn about it?

But what's the deal with the spell book? I inquired.

Don't worry about the spell book; it's safe; I just need to borrow it to cast a few spells, "she replied.

"OK, I was just curious about what you planned to do with it," I explained.

"I think you know what I want to do with it now," she said.

"Yes, I do," I admitted softly.