
Chapter 111

"When we got here, we found him dead," Lydia explained. 

"And what are you guys doing here?" Lora inquired. 

"I got a text message from Jack saying he was in danger, so I rushed over to the school, then met Elizabeth outside the school, but as we were walking into the school, we found Stephen," Ellie explained. 

"And what are you guys doing here at this time?" Stephen inquired. 

"We all got the same text messages, but we all met inside the school," I explained. 

"Oh," he remarked. 

Elizabeth returned after throwing up. 

"How come we all got the same message?" Lora wondered. 

"Let's all just go home; it appears that someone is playing a joke on us, and we all fell for it," Stephen said. 

"Nope, it isn't a prank, I think it is," Josh said as he kneeled beside the janitor, looking for what killed him. 

"An alpha," I cut in, pointing to where he was coming from. 

Everyone turned to look in the direction I indicated; fear must have gripped them from head to toe, because they immediately focused on him. 

Josh stood up and stormed into a nearby classroom, yelling, "Get in here!" 

We all rushed into the classroom and shut the door, Stephen brought a table and placed it behind the door, we all got the idea, they rushed and went to bring more heavy things to put behind the door while I held them with my super strength. I know it won't keep him out, but it will keep him away for a while. 

"Wait, what the fuck was that out there?" Elizabeth inquired. 

"And what is an alpha?" Stephen inquired. 

They started to panic, and I was wondering how I was going to keep explaining. 

"I guess he's behind the text messages," Josh speculated. 

Lydia inquired, "Then where is Jack?" 

"What does he want from all of us, that he invited to the school, does he want to kill us all?" Lora inquired. 

"You guys should keep it low, he's not going to kill anyone," I yelled. "But first, try not to talk for now and listen to what I have to say." 

They all quieted down and stared at me as they waited for me to speak. 

"Don't worry, nobody's going to get hurt, I promise, we're all going to get out of here alive, let's devise a strategy to defeat it," I said softly.

We could only see with Josh's touch light, which he handed over to Lora to carry, and then he brought out two guns for nowhere, looking ready to fight, with the exception of Ellie and Lydia. 

"You have a gun?" Stephen was taken aback. 

"Yes, I do," he said. 

"All right, here's the plan: me and Josh will go and hold down the alpha, and Lydia and Ellie will take you guys out," I explained. 

"What if Josh is still in there?" Ellie wondered.

Lydia inquired, "Who has anything that belongs to Jack?" 

We looked at each other when we heard Bella scream. 

“Bella!” I shouted.. 

While I was clearing what we had used to block the door, Stephen joined me, and Ellie, Josh was devising a new plan.