
Chapter 103

"Sure, but I’m sure the rest knew about it," she said softly.

"Hmmm, they kind of find out themselves," I said.

"Ohh, I also found out for myself, right?" she asked.

"You did, and I was wondering if you were still in contact with Fiona," I said.

"Nope, she didn’t show up after the day she helped me with the compulsion," she replied, "And why are you asking me about her?" she added, asking.

I wanted her to be safe, even though we weren’t together anymore. I wouldn’t like to see her hurt because of me. I held her right hand and turned her to me.

I looked into her eyes and said softly, "Can you promise me that you will stay away from her? She’s dangerous."

She looked down at my hand. I assumed she was trying to pass information to me, that I should take off my hand from her hand. I gently took off my hand, then she looked up at me.

"Don’t worry about me. I know you care about me, but I can take care of myself. Thank you," she said warmly and turned to walk away.

I looked at her as she walked away, while I stood on the spot. Then I took a deep breath.


I dropped my food on the table and joined Jack and Bella to eat lunch. They were having a discussion before I showed up at the table. I guess they were talking about prom night.

"I thought Josh said you were coming together to the cafeteria," Jack asked.

"Coach called him, but he will soon be here," I replied.

Shortly after, Lydia and Ellie walked up to the table and placed their food on the table. Ellie sat down on my right side while Lydia sat down on the left side. After Jack noticed this, we immediately had eye contact and he winked at me.

"Fool," I said with a smile.

Then he also smiled. They wondered what was wrong with us; they couldn’t just understand what we were saying.

"Lydia, who’s taking on a date for prom?" Jack asked.

"Do you want to take me on a date to prom?" She asked.

"I’m already.." Jack said.

"By the way, he already had a prom date," Bella added.

Me and Ellie burst into laughter immediately. Jack didn’t know when to join us in laughter.

Elizabeth joined us to sit down at the table to eat her lunch. She arrived when we were all laughing. She must have wondered why we were laughing.

"What’s going on here? Why are you guys laughing?" she asked.

"Bella doesn’t want Jackson to ask me to be his prom date," Lydia replied.

"That’s actually every bad," Elizabeth said smiling.

"I was just kidding actually," Lydia replied.

"I knew you were joking, just still couldn’t take it," Bella said and bursted into laugher.

We were interrupted when Josh showed up, he’s usually a noise maker, he banged the table, I assume because he has been standing there since and nobody kinda noticed he was there.