

Maya was born as the first female Alpha after 1000 years of them being extinct. An alpha female, during the ancient times was known to bring about great calamity to their park. They were brutal in their rulings and killed at will. Maya's life was not a bed of roses as she was tortured and scorned by everyone in her park. Their pack's witch made it known that the very existence of Maya was a sign of an impending calamity to the were world and as such, she should be killed. But as the moon goddess will have it, her very existence was not in anyone's hands as she was saved by an alpha rogue after being severely tortured and left to die. There in the rogue community, Maya was trained in the hard way and she vowed to reclaim her pack from the enemies who killed her parents and left her to die. Michael was a human werewolf hunter whose destiny was to eradicate the werewolf races. He happened to be the strongest werewolf hunter in the human community. What happens when the human werewolf hunter happened to be mated to the most powerful female Alpha?. Lets find out what happened when their parts crossed

Imma2city · Fantasy
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160 Chs



Maya's wolf Layla, has been on edge for three consecutive days now.

"Layla, why are you so giddy?".

Layla kept muttering mate, mate.

Maya didn't understand why her wolf kept muttering about their mate, as it stands, she was trying to get his thoughts out of her head.

She has great responsibility to her pack and people, rather than to be thinking about a human mate who clearly did not want them.

Maya was on the training ground as usual, having a regular match with a rogue warrior.

She always trained with everyone, so they could match her speed, that way, when they are facing Derrick's army they would be strong enough to fight them.

"Impressive!". Came Fredrick's voice, he applauded as he walked slowly up to her.

"Wow, I can't believe how good you've become as a warrior, indeed, you are a true Alpha."

Maya only rolled her eyes at him and continued her duel with the warrior.

"Uhm, can I have a word please?". Frederick asked with a nervous expression.

Maya paused her training and raised a brow at Frederick.

She wondered what he wanted to say that's making him so nervous.

Maya approached Frederick, and he led her to a sitting spot not far from the training ground.

"I'm all ears".

"Don't you think you need to search for your mate now?".

Maya shot a brow at him suspiciously.

"Did Vina also tell you about my mate?".

Frederick made an innocent face like he didn't know what she was talking about.

Yea right, she should have known about this, now she's very sure everyone in the rogue community knows about her destiny with her mate.

"Frederick, do you think I can't be powerful without my mate?".

"No!, of course not, I will never think that way, Maya. I just wanted to know if you wish to search for him. I could capture some few mateless werewolves around other packs for you. Who knows, you might just find him among them.

Maya looked at Frederick in a horror.

"No we can't do that Frederick, that's kidnapping, and besides I don't think I will find him anywhere else".

Frederick raised a suspicious brow at Maya.

"Why are you so sure we wouldn't find him in anywhere?". Maya didn't say a word but looked at the sky blankly.

"Have you found him already, per chance?."

Maya immediately glanced at Frederick, but turned away the next second.

"Oh, I get, you've found him?, who is he?, and where is he from?, can I get to meet him?".

Frederick asked all the questions at once. Maya became so confused that she didn't know which to answer.

"Stop with the questions, okay?, the bottom line is that we can't find him".

Frederick opened his eyes wide in shock at Maya, he couldn't believe what she had just said.

"Why?". He asked curiously.

"Because he doesn't want a mate!". Maya blurted out. Immediately, she walked away from Frederick to continue her trainings.

Meanwhile, the words of Maya made him more curious, he wondered who the bastard was that rejected his Alpha.

The wolf must have some guts, he wanted to ask Maya more about her mate, but he knew she wasn't in a good mood. He concluded that he would find the appropriate time to ask her.

Frederick thought very hard, he wished he knew who this mate was, so he could teach him a proper lesson.

Just when he was thinking about Maya's mate, his wolf started jumping over his head again

Roy his wolf has been doing this for some days now, his wolf kept talking about mate. At first, he thought his wolf had found their mate.

This prompted him to search the entire rogue community, and even the woods, thinking he might see this mate that Roy was on about, but he found non.

Now his wolf was jumping in his head again, what could be wrong with his wolf these days, he had refused to say anything to him apart the words of mate he kept muttering.

Just then, some pack warriors gave a signal of intruders infiltrating their pack.

Immediately, Frederick alerted the rest, and together they ran into the woods, preparing for battle.

Maya had felt the strange beings getting closer to the pack, she wanted to alert them, but somehow her wolf felt relaxed about the intruders.

Maya alerted Layla for action, but Layla didn't respond.

This was strange because she had known Layla to be very active when it comes to strangers, but it was disturbing seeing how relaxed her wolf became.

But then the pack warriors had already announced the intruders.

She saw how everyone got panicky about the stranger, she couldn't help but follow suit.

Even if Layla wasn't going to help her, she would still fight for the rogue community if the battle begins.

When she approached the woods with the others, she smelled the familiar scent, and no one had such scent apart from….her human mate!

Maya immediately scolded at Layla.

"You knew he was coming, and you didn't say anything, Layla".

At this point, Maya started growling at the rogues who were going after her mate to harm him, meanwhile Maya tried controlling her wolf so as not to sell them out about the identity of their mate.

When they finally saw the intruders, the growls from the wolves did not stop as the shouts of mate littered the air.

Maya opened her mouth in shock, wondering how many werewolves found their mates at that moment.

Looking at the intruders, they were no more than three ordinary humans.

Maya looked at the direction of the first growl and discovered it was Clara. Maya's heart sank, she traced to the direction the growl was targeted and found out it was a strange-looking guy, who looked very handsome, his features almost looked like that of her mate.

Suddenly, her diverted to the other guy, and there stood in glory, her mate. Just the sight of him was doing strange things to her body, she couldn't tear her eyes of him as of this moment even though she wanted to.

But then, someone else had growled mate, when she eyed scanned for the last one, she was shocked beyond reasoning to know who it was.

Frederick!, Maya hid the smirk that was about forming on her lips. So, finally, she wasn't the only one mated to a human.

But fortunately enough, no one noticed her Wolf's growl because she took control. It was nothing strange that she could control her wolf to a great extent now.

When Maya took a glance at her mate, she was startled to see him staring at her in utter shock, did she somehow make him speechless?

The idea that he might be captivated by her, gave her some form of happiness.

"Why are you here again?".

Maya became shocked to hear the last words he said.

She traced Fredrick's eyes to who he was talking to and to her, greatest surprise, it was none other than her mate.

What?, he had been in the rogue community before, and she didn't know?

"We didn't come all the way here to fight you, we are just here to get answers, and I can assure you that nobody will get hurt if you could give us the answers we seek".

Maya couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at how bold her mate was, he sure was getting too bold for his own good, Maya thought.

Frederick let out a hearty fit of laughter.

"A courageous human you are, hunter. Let me warn you though, over here, you don't get to give the rules, but me".

"We have no problem with that, so long as I get to find out what happened to my father and who is responsible for his death".

Maya looked at her mate in shock. She wondered if he came all the way for revenge. If that should be the case, then it's very obvious that she would never get to know how it feels to be mated.

"And I've told you, we don't know who you are talking about".

Frederick was stealing glances at his mate, Maya could tell.

This mate bond could be so frustrating. Just what kind of game is the moon goddess trying to play at now?

How could she mate them to the humans, their mortal enemies?

Tyron moved forward and asked Maya's mate the questions that shook everyone.

"What is the name of your father?".

"Evans White". He answered.

Tyron seemed to be so shocked to hear this name.

"Do you know any human with such a name Tyron?" Frederick asked, looking very curious.

"What if I tell you, your father is still very much alive, werewolf hunter?"

Maya watched as the colors in her mate's face drained. His expression was that of shock and confusion,so were the expression of the other humans.

"Please tell me where he is and how I can meet him".

Maya could not believe her mate also had a soft side of him.

Seeing him this weak, made her realize that he must have loved his father very much. It also reminded her of her parents took.