

Maya was born as the first female Alpha after 1000 years of them being extinct. An alpha female, during the ancient times was known to bring about great calamity to their park. They were brutal in their rulings and killed at will. Maya's life was not a bed of roses as she was tortured and scorned by everyone in her park. Their pack's witch made it known that the very existence of Maya was a sign of an impending calamity to the were world and as such, she should be killed. But as the moon goddess will have it, her very existence was not in anyone's hands as she was saved by an alpha rogue after being severely tortured and left to die. There in the rogue community, Maya was trained in the hard way and she vowed to reclaim her pack from the enemies who killed her parents and left her to die. Michael was a human werewolf hunter whose destiny was to eradicate the werewolf races. He happened to be the strongest werewolf hunter in the human community. What happens when the human werewolf hunter happened to be mated to the most powerful female Alpha?. Lets find out what happened when their parts crossed

Imma2city · Fantasy
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160 Chs



At age 12 I was already cooking meals for the whole pack house. My parents treated me with so much love and care, My Dad was the Alpha of "Blood Rose pack" and he was braver and more powerful than Alpha's of neighbouring packs so he was very well respected and feared by all.

My Mom Luna Eva Rogers was also a very powerful Luna, she's as beautiful as the sun with a very long dark hair flowing all the way down to her waist region,the colour of her eyes are blue just like mine but I can't say am as beautiful as my mom because the hate I get everyday made me see myself as ugly,my mom was is an epitome of beauty and I would have said she's more beautiful than the moon goddess herself if only I could see her.

When my mom was pregnant with me, the pack's witch named Lana winterson had a prophecy saying I would bring doom to the "were world" for i was a female Alpha and female Alphas was last recorded 1000 years ago,they became extinct for they were powerful and merciless in their ruling and they killed without a cause.

My mom never believed the witch as she said "Its an honour for the crescent moon park to be blessed with a female Alpha". My mom has always believed I will be stronger and kinder than a male Alpha but my brother Lucas always thought otherwise and as such I was brutally bullied by him even though am older and other pups my age, but I kept it from my parents specially my mom because I always disliked making her worry, I know she would fight for me but I love everyone in my park including my brother as I always wanted him to acknowledged me as his sister,his blood.

I know am strong and I could feel my powers growing each day but I dare not show it even though I was bullied non stop, I can't hurt anyone for fear of the prophecy coming to pass. My brother you can say is a demon from the pit of hell,he hates everything about me. Lucas is the leader of the younger werewolves whatever he do or say the rest follows, i know Lucas hated me more because he thinks he should be Alpha and not me,I understand him though but I never wanted to be born first,I never wanted to be an Alpha that is too much to bear and am not sure I could lead a whole pack by myself one day.

Lucas barged in on me and started trashing my things,this is what he always do when Mom and Dad is not around.

"Maya, if I were you I would leave or better yet just die because nobody wants you here" He said."Am ashamed you are my sister,you are too weak and sometimes I wonder if the pack's witch was high on something when she said someone like you would bring doom to our pack and the were world".

"Am not weak Lucas and am your elder sister and you will treat me with respect!" I said with tears running down my cheeks. "Oh really,did you just say respect?, you don't get any respect from me or anyone, nobody even likes you and you are talking about respect! are your ears not working,you should leave now while you still can you don't know what awaits you soon am here to give you an advice from the little sympathy I still got for you,you know you won't survive for long if you are still hard headed.

I was resisting the urge to hit him,how could he disrespect me in this way am two years older than him and he is my brother for goddess sake!,my brother is supposed to be on my side not treat me as an enemy.

"Maya, have you ever imagined how tough life would be for you if your mate was to be in our pack?" I paled that instant, I can imagine what would happen if any of the pack member was to be my mate "rejection" and that would break me. My greatest wish right now is for my mate to be in another pack but how will I find him,I can't leave my home specially my parents they love me too much for me to runaway,they would be heartbroken if I do so.

I would take on every bullying and hate so long as am with my parents and they love me."Lucas no matter what happens I won't leave Blood Rose pack,you or any pack member can't make me leave,I will stay because I still have Mom and Dad who loves me dearly so don't try to make me leave I won't!" I said. At this point Lucas was fuming with anger but I wasn't going to back down,he tried to hit me but I was faster I ran to the door but as I was about turning the door knob he hit me on the head with all full force,I fell down and so he kept hitting me all over till I passed out. When I woke up I was still on the ground where I past out.

Am already used to this, I mean being beaten,with ribs broken,I can't count how many times have been beaten with broken bones, if it wasn't for the quick healing powers we have as were wolves am sure I would not have survived this beatings for long. I went to the bathroom, looking myself in the mirror I told myself, "it's going to get better Maya it won't take too long,when I come of age and find my mate am sure he would love me and all this would be memories,I know I will never bring harm or chaos to my pack I would rather use my powers for the good of my people and the "were world" than destroy as was said.

The next day at school I was surprised as everyone was looking at me with more hatred. Approaching my class, I saw Tania, my greatest enemy. She's my female bully and class captain. Her dislike for me wasn't just about me being an Alpha but also because I was way smarter than her.

She's always carried herself as the most beautiful she wolf in our pack "how laughable", there are more better and prettier girls than her but they just give her credit for she's the class captain and also the girlfriend to Josh.

Talking about intelligence I give myself credit, I got the better grades in my class but that never made them acknowledge me. I was still hated by my teachers though they dare not give me a degrading score for fear of the Alpha so they gave me what I deserved.

" Watch it mutt!".

The words accompanied with a sound knock to my head. I felt the pain down to the pit of my stomach. I turned around only to Find Tania smirking with joy.

How about I punch the living hell out of that smirking face? I thought to myself.

"Whats your problem Tania?".

" Wow, you have mouth to talk now?,. Okay I know am ready to take whatever is thrown at me but not from a girl my age. I won't fight back but I certainly won't let Tania get too comfortable in bullying me.

"Do I need a reason to hit you, if you feel so wrong fight back. But I know you can't because you are such a weakling. You should never have been born, sometimes I find it hard to believe the Alpha and Luna gave birth to a disgrace like you!".

That hurts....,Tania is getting on my nerves on purpose but I won't fight her just as she wanted, I will never give her that pleasure. Just as she was about saying another hurtful word I walked down to class.

"How dare you walk away from me!" she shouted behind me. Well that's the best I can do. Make her burn with anger,that's way better than fighting her. Am not ready to be thrown out of my pack forcefully because I fought a werewolf. Everyone is looking for an opportunity to make me leave my pack just as Lucas had said and me fighting any of my bullies will give them the perfect opportunity to do so.

I stopped telling on my bullies to my parents the day I was ganged up on in school by Tania and her group. It was difficult to walk,all my bones broken and I wasn't healing. It was a miracle for me to get home limping with blood shot eyes,broken nose,bloodied face and uniform.

My plan was to get to my room, wash up myself,relax and let myself heal. But little did I know my parents were home, it was unlikely for them to be home at this time of the day for they always come home at nightfall.

The moment my mom saw me from the gate she whimpered, Dad's hands clenched to his side as he let out a growl, he was simmering with anger and his wolf trying to get out by the colour of his eyes that changed from the ocean blue ones to sparkly silver grey.

I couldn't bring myself to say a word, I opened and closed my mouth unable form any words as pains surged through my whole body. Dad left the house in rage and I knew Tania and her friends will pay for hurting the Alpha's daughter for my Dad was terrifying when angry.

My mom had cried her eyes out,you could see those sparkly blue eyes dull with sadness. I was getting weaker and at the verge of passing out.

"Let me heal you my child"

She carried me gently to the sofa, laid me down comfortably and then she knelt beside me, closed her eyes and laid her hands on me which was now glowing with blue effervescent light. She opened her eyes that was now white. I felt the powers emanating from my mom to my me as my pains slowly began to lessen and bruises began to heal slowly.

I opened my eyes only to find myself in my room and on my bed. My room is spacious, with a my book shelf filled with old and new history books, a white glowing lamp on my reading table. There's an opening on the side which allows the moonlight into my room.

I guess you must be wondering how my mom could heal me. My mom isn't just powerful as the Luna, but she's also the most powerful healer that ever lived. You can say my parents are the perfect duo, unlike me who has got nothing to offer but doom. I left my room to the kitchen and found my mom humming like a song bird while preparing breakfast.

"The smell of baked pancakes and oaths was mouth watering".

My mom makes the best pancakes ever. She smiled when she saw me....

"Hey honey how do you feel now?"

"The best feeling have ever had and having you as my mom is the best thing that's ever happened to me" I said while hugging my mom from behind. She smell so good that I could just stand there hugging her forever.

"Where's Dad and Lucas?" I asked.

Mom's expression changed to that of sadness just as fast as she was feeling happy earlier on.

"They are out training and your Dad is giving those girls a hard punishment for what they did to you at school yesterday. Why didn't you tell me you have always been abused by your classmates. I looked at my mom and she was welling up with tears and I felt worse.

" Am sorry mom, I just didn't want you to worry about me".

"But you can't let them treat you in this way, you are going to be Alpha sooner or later,they will have to respect you whether they like it or not.

" But mom they think am weak and I will be the ruin of our pack as the prophecy said".

"Maya Rogers!,you are not weak, the goddess did not make you a weak Alpha. Prophecy be damned!. You my daughter is the hope of crescent moon pack never forget that, don't let anyone make you feel lesser about yourself. I will always be here to guide you honey,When you come of age the goddess's willing I will be here and trust me when I say,every doubt instilled in the members of crescent moon will be cleared. I know the child I bore better than any prophecy. The moon goddess will not bring me doom in my own lineage".

This is why my parents are the best thing in my life. They are the reason have been able to endure whatever was thrown at me, their love kept me going.