

Maya was born as the first female Alpha after 1000 years of them being extinct. An alpha female, during the ancient times was known to bring about great calamity to their park. They were brutal in their rulings and killed at will. Maya's life was not a bed of roses as she was tortured and scorned by everyone in her park. Their pack's witch made it known that the very existence of Maya was a sign of an impending calamity to the were world and as such, she should be killed. But as the moon goddess will have it, her very existence was not in anyone's hands as she was saved by an alpha rogue after being severely tortured and left to die. There in the rogue community, Maya was trained in the hard way and she vowed to reclaim her pack from the enemies who killed her parents and left her to die. Michael was a human werewolf hunter whose destiny was to eradicate the werewolf races. He happened to be the strongest werewolf hunter in the human community. What happens when the human werewolf hunter happened to be mated to the most powerful female Alpha?. Lets find out what happened when their parts crossed

Imma2city · Fantasy
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160 Chs



It's been more than a year now, ever since they've been searching for Maya.

Alpha Frederick became very dejected at the disappearance of Maya.

He had been going out to search for her in every dwelling of rogues, but she was nowhere to be found, it's like she had disappeared from the surface of the earth.

Nathan, who is now a full-fledged rogue soldier, had been going on the search together with Frederick.

Lucas also, is presently part of the soldiers since he came of age. He had volunteered with Frederick and Nathan to go searching for his sister, but they had refused him from going, saying he should rather stay and protect the rogue families with other soldiers.

Lucas has changed from that bratty little boy to a very responsible young boy who did his to protect everyone around him.

Tania on her part helped with getting supplies. She had initially wanted to join the soldiers too in search for Maya, but Nathan had asked her to stay home, so she spends her time getting supplies for the rogues.

Life in the rogue community was peaceful because everyone lives together equally, there was no higher up, or rules binding them to be confined in one place. They moved about just as they pleased without being punished.

There was no boundary tying them to their community.

Witch, Vina and healer Meredith, were also worried about Maya, specially since the day they discovered she had a family who truly wish to meet her. They all wished they had stopped her from leaving.

"Alpha Frederick, I think there's still a place we haven't checked" Frederick immediately sat up from his bed where he laid.

"Where exactly?" He asked with so much interest.

"The human village. I heard some rogues lived close to the human village. Maybe Maya might have gone there." Cedric said with so much confidence.

Frederick thought that it wouldn't be impossible for Maya to be at the human village. But then, he also thought she wouldn't be that bold to be around to be around the humans, considering how risky it was for her.

Nevertheless, there will be no harm in trying, if a human could invade their community in search for his kind then why can't they.

Frederick immediately gathered his soldiers and together, they set out to the human village.

Meanwhile, Maya and Tyron had gone hunting for food in the woods.

For over a year now, Maya had gotten used to the life in the wild and also able to train her wolf like she wanted to, but Layla still needed to enhance her powers to the extreme and that was only possible if they mark their mate.

From the look of things, Maya had gotten used to living without a mate, even though every so often Layla will sigh from time to time because she needed their mate.

It was as though Maya was the one depriving them of being marked.

If only Maya could understand that the only way for her to be fully strong was Michael.

"So, Maya, still don't want to talk about your pack yet?" Maya took a quick glance at Tyron, who was setting the traps for their next meal.

Maya thought about Tyron's question for a while, she had been keeping her identity from them over a year now.

She guessed it's time to tell him where she really was from.

"Have you ever heard of Blood Rose pack?" Tyron froze, and the colors from his face drained instantly.

"You mean you are from Blood Rose pack!?". Maya raised an eyebrow at Tyron, wondering why he suddenly became that tense. If she could remember from the story he told her about him, he was way long gone from his pack before the incident with hers.

"You can say that" Maya said, looking very unconcerned even though she was actually really concerned.

"That was like the strongest pack ever known in the whole of the northern province.

Too bad the Alpha was killed by Derrick!"

Tyron immediately looked at Maya, who was speechless and looked as though she was going to shift into her wolf any minute.

"Wait, I remember telling you about my pack and Alpha Derrick. Don't tell me you knew Alpha Derrick?, of course you knew him because he was originally from blood Rose pack!"

Maya tried her hardest to control her wolf from coming to the surface. Ever since she had been training for a year, Layla had become very edgy and easily angered for reasons she couldn't quite understand.

"Look Tyron yes I know about Derrick but then what should I have done? You think you are the only one who hates him?, I do too!, ever since both the siblings killed my parents!".

Tyron stood frozen while staring at Maya in utter shock.

He didn't have to be told twice about her identity now.

Egon and Clara, who came to help them, also heard what Maya had said, they also stood dead in their tracks.

"So you are Alpha Roger's daughter?"

Maya didn't say a word, but just walked out on him.

Tyron was so surprised at this news. How come he did he not notice she only hid the truth from him because she was still hurt?

He understood her perfectly now. He understood Maya even more than he did before, specially when they happened to be in the same situation.

Egon and Clara ran to Tyron.

"So she's really an Alpha's daughter?. Is she the last daughter or the second?" Clara was so curious to know.

"I don't know Clara stop asking me, we should think of a way to make her feel better"

"Well, you should think of a way to make her feel better because you were the one who got her angry, not me". Clara fired back, obviously trying to piss off her brother purposefully.

Tyron just sighed and walked away from them.

"Clara, you can be such a pain in the ass at times, you know. Can't you see Tyron was already feeling bad for what he said?"

Clara realized what she had done wrong instantly. If only she could read Maya's mind, maybe all this wouldn't be an issue by now.

"Wait!", Tyron, ran after Maya.

"I need to be alone, Tyron", she said, walking farther away from him.

"Listen, I'm sorry, okay, I didn't mean to speak to you that way"

Maya paused, she turned to face him.

"You didn't do anything wrong, there's nothing to apologize for".

Tyron heaved a sigh of relief.

"But I hurt your feelings" Tyron said nervously.

Maya was no fool to notice the attraction Tyron was having for her, but too bad she already has a mate, a freaking dumb ass human mate.

"How about we race each other?" Tyron asked, looking delighted.

Maya liked racing her wolf, so this wasn't a bad idea for her.

They both shifted to their wolves, Layla looked bigger compared to Tyron, even though Tyron was a big wolf.

Together, they raced down the hill.

This time they broadened their space by running a few meters away from home.

Suddenly, they noticed rogue wolves approaching, Maya listened for a long time, from her heightened hearing, she could tell that they came in groups.

Buy what kind of rogues came in groups, she wondered.

Tyron was also on high alert, listening to his environment, ready to pounce on any wolf that attacks.

Slowly, they retraced back into the woods, as they noticed that the rogues approaching also took notice of their presence.

For some minutes, no one made a move to attack.

This was strange for Maya because ever since she had been living in the woods with Tyron, whenever they encountered other rogues, the rogues were always to first to make a move, so how come these sets of rogues are considerate in their hunt.

Tyron, who was dying to fight, he could no longer wait anymore as he came out in full force.

He launched the attack first, and Maya also immediately came out from her hiding to support Tyron in the fight.

Tyron charged towards a wolf who was just his size. She watched as the two of them fought for dominance.

She sensed the other wolf fighting with Tyron familiar, but that was impossible because ever since she had been staying out in the wild she didn't make an acquaintance with an rogue.

The only person she would have thought of was Frederick, but Fredrick's wolf was entirely different from this particular wolf.

Quickly, she looked around only to find the other wolves staring at her. Strangely they aren't trying to attack her or Tyron.

Suddenly, one of the wolves shifted and to her, utmost surprise, it was Frederick.

"Maya, finally!"

Frederick, who had his backpack to his waist, immediately changed his clothes and scurried towards Maya.

She was equally very surprised to see him. They must have come looking for her, she thought.

"What are you doing out here, Frederick?"