
The fate: Babysitter

Aiko moves to Konoha looking for a job and becomes a babysitter for Naruto. But what happens when she meets a certain man who is the brother of Sasuke, Naruto’s best friend. Read to find out.. - This story contains sexual content. - I do not own any of the Naruto characters. They all belong to the rightful owner. - This story will not follow the plot of the anime/manga. - Modern AU. - I own the storyline.

https_alfx · Fantasy
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13 Chs


[ Itachi's POV ]

"We are so crazy!", I said as she laughed, nodding. We stayed holding hands under water, watching the sun go down as a crow flew past. "I see your competition is watching...", Aiko said smirking.

As I chuckled, "You.*kiss*. Are.*kiss*. Mine.", I said kissing her cheeks as she laughed, nudging me softly kissing my cheeks. "You.*kiss*. Are.*kiss*. Such. *kiss*. A.*kiss*. Softy."


"Yes, you cave when ever the boys ask you for something and you are so cute, I get cute aggression around you!"


"Mhm!", Aiko said nodding confidently like a school girl.

"You are so adorable Ai, what am I going to do with you?", I said pinching her cheeks softly. As she smirked swimming close to me as I bit my lip as she whispered in my ear, "You can feed me...", I sighed in defeat.

"Tease!", I said loudly as she winked at me, swimming to the steps getting out of the pool. I swam out after her.

-TIME SKIP no jutsu yet again-

[ Itachi's POV ]

I was having lunch with Sasuke because Aiko and Naruto were having one of their private sessions to help him cope with his parents loss. So both of us were out. Suddenly, the waitress showed up winking at me as I ignored it and just skipped to giving her our orders but she insisted on asking me if Sasuke was my son.

"No, he is my baby brother."

"I see, so are you single?"

"No, I have a girlfriend...", I said matter of factly as she continued to question me.

"Well, if you ever need someone to join you for lunch when she is not around, you know where to find me.", she said winking at me.

"You know what, at least we would be buried together."

"Oh, that's sweet...", she said smiling.

"No, I am serious, my girlfriend would kill you then kill me then bury us both in her back yard so if you want to live a long happy life, I suggest you get back to work. My brother and I will eat elsewhere...thank you for your time.", I said smirking as I got up carrying Sasuke with me.

- - - - -

[ Sasuke's POV ]

I didn't like the lady so I did what I had to, I stuck my tongue out at her and smirked like my big brother as the waitress stomped away in embarrassment. "Don't ever entertain someone trying to flirt with you when you are dating someone or married, understand Sasuke?", Itachi said.

"Okay...", I said not fully getting it. We went to have lunch elsewhere then we headed to see some of big brothers friends and I spent most of my time with Obito and Shisui. "So Obito, how is the new gig?"

"Good as usual, I am going to be playing a character named Tobi, he is a villain.", Obito said smugly, smirking as Shisui laughed.

"You are still in to that voice acting part time job?", he teased.

"I work at The Uchiha Empire to make Uncle Madara happy...I have my own interests too, you know?"

"Like voicing villains in TV shows."

"Hey, I am still famous...", Obito countered as Shisui rolled his eyes.

"You are famous as the billionaire businessman and as one of the Uchiha's."

"He's got a fucking point.", Hidan spoke up.

"Yeah, I don't care. It's my passion, okay?", Obito said, suddenly deepening his voice drastically.

"Woah, what the f- How did you do that?", Hidan asked.

"I told you, it's my part time job.", Obito said smirking.

"Whatever...On to more...interesting news. Itachi, what is going on in your life?", Sasori interjected.

"Um, w-why me?", Itachi asked nervously as I smirked.

"Big brother, they mean your girlfriend.", as Itachi's eyes darted to me quickly as I shrugged.

"Woah! You mean that chick that was at your house?", Shisui said only to get interrupted by Sasori, "What?!"

"No, he doesn't mean it like that!", Itachi answered quickly as Sasori eyed him dangerously.

"You know, she is a Suna woman..."


"And you know what they say about Suna women...", Sasori said.

"Ha! I once dated a bitch from Suna...I eventually dumped her and she set my Porsche alight, damn those bitches are scary.", Hidan piped up as Sasori rolled his eyes and continued, "But...I trust you to treat her well and keep her happy, besides she is very reasonable and practical so I am sure you two will do just fine.", he said looking at Itachi intimidatingly.

"Yeah, he will be fine, that Uchiha blood in him is strong.", Shisui said trying to lighten up the situation.

- - - - -

[ Aiko's POV ]

The last couple of weeks have been busy so I thought why not have a Party, unfortunately my idea had spread far and wide because it suddenly included all of Itachi's friends, Iruka, Naruto and Sasuke and a few other kids as well as some guy named Kakashi Hatake along with his friends, apparently Itachi knew him well and wanted him to join.

It soon became a huge affair which I wasn't prepared for, and it was now being organised such that three special guests would join. These three special guests were almost like ambassadors of Konoha as everyone knew them, they consisted of renowned author Master Jiraiya, famous medical doctor Dr. Tsunade and a scientist named Professor. Orochimaru.

They had put Konoha on the map with their fame. And I also will soon have the honour of meeting some of Itachi's relatives well known for being businessmen, their names are; Madara Uchiha, Izuna Uchiha and the two who I have already met, Shisui and Obito.

Now, I don't know how my small idea became this big of a deal because I only mentioned it to one of the women I met at Naruto's school, her name was Kurenai Yuhi and that too I only met her because she had a daughter in the smaller grades.

However, I only recently found out from Itachi that she is the Mayor's daughter in Law so that's how the whole town found out and I am no longer planning it because it is now a Mayor issue and I am merely to attend. Crazy, right?

-TIME SKIPPY no jutsu-

The Party is in two days and I always wanted to be like those girls who take the whole week to get ready for a party like those socialites. So Itachi and I went shopping to look for couple outfits.

"Hey, girlfriend! So since we are like matching, it's so like cute like yah!", I said batting my eyelashes every so often while pretending to chew gum.

"Last I checked, I was your boyfriend.", Itachi said, laughing.

"Urgh! Why do you have to kill the mood, I was getting into character.", I said rolling my eyes playfully.

"Why do I have to be your girlfriend, why can't you be like my bro or something?" He said as I pouted.

"Fine.", he said, sighing. "I will be your girlfriend...", he said giving in as he did a hair flip, "I am so gorgeous!", he said laughing.

"That, you are!", I said laughing loudly. We headed to the first store and looked around finding nothing interesting.

"So, how are we dressing and what is our color?", he asked.

"I wanted to go with a cute dress but up to you..."

"I like that! My idea however is, you wear something like a jumpsuit and I wear pants, T-shirt and a leather jacket..."

"Okay, I don't know if you figured out that I love jumpsuits or whether you like me in jumpsuits but I like your idea way better."

"Okay well, let's go look around the other stores."

We eventually found a dark blue jumpsuit that wasn't a full pants but shorts and it was really fancy and we both liked it.

"Strut that stuff! Work it! Yes, do a turn...keep looking!...Look here!", Itachi said, trying to be a good hype man as I kept posing as if I was on the red carpet. In the end, we both burst out laughing like mad people.

"If your parents only knew what I did to their mature son."

"Are you kidding? I haven't had this much fun in so long.", he said with a small smile.

I then jumped to hug him as he laughed, returning the hug with a bear hug. We eventually walked into a store with mostly men's clothes. There we found a dark blue leather jacket and the same colour in pants and a T-shirt and last but not least, we both went looking for accessories.

"You know, blue has a complimentary colour. What if our shoes and shades were orange for more edge.", Itachi said thoughtfully.

"Okay. Number one, wow! Number two, how the hell did you know that?"

"Oh, Obito, he always says that blue and orange go together well."

"He does seem like an orange kind of a guy, you know...?"

"And me...what colour do look like?"

"Hmmm...a dark purple or red, either one would suit you.", I said trying to sound professional.

"Wow, you really thought that through."

"Yep...uh, Itachi?"


"Have you ever...you know wanted to um...cosplay?"

"Oh?...um I am not opposed to it, if you want to one day then maybe...if we do it together you know, it would...I mean I would do...that?"

"Hmmm...nice answer...well you know who I would dress you as first, right?", I said clasping my hands behind my back swaying, a little side to side wiggling my brows slightly.

"Oh...oh...OH! Oh my god, him!..."

"Yeah...duh! Only if you let me though."

"Urgh! Fine...", Itachi said, crossing his arms.

"The things I do for you…..", Itachi said, shaking his head.

At the end of the day I had orange stilettos, we both had orange shades and Itachi had orange combat boots.