
The Fastest Man in Game of Thrones AU

A modern man reincarnated in an alternate universe of Game of Thrones / ASOIAF as the son of Lyanna Stark and Raeghar Targareyan. He also inherited superpowers from three worlds - Flash, Aquaman & One Piece. Is he a savior of Westeros or the destroyer of order? Let's see how many changes he had brought to this world. Spoiler: He will discover NEW WORLD CONTINENT, the unknown part of ASOIAF. Disclaimer: This is fanfic written for fun and enjoyment. I did not own any copyright to ASOIAF, GOT & the cover pics.

maturenovels · TV
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New Look of King's Landing

The King's Landing was a very beautiful city. It's even better than the I saw on the tv show. After all, the only infrastructure development they could think of in this era was building castles and forts.

Even though it was built 300 years ago, it was still standing strong and firm. The uniqueness of the castle walls and fort walls was that they were tempered with dragon fire.

The problem of King's landing was neither the fort nor the castle but the settlement inside.

There were more than 500,000 population in this capital city. But fourth of this population was lowborns or small folks who were living in hunger and poverty.

As I had mentioned before, sanitation and hygiene here was worrying. My presence here had changed everything.

But the changes was not complete yet, but it'd be completed before the eve of the Great Tournament.

I had provided cheap plumbing materials to the residents. Drainage and sewage project was almost done under the supervision of Jon Arryn.

Because of the sudden increase of employment and fair wages through my infrastructure projects, poverty and hunger had declined dramatically.

I also provided timber and built resettlements outside the fort. I paid gold for the people in flea bottom to move away.

What could they say?

It's the king's order. Besides, they got new home and golds. They all moved outside the castle. The slum area of flea bottom had been demolished and new houses were constructed. This area would serve as the guest houses for those nobles who came from other kingdoms.

King's landing was no longer smelly. All alleys, roads, drains, etc. were all white washed with lime. Then, new concrete roads were paved.

You won't be able to find any muddy road or paths in the King's Landing. Of course, I did not forget to plant trees and flowers. It improved the scenery, spread the sweet smells of flowers and it served as my best tool for monitoring.

Moreover, I demolished all haphazard buildings, inns and brothels. I compensated in gold to buy out or provided raw materials to rebuild them.

I showed them both gold and swords. They did not protest.

Same went for all market streets like streets of steel, street of silk, street of fishmongers, etc.

King's Landing became a truly beautiful capital city. There were no longer beggar, petty thieves, whores, etc. roaming on the street.

Anything that could be solved with gold was not a problem. Those small folks who moved out of the castle were not left idle. They were hired for road construction, as factory workers, for college construction, etc. Employment opportunity for them was not lacking.

It'd be great surprise for the nobles.

I would make sure this was holy place for the rich and nobles. By doing so, I could attract them here.

A large stadium was constructed on the tourney grounds which could accommodate about 100,000 people.

Walls of the Red Keep was either white washed or plastered with cement. You won't be able find any old traces of war and fighting.

Nobody could enter the Red Keep. Security of the city and castle had been tightened. Without my order, nobody was allowed to enter the castle.

The only residents were maids, servants, kings guards and the family of the seven small council members.

You may ask what about the prisoners in dungeon?

Well, I had moved the dungeon out of the castle. The Dragons Pit was repaired and turned into a prison for criminals and station for City Watch.

Old dungeon of the castle was repaired and refurbished into warehouses and winecellars. I strictly forbidden to put things haphazardly in the castle.

Now, it's neat, tidy and brightly lit. My new candles and the fluorescent panels were a hit. They were the most popular goods I supplied beside paper and sugar.

Previously dimly lit courtroom or throne room was now bright as day. But I never bother to sit on that iron throne.

You know, that's iron. How comfortable it could be?

I really wanted to change into a golden throne with cushion.


Pyter Baelish took the appointment and headed for Dorne.

The tournament had not been started but Olenna Tyrell had arrived. She did come alone but with her two beautiful daughters. Mina Tyrell and Janna Tyrell were indeed a very beautiful pair of sister flowers.

My heart move a little on seeing them. But the proposal of the old lady was disappointing.

She wanted the two sisters to marry the remaining two Baratheon brothers - Stannis and Renly.

During the Robert's rebellion, they stood at the Targareyan's side. They did not have much influence on the court.

She wanted to make up with the marriage of her two daughters to the House of Baratheon.

It's pity that there was no harem in the Iron Throne. I wished I was reincarnated in medieval India or China.

Targareyan kings were known for having multiple sisterwives. Maybe I should try having a pair of sisters.

I gifted the two sisters a set of jewelleries each. They were flattered.

I also hinted that I was willing to marry the two sisters. The old lady was full of smiles.

It turned out that marrying the baratheon brothers was a helpless choice because of me marrying Cersei Lannister.

What could be better than marrying the king himself?

Happy mother and daughters were sent away. I was happy too but I had to console a jealous and aggrieved lioness.

How could it be hidden from her?

I had to comfort her and convince her why I needed to marry them. She was already loyal and faithful to me because of my compulsions and repeated rituals.

She just needed a reason to convince herself. I gave the reason. My control over the Reach was not enough. They stood against me during the last war and blah blah. I needed this marriage to bring the kingdom together. My future children born through the two sisters could even rule Reach directly.

I also promised her the throne would be inherited by her children.

Wow, maintaining a harem was harder than you might think.

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