
The Fashion Princess

There will be slight gore! This is a story about a girl who wakes up in the body of a princess! This is my first story so I hope you like it!!

PlumCandyShame · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter One

Hello lovelies! How are you guys on this fine night? Remember mental health is important so please take proper care of yourself!! On to the chapter! Also her name is Elizabeth!


I lay in my mom's arms as she cradles me sniffing. I'm so confused about everything and everyone here is mean except my mom. My mom only visits me a few times. Aren't I supposed to be a princess!? Why am I getting treated like monster! I use the crib to help me stand up and sit down. I don't know why my memories stayed.. is God really not real? I shake my head. No, first we gotta learn more about this place! A maid comes in and picks me up. Oh no! It's Mary again! She's the meanest person in this palace! I don't understand how she could treat me such a way because I'm only a baby! The maid with too much makeup would shove a bottle in Elizabeth's mouth. She's the one in charge of feeding me. But she always manages to hurt me! My chubby hands would try to push her away as she presses down hard.

'What are you doing!? Stop it before you get no dinner!!' She sounds so full of herself- I keep pushing her hands away. 'I told you to stop!' She pinches my back really hard. Are you crazy woman!? I start to cry loudly, hoping to get anyone's attention. The doors would suddenly burst open as my mom enters with the king! He glares at Mary with his fierce gold eyes. 'Y-your Majesty!' He holds his hand up 'No. Tell me why you're holding a princess in such manner.'

'W-well, since she was being b-bad-' The maid looked scared. I grin to myself before hollering in pain. My mom would speak up in complete rage 'No! Stop it!!' 'Catch her and throw her into prison..' My fathers words would surprise me as he said it so coldly. He walks over to me and picks me up as the guards would catch the maid and drag her away. I look up at my dad with my ruby red eyes.


It's been four years since I was born and everything seems to be going well. I stand up wobbling a bit. Two children run in screaming my name. 'Hello guys!' I smile at them beaming like a sun. The girl hugs me, her name is Vanisa!

'We missed you!' 'Yeah!' Well it's great to have friends! 'Wanna play horsy?' 'Yeah!!' Both look very excited. 'Cmon then' I run off as they follow.

It felt so nice to run! Let me explain what's happening now. My name is Elizabeth, the second princess of Frost kingdom! I have ruby red eyes with periwinkle purple hair! I am currently four and my best friends are Vanisa and Adda! Both of them coming from the Marple kingdom! We've been friends since I was two. 'Oh we're here!' I slow down and open the stalls getting my pony named Marbell out. I question why I was allowed to have a unicorn at this age, but it's still a baby. 'Cmon' I take out some supplies and start to take care of her. 'Alright' Adda gets on and helps Vanisa up. 'wooooow' They both would giggle. I would roll my eyes before getting in the front and getting the horse into a simple trot. 'Woah' Vanisa holds onto Adda scared and amazed. I can't help but smile. I would guide the pony deeper into the woods nearby. This makes me think about my dog and how much they liked the woods near my house. But they died in my past life a year before I was brutally murdered. I slightly grind my teeth before looking around realizing I traveled off the path. 'Oh no!' An arrow would suddenly fly past! '!?' The twins would start to scream as the pony starts to run in whatever direction. 'Ah no!!' Is this how I'm going to die..? No.. I won't die like this!! I turn the pony around and flee out the forest, going back to the palace.

'We're almost there!!!' Just as we almost made it, Marbell would trip over a fallen tree* 'AHHH!?' We all come crashing down as horses would pull up. No! It's the Cranala kingdom!! They have a horrible history with the Frost kingdom!! Marbell would get up and dash away with Adda on them. 'No! Come back, please don't leave us!!'

The men would grab me and Vanisa. 'No!!' Vanisa was just crying from the wound she got when Marbell tripped.

~No one's pov~

The king sat in his throne annoyed as he heard Adda crying, trying to explain what happened. It didn't help that his queen was weeping next to him. The doors would burst open as Adda's dad and mom enters with their baby brother. The king (Adda's dad) would walk over. 'What happened!?' 'The Cranala kingdom took them..'

'Do they want war?!' 'I don't have a clue about what runs through their mind..'