
The Farmer's Daughter is the Favorite of the Family

Genre: Space, Doting, Farming, Time travel, Healing Synopsis: Xu Linyue from the 21st century crossing over with the heavenly space soul penetration to a 5 year old farmer's girl, originally thinking of living in a peaceful life, and didn't want to be spoiled by her family in this life! She resolutely plans to take her family out of poverty and embark on a glorious path to wealth! Vegetable greenhouses are set up, and the grape wine is famous far and wide. It is easy to make money, but thanks to the spiritual spring water in the space, she can do some good things to benefit the neighbors. "Have you all heard? The 3rd Prince actually chose a peasant girl as his royal consort!" A noblewoman viciously said "a countryside from the mud leg, no money, no power, how can be worthy of the 3rd Prince, can't even read a few words, I'm not convinced! I don't like it either!" Qibao grunted in her heart and casually offered a masterpiece, and the crowd was stunned. Later they realized that Qibao was not only the younger sister of the new scholar, but also the one who helped the 3rd prince to win the battle behind the scenes.

Witchy8181 · History
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194 Chs

Taking in a Younger Brother

Kui Wu quickly pulled Qibao back, and Qibao also let him pull her back. Watching the two plump figures coming down from the tree, she was sure that they were indeed the two she met before.

Holding the dagger given to him by his lady, Kui Wu stood in front of Qibao, looking at the black bear with two dead eyes and a very serious expression on his big face.

The black bear saw Qibao again. He was holding honey in both hands and was about to come over with his white teeth exposed. When he saw a man in front of Qibao holding a dagger towards them, he stopped.

At this time, the bee hive has been destroyed, and the bees are flying down from the branches one after another, looking for the culprit to settle accounts.

No matter how good Qibao was in Kongfu, Qibao couldn't stop the overwhelming honey from attacking her, and she really suffered from some trypophobia.

It goes without saying that this black bear has thick skin and is not afraid of bee stings, so she ignored the black bear and pulled Kui Wu next to her and ran in the opposite direction.

Seeing this, the black bear also ran after Qibao, still holding the beehive just picked from the tree in his hand.

Kui Wu only felt the wind whistling in his ears, his brain was a bit spinning, usually he only sees young masters practicing martial arts early in the morning, and feels that their martial arts are not simple. Unexpectedly, the really unsimple thing is the youngest lady. His feet are now somewhat hanging off the ground. He was a man of nearly two hundred pounds and he was now becoming more and more impressed with the young lady.

She didn't know how long she had been running, and there was no movement behind her, so Qibao stopped, and before long the white wolves had all caught up with her.

Kui Wu breathed a sigh of relief, finally no longer hearing the sound of bees, so he said: "Miss, we are here to capture the black bear. I just looked back and saw that the black bear was running with us. I don't know if it has followed us nearby. In order to prevent them from attacking suddenly, we should be careful."

Qibao wasn't worried. The two black bears were still afraid of her. If they dared to attack suddenly, she would chop off their bear paws and give them to her family to taste.

After a while, Qibao heard movement coming from the direction they just passed by, and then heard the sound of buzzing bees, and two black bears also popped their heads.

"Damn it, why are you catching up again!" Kui Wu said angrily.

Qibao didn't want to run anymore. She pointed in a direction and shouted at the black bear: "You two run in that direction."

The two black bears couldn't quite understand what Qibao meant. They looked at the direction Qibao pointed and ran in that direction obediently.

The swarm of bees also followed the direction, the black bear did not run for long before stopping. The black bear stopped after running for a short time, it was not afraid of bee stings. It was only after seeing Qibao, an acquaintance of its own, that it chased after him. 

After struggling for a while, the bees reluctantly retreated and flew away in a swarm in one direction.

After Qibao had sent White Wolf to inquire about the situation, and after hearing what White Wolf had to say that the bees had flown away, she then took Qui Wu in the direction of the black bears.

Black Bear saw Qibao's figure and jumped up and down twice happily. Qibao pulled Kui Wu in front of her and said: "Don't worry, don't be nervous, I know them."

Kui Wu also noticed that they actually listened to the direction the lady asked them to run in.

Qibao walked towards the black bear, and the two bears came forward to meet her, holding the honeycomb in it hands in front of Qibao.

Qibao was a little amused. She patted their big bellies again and said: "Are you going to give these to me? I won't eat what you left." Qibao looked at the honey on the two bears' mouths and knew that they had definitely stuttered.

The black bear didn't understand Qibao's words. Seeing that the human didn't answer, he retracted his paw and started licking it himself.

Kui Wu also stepped forward, not daring to get too close. Black Bear stepped forward and sniffed Kui Wu. Kui Wu's forehead was sweating a little and he stood there without moving.

However, Qibao may have noticed something wrong. Kui Wu was as tall as the standing black bear. He still had a charcoal face, and the beard on his face had never been shaved. He looks quite similar to a black bear, so he wouldn't be regarded as the same kind! But it shouldn't be possible, she just imagining it.

Qibao stepped forward and pulled Kui Wu over, and said to the black bear: "Why are you guys out here on the outskirts? What do you want?"

Xiaoling's voice sounded in her head and said: "Master, they know that the white wolf and you are on good terms, they are probably following the white wolf's scent to find their way here, and it's not like you don't know how attractive the spiritual spring water of the space is to animals, so they are probably trying to look for an opportunity to whore their way here."

Qibao finally understood. As expected, animals understand animals best. Although Xiaoling can speak human language, he is still a little fox.

Qibao said: "Then this is not a solution, they are not malicious, if they want to harm the villagers, it is estimated that they would have already done it, I see that they are quite eye-catching, so I will accept them into the space and raise them, perhaps there will be help in the future."

Xiaoling exclaimed: "That's fine, just so I'll have two more companions."

Qibao told Kui Wu to wait for her here and waved at the two black bears, the two bears followed behind Qibao, finding a place where Kui Wu couldn't see them, she put the two bears into space, and Qibao followed suit.

The black bear felt dazzled by the change of place, and the honey nest in his hand fell to the ground in shock. When he saw Qibao, he hurriedly hid behind Qibao.

Xiaoling smirked and said: "These two things are quite big, but how can they be so cowardly."

Qibao patted the two bears and said: "Don't be afraid. I brought you here. From now on, just follow me."

Xiaoling stated: "They don't understand much of what you say to them at the moment, leave it to me, I'll make them the same as the white wolves, so that you all understand each other."

Qibao nodded, and Xiaoling also gave the two black bears a spiritual seal as he did last time.

Black Bear felt something flash and was stunned for a moment. Qibao stepped forward and said: "Hurry up and pick up your honey."

The black bear subconsciously bent down to pick up the beehive, and then the two of them realized that they understood Qibao's words, and immediately danced with joy.

Qibao patted their big bellies and found that they were quite funny. "duang,duang,duang" Yes, she couldn't help but pat it a few more times. The black bear still grinned and let Qibao pat it.

After having enough fun, Qibao was in a good mood and filled two basins of spiritual spring water for them to drink. When the two black bears saw the spiritual spring water, the honey in their hands suddenly lost its fragrance, so they picked up the basins and started drinking.

The spiritual spring water they are drinking now is not the same as the last time. The spiritual energy is much richer.

They drank two full basins of spiritual spring water, and their bellies became a little bigger. After drinking, they licked the water stains on their mouths, and revealed a mouth of white teeth towards Qibao.

In fact, Qibao couldn't figure it out. She found that the teeth of animals are whiter than those of humans. The white wolf at home is like this, so is Xiaoba, and even the black bear in front of her is like this but they never brush their teeth.

Qibao said: "Xiaoling I'll go out first, you'll help watch over the two of them, but you can't let them hoover up the place."