
The Fantasy World

renee, a teenager , uncovers the mystries of her life one by one as she enters Hillsfred Academy. Her encounters with supernatural beings, uncovering the hidden powers inside her....

Artemisphoenix · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Chapter 4:



I woke up to the screeching sound of long iron gates that almost seemed like an entry gate to a haunted house. I soon realised that i unconsciously doze off listening to Cave's garrulous talks. It was already dark by the time we reach. I sat back rubbing and blinking my eyes, to look through the dark.

"Look who's up!? Good morning, sleeping princess", Cave mocked me with a goofy grin.

"Good morning blabbermouth!", I snapped back with a fake smile and he snorted. From the little conversation that I could remember having with him I learnt that Cave is a complete show off and equally annoying .

"Have we arrived?"

"Almost there."

Behind the gates was what i believe a dense forest, only a narrow road dividing it. We continued to drive ahead.

Only after a kilometer or two, a giant wall came into view. Driving past it is the HILLSFRED ACADEMY... Woah!

It was stone and gothic, with cathedral-like buildings that almost looked medieval. The complete place gave me a Harry Potter feeling... We stopped in front of the main building where a beautiful and elegant young lady stood as if she was waiting for our arrival. She had a gentle and pleasant smile on her face. I dont know much about outfits and all. I assume she is wearing a professional white sheath dress giving off her perfect body structure just like a hourglass. Her brownish black hair flowing freely behind.

"Belle!" , Cave exclaimed as he hopped out and dashed towards her, while i kept behind him.

"Did you miss me honey?"

"Fuck off, Cave" the lady rolled her eyes.

"Love you too babe! ", he said grinning . A scowl formed on her beautiful face. Looking at them bantering, they seemed pretty... what do i say..... childish!?

"Hi! I'm Isabelle. You can call me just Belle." , the lady turns towards me putting forth her hand.

"Uhm... Renee", I shake her hand hesitantly.

"..... I'm guessing Mr. Not-so-pretty face didn't give you any starters before you arrive here?... ", she says giving a skeptical look at Cave. Cave faked a hurt look to his title.

"Uh... Uhm... No!?", uncertainty in my voice as I glance back from Cave to Belle.

"Hey she dozed off before I could speak about it ", Cave reasoned out putting his hands in the air.

"Or... You just sang her to sleep with your blattering?",she pointed out squinting her eyes at him. Cave let out a sheepish grin scratching the back of his head.

"*sigh* Guess I should start anew then!", Belle turns towards me with a polite smile "Hi Renee, am Isabelle Montclair, the principal of this academy and you will be under my care from now on."

My eyes wide with shock. Did she just say principal!? Well... I was expecting someone of middle age you know ... Like dumbledore , but she seems pretty young! Besides, aren't principals supposed to be stern looking, strict and disciplined... But she is ..... pretty cool, carefree and friendly.

"I-It's nice to meet you ma'am", I say not knowing what else to say.

"Oh no dear! No need for the formalities. Keep it casual, I like it that way " she says placing an arm around my shoulders and I nod back.

"And this here-" she points towards Cave " is Mr. Cave Paul, a pshyciatrist, he'll be your personal counselor and for the time being will be working in the academy's infirmary." He waves his hand, grinning at me and I'm completely dumbfounded from what I heard just now. No way! Really!? This should be some kind of a joke. Tell me, its a joke. But how can...

"Lets head to your room, shall we?", Belle snaps be back to reality and I slightly nod my head. I turn to get my luggage from the car but Belle stops me "Cave will get it for you. Don't worry let's keep going"

"But-" I try to speak.

"Come onnnn!", she pulls me along with her.

"Really woman!? Hey!!!", I could here Cave shouting behind us, but Belle kept me tagging along with her.

I can see its a really vast campus like.... really vast, as we walk to the left from the main building. Even though the buildings look medieval, the place is well maintained. We come across a chapel and Belle points towards it and says," That's the prayer hall." I nod in understanding and walk further. Soon we come across a building which like the rest looks medieval and finally I spot some students walking in and out of it. I was starting to doubt if I were the only student here.

"This is the dormitory for students. Both boys and girls stay under the same roof. And you will be staying here as well" , Belle stated as she lead me in. I could feel stares from around me but I didn't dare look up as I silently walked beside her. Everyone wore uniforms nobody in their casuals. As they walk past by us they would greet Belle casually before they peep a glance at me and she returns it in the same tone unaffected.

She fishes out a key from her pocket and says, "Lets see, your room number is...03F; Which means third floor, right next to the stairs."

"Right now, most of the rooms are empty as its summer holidays and students are out having fun with their families. Very few are left behind. The rest will be back in a week or two. Usually two students share a room ,worst cases three.", Belle says as we ascend the stairs, " Lucky for you, you are currently the only one in your room , the previous student is currently .....on an internship program and we... Clearly don't know when that ends ."

Ofcourse, it didn't make any sense to me but I decided to keep quiet about it. Soon we made it to our room. Belle popped the key into the hole and turned it. The door opened with a click and we entered the room.

Cave brought up my lugguage with some huffs and puffs, grumbling at Belle once he reached. But Belle just pushed it away saying , "Its good to give your body some exercise every now and then. "

"Sooo? Do you wanna come down and grab a bite or would you like to take some rest" Belle asked me .

" I would like to take some rest. Thank you" , I replied gently.

"Fine then get some good sleep. I'll come and pick you tomorrow", she said giving me a quick hug which I returned.

"I went through the medical reports your father sent me. Not much co-operative huh!?", he said with a raised eyebrow and I looked down not wanting to meet his eyes.

"For now continue the same medication. I'll change the dose after I give you a small check -up." I nodded in approval and they let me be.

I closed the door behind them and rummaged through my small bag for meds. I found it at the very bottom. I popped open one from each sheet and stuffed them into my mouth. There was a jar of water on a table nearby, I took a big sip and downed them in one go. I took several more sips then placed the jar back on the table.

I turned around and plopped down on the bed, not in a mood to change whatever I'm wearing. With no energy left, I close my eyes and soon darkness cover me. I welcome the familiar feeling and drift away into a deep, deep sleep.