
The fantastic world of Meruidian

A group of friends, fans of role playing games and fantasy stories are transported to a world as amazing as it is lethal, they will have to work together to find a way to return home using all the knowledge they have acquired during their gaming sessions.

Radical_Manga · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 20: Attack of Titans!

The plan seemed to be going smoothly just a few moments ago, but in real life, unlike in the game, a roll of the dice doesn't solve things. The variables are too many, there is always the possibility of something going wrong.

Kunoichi lay motionless on the ground, on a pool of her own blood, completely helpless, at the mercy of her enemies who rushed to scale the rubble to grab her. Fortunately for her, she did not fall to the first floor of what was left of the building, but her fall had been stopped by a broken timber and she was suspended in the air at the height of the second floor.

- What are you useless fools waiting for?, go up and get her! We don't have all day! - shouted the leader of the horde, rousing his lackeys.

The orcs redoubled their efforts to climb up to the second floor, they would have climbed the stairs, but there was nothing left of them but rubble, thanks to the rock that the giant threw. Soon, the most agile of them was at the top, only a few meters away from his prey. He approached grinning, and stretched out his filthy hands to seize her.

Then a shadow fell upon him and caught him, tearing his throat apart. A choked roar came from the orc, who fell to the ground, lifeless. Standing between them and their victim was a giant weasel, baring its bloody fangs. The orc archers, without hesitating for a second, unleashed a hail of arrows on the animal, which placed itself as a shield, protecting the little ninja, despite the number, none of the arrows hit the target. At least not the weasel, but the deflected arrows had to fall somewhere, so they hit the orcs that were still climbing the walls, seriously wounding some of them and killing others.

- Damned idiots, don't shoot arrows at it!!!! It has some kind of spell that protects it. You must go up and kill that animal! - He ordered his subordinates, who resumed their task.

- Kike throw rock! - Said one of the giants who managed to make his way to the scene, while raising a boulder and aiming.

- No moron, I want her alive, I want to make her suffer! - shouted their leader, to which the giant dropped the stone on a goblin that turned to mush.

In less than a minute, there were at least ten orcs and goblins climbing the walls to reach the weasel, but getting rid of it was not an easy task, every time one of them was about to reach the top, he received a fierce bite, losing his life or rolling down the slope breaking his bones. However, not all of them fell or died without managing to do anything, some managed to wound the animal with their scimitars, denting its resistance little by little.

Soon the number of enemies was too much for Zulki, she had wounds in several parts of her body, but that did not make her retreat, they only managed to touch the little girl over her dead body. Five of those creatures managed to climb up, meters below, the unsuccessful ones were piled up dead. They surrounded her and Zulki retreated ready to resist until the end and take as many as she could.

- NOBODY HURT MY FRIENDS AND LIVE, YOU BASTARDS!!!! BY KROM I'LL FINISH YOU ALL OFF!!!! - bellowed like a thunder, a female voice that seemed out of her mind.

The orcs turned and what they saw chilled their blood, it was a huge humanoid figure covered by a crimson hood, she carried a gigantic scythe, the earth moved under her feet like an avalanche of rock sliding at great speed towards them. The collision sent them flying through the air like leaves carried by the wind. The gigantic apparition leapt into their midst, crushing them like insects and smashing its way through the crowd. The earth shook around her, the heads of her enemies rolled and her voice was so fierce that it seemed as if KALIYA the goddess of death had come for all of them.

At her side there were two other colossuses in armor, the dwarf god Gim and the god of valor Kashu. The earth opened up beneath the feet of the orc soldiers and from its depths emerged a titan made of rock, crushing everyone within its reach, a bear about six meters tall also leapt onto the battlefield, tearing the terrified horde apart with its steel paws. Panic seized those who only moments ago were fierce, bloodthirsty warriors. They began to scatter and run in the opposite direction, getting in each other's way, trampling each other. Their retreat was impeded by their own giant allies, who were in the rear, who began to lose their balance, having so many small creatures running between their feet, some of them fell, crushing their allies.

- Don't go back, damned cowards! turn around and fight! - ordered the leader to his men who paid little heed. - Giants, crush anyone who tries to flee! - He ordered the giants, who neither short nor lazy used their clubs to smash to pieces those who approached.

The battalion leader tried to regain control of his soldiers, but they were in a panic, they feared they were facing supernatural beings, deities who had come down to punish them, to send them to the depths of the underworld.

Behind the avalanche of rock, a second wave of ferocious creatures the size of wolves fell, which, like a stampede, overwhelmed those in their path. Those who were not trampled, ended up covered with bites. As they had no chance to escape, they had no choice but to fight the creatures, killing some, but suffering many casualties.

An orb of fire enveloped the orcs that had cornered Zulki and Kunoichi, who rolled down the slope in ashes. Out of the smoke came a figure covered in furs, approaching the two. But Zulki did not growl at it or bared her teeth, on the contrary, she licked his hand affectionately. It was Ashram who had organized an attack as soon as he realized something was wrong.

- Duan Leigheas! - He exclaimed as he put his hand on the forehead of the little ninja, a healing light covered her and the wounds closed, the same did with Zulki, who was also badly hurt. - Well done little girl, you resisted like a champion.

- What happened...? - whispered the confused young woman as she regained conciousness and tried to get up.

- You were seriously injured, Zulki protected you and luckily we arrived in time to rescue you. - Ashram said, he was about to mention that she should have retreated when he ordered her to, but he was so relieved that she was alive, that he kept those words to himself.

- It looks like we can finish them off after all. - Kunoichi said excitedly as she watched her friends fight, pushing back the enemy horde.

Zafiro, Runkdar and Mathew had received Mila's titanic growth enchantment, they were not as big as a mountain giant, but big enough to be a threat, with them was an earth elemental of similar size, summoned by Ashram, it was he who had made the ground move, transporting the group sliding at high speed like surfing an avalanche of stones, until it crashed with the orc army, there was also a brown bear under the spell of growth that Ashram used on Zulki, all this had a very strong psychological impact on the horde of enemies, causing them many casualties, but not enough to stop them. Unfortunately they were still vastly outnumbered. The giants were prevented from acting freely, since there were too many orcs and goblins at their feet, and every time they moved, they trampled them, causing more casualties. The wizard ogres could not cast spells, because of Faye's music, but the confusion would not last forever, they had to retreat before they lost the advantage.

- Go back to the meeting point, go with Zulki, we will follow you. - Ashram said before jumping into the battlefield. Kunoichi looked back, but this time she did as she was told.

The fight was fierce, Zafiro looked like a whirlwind attacking everyone in front of her, however, not all the enemies had died without being able to hurt her, she had wounds on her legs and arms. After a while there was a pile of enemies on the ground, which prevented her from moving freely. The situation of the others was not much better, Runkdar was also wounded, but he was still fighting, dwarves are known to be tireless in combat, they do not stop until they give their last breath. The one who was in the worst situation was Mathew, there was nothing left of his shield, his sword was dented and it seemed that it would soon cease to serve him, he was wounded in the shoulder, in the abdomen, in addition to having received a heavy blow to the head with an iron mace. Had he not been under the effects of the growth spell, he might no longer be standing. Their strength was beginning to fail them, the number of enemies was too great. The earth elemental summoned by Ashram collapsed after a joint attack by the enemy. The bear that accompanied them was also wounded, if they continued fighting it would suffer the same fate.

- DIE BASTARDS!!! - Zafiro shouted, the pile of dead enemies at her feet grew so much that she could not move well, she was fighting against several orcs at once when she slipped in a pool of black blood, a moment that was taken advantage of by the enemies to throw themselves on her.

- Arghhh! growled Runkdar. - He had three spears stabbed into his abdomen, he had protected Zafiro by placing himself as a shield at the last moment. - Damn monsters! - he shouted, putting an end to his attackers with a swing of his battle axe.

- RUNKDAAAR!!! - Zafiro shouted more furious than ever, leaping forward as the orcs swarmed to follow their attack, emboldened by having seen one of their foes fall.

- "Lipur kot'tlik!" Ashram exclaimed joining the fray. His movements became much more agile like those of a puma, he passed through the orc soldiers evading their weapons and doing a few somersaults he reached where his companions were. - Mathew, take Runkdar, we have to retreat. - He said placing his hands on the ground. - Droigheann!

As he uttered those words, huge vines with sharp spikes shot out of the ground and out of the timbers of the surrounding houses, immobilizing the orcs who were digging into the spikes as they tried to free themselves, but they were so stuck to each other that it was a very difficult task.

The time limit of the growth spell, came to an end at the worst moment, the bear disappeared, for it was only a temporary invocation. The furious animals that had supported them, were none other than the ronsocos of the village, the druid convinced them to help him, but as they had already accomplished their work, they slipped away among the houses, leaving them to their fate.

- Maneuver twenty-five! - Ashram said over the intercom, as they ran off in a hurry leaving the remaining orcs, very angry.

The giants, being much stronger, were already getting rid of the vines and began to throw huge boulders at them. One of those boulders passed by them and ended up shattering a nearby house. Fortunately they had managed to evacuate all the villagers in time.

- Maneuver twenty-five, eh? or rather, run like hell! - Said Mathew, who never wasted an opportunity to annoy Ashram even when he was on the verge of death.

- It's your favorite maneuver Mathew... hahaha Arghh.... - Runkdar whispered without caring about the pain.

- Damn it! just hang in there fat bearded boy! - Mathew replied. - You should stop eating so much, you're too heavy.

- Better shut up and run faster, those giants are improving their aim and I don't want us to end up squashed like grapes - Said Zafiro happy that all of them survived the encounter, at least for now.

That unexpected attack had taken them completely by surprise, at least half of their subordinates were dead, the rest were badly injured, except for the mountain giants and their fellow ogres, although that hellish noise did not allow them to cast any spells. The chief reflected as they freed themselves from the vines. Nevertheless, the enemies had been wounded, they were not supernatural beings, and his soldiers still had an overwhelming advantage in numbers. He could not return without loot after having lost half of his forces.

ARE WE GOING TO LET SOME CHILDREN HUMILIATE THE HORDE? WE HAVE TO TAKE REVENGE! CHARGE!!! - Ordered the leader, his subordinates, recovering their fighting spirit, went after those who had caused them so much damage, now their enemies were wounded, they could not get very far in that condition.

The orc crowd caused a tremendous roar in their path, blind rage drove them, they had to take revenge at any cost, then they would worry about capturing the villagers, the priority now was to destroy the group of adventurers.

- It seems that they do not intend to retreat... - Ashram said looking at the crowd behind them, without missing a step.

- Yes, I would think that being at least eighty against seven, they would consider the possibility of surrendering - Zafiro added mockingly.

- Remind me that if we get back to our world alive, I recommended you to be a comedian. - Mathew replied panting.

The group of friends arrived to where the street divided into two paths, they hesitated for a second, but the druid took the one on the left, signaling for them to follow him. This did not go unnoticed by their pursuers, who quickly closed the distance. They had no more arrows, but it was better this way, they could almost taste the moment when they could cut them to pieces with their swords.

- Halt! - commanded the leader of the horde as they reached the crossroads. Torom, go with your group on that side, so we can surround these brats.

- Understood! - Torom replied, running along the right side of the road with fifteen other orcs.

No sooner had they rounded the corner, when a tremendous explosion blew up the houses on both sides of the road, collapsing on Torom's group that was finished off with another explosion. Where they were seconds before, now there was only debris and fire.

- Look boss! - Shouted one of the footmen, pointing to a humanoid figure in a black cloak and wide-brimmed hat. - It's a witch!

They had no arrows left, so they threw some spears at her, but that person disappeared.

- A damned trap... - The chief ogre muttered. - If we go this way, we're bound to get worse. - Those damn brats have a good commander, and I've underestimated them, but no more.

The group of friends kept running without stopping, but soon realized that they were not being followed anymore. Perhaps the orcs had given up? no, that was not possible.

- Maybe we advanced too fast... - Mathew said, resting for a moment.

- Maybe... Zafiro said, not believing her own words.

- I have a bad feeling about this. - Said Ashram as he cast his healing magic on his wounded friends, taking advantage of the unexpected pause.


Suddenly, the house behind them collapsed with a great roar, a large cloud of dust and debris surrounded the place, as they turned around, they saw one of the giants smashing through what was left of the building with his iron mace, a large number of orcs and goblins broke through the gap, cutting their way out. Riding on the giant's shoulders was the leader of the monsters.

- We finally got ahead of you, huh? - he said looking at Ashram with evil satisfaction. - You will pay for all you have done! but first.... Put an end to that music! - He ordered to another giant, who immediately hurled a rock in the direction of the bell tower where Faye was playing.

The throw was so powerful that it cut through the air and shattered the tower on impact, which collapsed split in two with a great roar.

- FAYE!!! NOOO!!! - They shouted in unison, there was no way she was safe.

They were surrounded by enemies, wounded, beaten and Faye was probably dead, this was a fight they could not win.

Another action packed chapter :D i hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your support, please don't forget to vote if you liked it, it helps me a lot.

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