
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 36:

Vincent woke up at noon.

After finding more Yellowberrys Vincent got up and continued he continued to forage.

In his search for more Yellowberrys he heard a russtle from between the bushes. Vincent immediately lowered himself as he crawled into position to see what made the noise.

Vincent almost let out a sigh of relief when he discovered it was a pigeon. Vincent held himself back from doing so as he noticed that he could use this opportunity to hunt.

He crawled closer and closer to the pigeon until he was close enough to rush at the bird. Vincent leaped into action jumping out from the tall grass swinging his sword at the bird. But the pigeon's responses were just too fast as it flew away before the sword could reach it.

After the sky got dark, Vincent found another tree and unlike last time, he made sure there were no ants in sight before lying atop a large branch and strapping himself to it.

As the sun rose up in the sky, Vincent woke up with it. Obviously, Vincent had to eat every day. So today too, Vincent had to forage for food once more. Yesterday Vincent only ate Yellowberrys.

In his search for food, he once more heard some rustling nearby. Vincent crawled closer and closer to the bird as this attempt went the same as last time with the bird escaping, but Vincent was far closer than last time. After a few more hours of foraging, resting, eating, and walking, Vincent once more heard a noise nearby. He recognised the noise as that made by a pigeon. Vincent crawled closer and closer once more. He felt his sweat crawling through his skin as he grabbed his sword. He waited for the opportune moment and leaped forwards.  The pigeon was caught off guard. It managed to get off the ground but it was too late. The bird was sliced nearly in half.

Vincent was disgusted by the sight,  but he was too hungry to care too much. He did however remember James telling him to never eat uncooked meat no matter what.

Vincent: "But how am I going to cook this?"

After thinking about it for a short while, an idea popped into Vincent's head. 

Vincent: "What if I burn it with fire?"

The idea was brilliant! It was simple enough to be done. However, there was one problem. 

Vincent: "How do I start a fire?"

Vincent vaguely remembered a way to spin wood in a way that would start a fire. Clearly, he did not remember well enough and after a few hours had passed, the meat was already bad and no fire was started. Vincent had wasted all this effort for nothing. It seemed the idea wasn't so brilliant after all.