
The Fantastic Tales Of A Jack Of All Trades

Are you sick of characters gaining supreme powers without earning them? Do you get sick of the phrase "A jack of all trades but a master of none?" Well I am! And as the author I welcome you to this wonderful book following the tales of Vincent! for once I'm gonna make a MC that isn't OP because some god made a stupid mistake or because they for some unexplained reason got a system out of nowhere (don't get me wrong i do genuinely enjoy such stories but recently I've gotten a bit tiered of such tales) in this story it will be earned! Practice makes perfect!

LHLM · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 15

A day after the three V's were formed Vincent was back at the room learning his third magic lesson under Elizabeth. As usual She walked past the closed door as if it were open. She started the lesson by testing out how well was Vincents current understanding of magic aswell as seeing how well he completed his assigned homework. To Vincent's fortune she seemed to be very happy with his progress.

Elizabeth: "Its about time, i teach you to feal it."

Vincent: "Teacher are you referring to sensing magic?"

Elizabeth: "i see you've learned well. Your huess was close but not quite, this is something even more fundamental. I want you to close your eyes and listen to my instructions."

Vincent nodded his head and closed his eyes. Elizabeth slightly floated up and held her hand about a meter above Vincent's head. than she continued. ",Focus on your surroundings, try to feal the water around you. Feal the water in the air, Feal the water in your sweat, Feal the water and focus on nothing but water. Do not run thoughts or questions in your mind only sense your environment. Search for the water and if you so do only then try and pull it i to you. Remember failer is acceptable we as we will just have to try again next week, so remain calm and control your emotions."

Her words were as quiet as a whisper yet he heard each and every word with a impressive amount of clarity.

At first Vincent felt nothing, some thoughts occasionally ran thew his head but he ejected them out as soon as he could . A long long silence proceed, it felt like days had passed yet Vincent kept trying to feel the water around him. His eyes were closed for who knows how long and then a breakthrough. He felt it a drop, a drop of sweat running down his face, it was more than just sweat he felt something deeper within. He felt water! His next breakthrough against the endless silence and darkness came when he exhaled. There was vapor in the air. Water! Slowly but steadily he could sense it. He could sense the water! The soundless scentless darkness slowly retreated as it slowly got filled by water, it was as if he opened a third eye capable of seeing in the dark. He couldn't sense far as he could only sense things that were only a few centimeters away from him, but he could sense it. It seemed Elizabeth saw his happiness as she silently landed on the ground again and asked.

Elizabeth: "You have succeeded haven't you."

Vincent still kept is eyes closed as he replied.

"I can feel it! Its all around me but especially near my mouth. Its colorless but in a way i image it as a type of blue.

Elizabeth: "Good you may open your eyes. Now that you can sense it with eyes closed you can focus in this new sense even when your eyes are open, although reducing the focus on your other senses will improve your focus in this sense. I want you to improve this sense and be able to peer inside of your own body using your connection to the water. I bonus that i would be happy you succeed in but it isn't necessary homework for this weekend is to use a magic spell, even if its one of the most simple of them. Other than that take this book."

The book was by far the smallest of the books Elizabeth handed to Vincent until now but it's still larger than a standard chapter book found in the royal library. The book was titled:


When lesson time came to a end Elizabeth has just left through the closed door.