

The city that never sleeps is a saying used to best describe New York City as there always some form of activity at any given point in time, be it day or night.

However after the alien invasion, the streets clear up pretty quick when the sun sets, an indication that the city hadn't yet fully recovered.

"I guess New York does sleep"

Kal landed on one of the streets and looked around, and like every other street he flew over, there was barely any one walking around and about.

Ignoring the almost deserted streets, Kal walked in to the first bar he spotted, maybe there was a lonely lady that would love to be in his company.

When he walked in the bar he was disappointed by what he found as there was barely any one in there, and to make matters worse, most of the people in the bar were men and the only women present had come with their lovers.

Kal sighed and walked out of the bar, "I don't have high hopes that I will find a female friend tonight" he thought to himself.

"No I mustn't give up, I will hurt even if it takes me all night"

With this new resolve, Kal began to walk on the sidewalk when someone behind him scream, "HELP THIEF".

Kal turned just in time to have the thief run in to him.

The thief thought that if he ran straight in to Kal he would knock him over disabling the only person that could stop him, but things didn't play out as he had hope.

When he run in to Kal, it was like running head long in to a concrete and steel reinforced wall, which meant the thief suffered a crack skull and a dislocated shoulder.

Kal slowly shook his head when he looked at the unconscious thief, he was the only one who knew that the toughness of his body was at unholy levels.

In fact the Hulk could hit Kal with all his strength and at best the most damaged hulk would do to Kal, was wrinkle his clothes.

"Thank you" a woman said when she reached him.

"No problem" Kal replied with a smile.

He couldn't bring himself to say that he honest didn't care for a small time thief and that if the thief didn't idiotically collide with his body, he would have probably gotten away.

"No you have no idea, this bag has my entire life in it. If you didn't stop him, I don't know what I would have done. I am in you debt"

"You can pay the debt by telling me the best place to get a drink in this city"

The woman thought for a few seconds then she said, "You can try Harlem's Paradise. It has great drinks and nice music"

"Thank you" Kal said.

He was turning leave when the woman said, "here is my number…*hands him a paper with a number*…, call me if you ever want to have a drink with me, I am great company" then she turned and left.

Kal looked at the paper before he fired his heat vision at it and turned it to ash, he was never going to call her.

He also about to leave when the thief moaned in pain as he began to regain consciousness, Kal waved his hand and they thief was teleported to a hospital.

"Now to Harlem's Paradise"

Kal was now standing next to a velvet rope and in front of was a bouncer standing next to two red door with a sign above reading Harlem's Paradise.

"Let me in" Kal said to the bouncer.

The mind controlled bouncer unlocked the velvet rope and Kal walked passed the bouncer and then in to the club.

Unlike the city outside, Harlem's Paradise as buzzing with active as people socialized to drinks and awesome music by a jazz band.

"Now this is what I was looking for"

Kal began to look around for a female friend when he spotted a beautiful woman at the bar drinking by herself.

He smiled to himself and began making his way through the club floor.

His eyes were focused on the woman at the bar, he failed to notice that every woman he walked passed on the floor would look at him hoping that he would turn their way and choose them.

May be if he had, he would have left the club with more than one female friend.

Kal reached the bar and took a seat next to the beautiful woman who appeared to be in her early thirties, with curly black hair wearing a blue dress that displayed a health amount of cleavage.

"Tequila and a beer" Kal placed his drink order.

A shot glass and a beer bottle were placed in front of him.

Took the shot for some liquid courage then turned towards the woman and before he could speak she said, "don't bother, I am not in the mood to hear whatever pick up you have been practising since you saw me and judged that I would be an easy target."

"But it's a great pick up line. I am sure you have never heard it before" Kal replied with a smile.

The woman turned to Kal and paused for a second when she saw his handsome face with blue eyes and charming smile looking at her.

"Fine, what's your original pick up line?" she asked.

Kal looked in to her eyes and said, "I have been watching you drink and I can tell you have a hard job and it got me wondering what it takes to please you because that's the job I want. Be it part time, full time…I wanna be good at it, bad at it, promoted, fired, corner office, hostile take overs, work place accident…I am my knees praying, worshiping, begging…whatever you want"***

"What do you think about that?" he asked.

The woman looked at him, "you are right, I have never heard that before"

She then took a sip from her drink, "My name is Misty Knight, what yours?"

"Kal El" he replied.

"That's a weird name"

Kal chuckled, "Where I am from, it isn't" he replied

"And where is that?" she asked

"I come from the stars" he replied.

Misty giggled, "do you what to get out of here?" she asked.

"Sure, do you have a place in mind?" Kal asked.

"Yes, my place" Misty replied as she stood up and walked towards the exit.

Kal paid and quickly followed her.

*** are lines i took form Rick and Morty Season 3 episode 6

Thanks for reading

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
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