

Kal looked at the Hulk's gamma eradiated blood on his fist and called on his psionic power which brought a gold glow around his fist and disintegrated the blood.

"Even his blood can kill… that is freaking awesome"

With the gamma eradiated blood taken care of, Kal turned his attention to Natasha who to still be in a fear haze shaking.

"Hmmm, I thought as a super spy she would have snapped out of it"

Kal lowered himself to Natasha's level on the ground, "Natasha, Natasha…"

He kept calling her name but she didn't respond.

"I see, you mind is still in chaos, I can fix that easy"

Kal placed his hand on the side of her head which this stopped her shaking.

She then turned and looked at him, focusing her attention on him.

Kal then leaned in and kissed her lips.

When he pulled away from her lips, the fear stricken Natasha was gone.

With a smile on her face "Wow, Kal, I didn't know you felt that way about me" Natasha said.

Kal chuckled as he got back to his feet, "please, I was just trying to jumpstart your brain, and it worked."

Natasha got off the floor and looked at him, "you mean to tell me that my beautiful face and gorgeous body doesn't do it for you?"

Kal shrugged his shoulders, and didn't respond.

Natasha slow nodded her head looking like she was about to say something, when Fury's voice came over the radio, "Barton just took out our systems and is heading to the detention area, Does anybody copy?"

"This is Agent Romanoff, I copy" Natasha replied before she took off running to Barton's location.

Kal saw her runoff to save her friend and slowly shook his head as he thought to himself, "damn, she got such a nice ass"

Kal then walked through the holes in the wall Hulk created until he reached the outer wall and looked out at the sky.

"It's time to solve the Hulk problem"

Jumping out the Helicarrier, he flew off to Hulk's crash zone.

Kal reached the crash zone to find the Hulk lying unconscious in a crater.

There was a wound in his chest which was healing quickly.

"Time to get started"

Kal's eyes turned gold as he began to channel his new powers from the mind stone.

He entered the Hulk's mind and began to format.

He pushed away the mindless aggression of the Hulk and gave him awareness and more self-control.

"That should solve fix the Hulk, now Banner and the Hulk are one and not two split personalities"

Leaving the Hulk to his nap, Kal shoot off in to the sky heading for Stark Towers.


Loki was standing on top of Stark with a smug look on his face.

His plans had played out exactly as he had imagined, even with the anomaly of Kal El.

"How long will it take to set up the portal generator?" Loki asked the mind controlled Eric Selvig.

"37 minutes" he replied.

"Perfect" Loki said with a smile.

He then turned and left the roof entering the top floor of the tower.

When Loki entered the tower, he stopped in his track because standing there was none other than Kal El.

"It isn't wise of you to come here alone" Loki said.

Kal chuckled, "Loki, Loki, do you honestly think you can defeat me?" he asked.

Loki laughed "With my Chitauri army coming soon, yes I will be able to defeat you and all that stand in my way"

This time Kal laughed, "To tell you the absolute truth, even if you had the combined force of the Asgardian army and the Chitauri, you still wouldn't be able to defeat me"

Loki scoffed, "you think yourself a god"

Kal nodded his head, "to you, yes, I am a god"

Kal then waved his hand and the sceptre flew out of Loki's hand and came to float in front of him.

Loki's eyes widen in shock at the sudden attack.

He reacted and pulled out a dagger and throw it at Kal El, but just like the sceptre the dagger came to stop right in front of Kal El and hold it's position floating.

Kal began to walk towards Loki, "Kneel" he ordered as his thoughts invaded Loki minds.

Loki quickly dropped to his knees and looked up at Kal, he couldn't understand why his body obeyed.

Kal stood above Loki and looked down at him, "like I said, to you l am a god"

He then pulled the sceptre towards him and pointed it at Loki.

"Do you mean to put me under your control?" Loki asked.

Kal just smiled and throw the sceptre back at Loki, "I prefer loyalty to mindless drones"

And with that said, Kal vanished as he went super speed up to the roof.

With Kal gone, Loki was able to get control of his body and stand up just on time to see Tony Stark landing in a busted up armour.

Back on the roof, the portal generator had begun powering up and lying next to it, an unconscious Eric Selvig.

The portal generator then hummed loudly before a blue beam of light shot up from the generator in to the sky.

The space in the sky began to slowly to move part until a portal to space was opened.

Seconds later, and army of Chitauri warriors riding on gliders began pouring in, the invasion had begun.

Kal looked at the invading alien army, "And so it begins" he said.

Thanks for reading

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
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