

Amora looked at Kal with a shocked expression on her face, "did you just disobey my order?" she asked

Kal nodded his head.

"How could you disobey me?, I cast a spell on you…you shouldn't be able to disobey me" said a now hysterical Amora.

"Sorry, but I am immune to all forms magic so your spell never had a chance to put me under your control, but I will give you an A for effort"

Amora's face began to undergo changes as her beautiful face turned sinister, she gather magic in her hands and blasted Kal.


When the dust cleared, Kal was standing there unharmed looking at Amora with a bored expression on his face.

Amora was shocked at the fact that he didn't even flinch when she hit him, but she was done. She pushed off the bed and jumped over Kal landing behind him, she then gather green lightning magic and pointed her hands at him.

Green lightning the as thick as a human hand flow at Kal and struck him on the chest.

The lightning attack last for almost a minute as Amora kept feeding it with her magic.

Amora cancelled her attack when she released that Kal wasn't being affect by it in any way and she was just wasting her magic.

"How is this even impossible?" Amora asked as she stumbled back.

Kal sighed, "Didn't you here what is said earlier, I have immunity to magic"

"There is no such thing as immunity to magic" Amora yelled out.

"And yet here I am unaffected by all your magical attacks"

Amora shook her head in denial, "you are probably wearing protective armour"

"You know what, I don't really care what you think, I just need you to answer some questions"

"And if I refused" Amora said.

Kal sighed, he then moved towards Amora at super speed at grabbed her by the neck.

He began to slowly increase the force if his hand around her neck.

"Will you now answer by question?" Kal asked.

Amora unable to speak on the account that her wind pipe was being crashed but was able to nod her head.

"Good" Kal said as he let go of her throat.

Amora fell down to the ground coughing as she began to breathe again.

After Amora resumed breathing normally, she said "I like it rough, but next time we need a safe word before we begin"

Kal's eyes turned red then he blasted heat rays right passed Amora's face wounding her right cheek.

"Next time I will separate your neck from your body" Kal said as the red glow disappeared in his eyes as the turned back to their normal blue colour.

The wound on Amora's cheek began to heal as she stood up, "okay you have made your point, what do you want to know?" she asked.

"I would love to see you work shop"

Amora turned and walked out her bedroom then down the stairs to the ground floor, she then walked towards a door which opened before she reached it.

The door opened to a set of stair cases that led to a basement level.

Amora walked down the stairs with Kal following close behind.

The stairs came to an end in front of yet another door which opened in to balcony that over looked a massive room.

The room was so massive that one could park at least 2 airbus no problem.

"Wow, your work shop is massive"

"Thank you, I used expansion magic to increase its size."

"I am impressed. So what are the capabilities on your work shop" Kal asked.

"Alchemy, potion brewing, weapon forging, rune engraving, dissections and so on."

"Could you give me a tour?" Kal asked

"Do I have a choose?"

"Of course you do but note, all chooses have consequences"

Amora got the message which was 'I will break you if you don't do what I say' because she lead Kal down to the work floor.

The moment Kal stepped on the work floor, there was a flash of light to his left and it flow towards him. He thought it was Amora's attempt to attack him with magic so he didn't bother acting to dodge or even defend.


Kal was thrown across the room.

"What the fuck was that?" he asked as he got up.

Floating in the air above him was an attack drone with an impressive looking laser cannons on it.

"Asgard has drones…"

The drone charged up its weapons and fired again. This time, Kal side stepped the energy blast then flow towards the drone, putting his fist through it.

Kal examined the drone remains to find the kind of tech that was inside it.

"This isn't Asgardian" he said. Asgardian tech was union of machine and magic but this drone was all machine.

That is when he spot on one of the metal panels alien alphabetical letters spelling out a word.

He looked at the alien letters and he was able to read it.


Kal went deep in to his marvel memories and tried to recall if there was any character name Jackie but nothing came up.

He was about to give up when a memory from watching Guardians of the galaxy animated tv series came to him, the best weapons designer in the galaxy, Ja Kyee Lrurt aka Jackie.

"Hey Amora, where did you…" Kal stopped mind sentence because Amora was nowhere to beside.

"Fuck, I was geeking out on the tech and I lost sight of her, such an idiot."

Kal closed his eyes and began to listen to every sound starting in the tower, but Amora wasn't in it so he expanded his search to the entire Asgardian planetoid.

"Damn, things didn't go according to plan, looks like I have to rethink my plan" Amora said.

Back at the tower Kal smiled, "got you" he said as he pin pointed her voice. It was coming from a meadow not far from the capital.

"How did she get that far so fast?"

"Of course, teleportation…how could I forget Amora can teleport…*sigh*…I suck at being a captor"

He entered super speed mode and run up the stairs to the front door were he stopped in his tracks because it was locked.

"Right the door only opens with magic"

Kal formed a fist to destroy the door when he stop himself as a better idea came to him.

"Hmmm it is worth a try"

He then began to move his body super-fast causing the molecules on his body to vibrate at an atomic level, then Kal simply walked forward and phased through the door and came out the other side like ghost.

After fazing through, Kal stopped the vibration of his body and was hit by a massive headache which last for only a second.

"Yeah…note to self, don't use phasing unless it is really necessary"

He then flow off to Amora's location at max speed.


Kal landed right in front of Amora giving her a fright.

"How did you find me?" she asked.

Kal shrugged his shoulders, "that's for me to know and for you to never find out, now come we are heading back to the tower."

Amora smiled as she slowly shook her head, "Sorry handsome I have other plans"

"What plans?"

Amora giggled, "when I am stronger I will come find you, I promise"

Kal went on high alert, because the way Amora was speaking meant she was preparing to leave.

He was about to ask her what her plan was when the night sky light up as the light of the Bifrost appeared covered Amora and then she was gone.

He looked up to the night sky "She can call the Bifrost…impressive" he said in admiration.

Kal knew he was fast enough to stop Amora or even follow her in to the Bifrost to her destination but he didn't. He still had work to do on Asgard now that he found himself a well-equipped work shop.

I read you comments which were filled with interesting ideas, but Kal's first being Amora was never the plan.

Another chapter to come later today

Thanks for reading....

Lord_Drexcreators' thoughts
Next chapter