
Q and the intern!

This episodes begins at the base of the C.I.A where family man Q is working hard to solve a new case. His superior, Kenneth walks into his office with another man behind him.

"Q, I have some great news for you!" Kenneth says loudly.

"What is it, Mr.K?" Q says as he turns his head to look at Kenneth.

"This is Lou...he's in training. An intern if you will....I need him to shadow an experienced worker so he can understand how we operate here. I've already did background checks and everything, so he should be fine!" Kenneth says, only to receive a long blank silent stare from Q.

"H-hello.." The lanky young man known as Lou says shyly, only to also receive a blank stare and silence.

"Oh come on, Q. At least shake the boy's hand.." Kenneth says as Q gets up from his seat.

Q walks up to Lou silently, looming over him due to his height. "Hello..." Q says quietly.

"Alright! Go ahead and show him the ropes, okay?" Kenneth says as he leaves Q's office. Q returns to his desk and gets back to work, he pulls a stool out from under the table and taps on it.

"Sit." Q says in a deep, authoritative tone. Lou quickly obeys Q's words and sits on the stool. Q points to the computer screen, immediately grabbing Lou's attention.

"This is the interface, if you intend on working here (which I think you are...) you're going to spend about 70% of your time here." Q says, whilst Lou listens closely. "You will be given a password for this interface, one that you can't let ANYONE see...not even Mr.Kenneth...that clear?"

"Y-yes sir..." Lou responds.

"This interface will give you your objectives for your shift. Now, you're not going to always be able to access this interface on the job, so sometimes you'll need to write these objectives down...okay?"

"Y-yes...I understand..." Lou says, nervously. Lou sits and watches Q type on his computer, he then looks to see one of Q's family photos.

"You're married?" Lou asks before covering his mouth. Too late though, Q looks at him for awhile before responding.

"Yeah...I have children too...do you? I wouldn't be surprised if you did..." Q responds.

"No sir....I am married though..."

Q chuckles, turning his attention back to his computer screen. Lou looks at Q's quick fingers hitting the keys on his keyboard. Lou then looks at Q's face, the expressionless mask made the poor young man very nervous every time he looked at it.

"I'm sorry Mr.Q...i just have to ask.....w-what's with the mask?" Lou says. Q stops typing on his keyboard, and looks at Lou.

"That's private..." Q responds quietly. "You wouldn't understand, honestly..."

"Oh...okay, sorry." Lou says as Q gets back to typing. "Great...I made myself look awkward." Lou thinks to himself.

Q sees Lou's disposition and decides to cheer him up. "You okay?"


"Look, I get it...you're speaking to professionals who's done this longer than you have...you're nervous and you're trying to start small talk...I get it. I'm sorry if I come off as...'too stern' for your comfort, I'm just not emotional with some people I don't know...you get me?"

"Yeah..." Lou says as he nods. "I get it."

Q chuckles. "You'll get used to it...just like I'll get used to you....it takes time, y'know."


Q hears beeping coming from his receiver and answers it quickly.

"Hello?" Q responds. "A runaway hm?..Okay, I'll be right there...Mm-hm...bye." Q hangs up the phone and looks at Lou. "Come on, we gotta go....You ready to see some real action?"

"Uhm...sure.." Lou says as he follows Q out of the building to the parking lot. They stop at the his car, Q unlocks the door.

"Y-you use YOUR own car?" Lou asks surprised.

"Yeah, once you drive the car given by the bosses, you'll understand.." Q says as he gets into his car. Lou follows and gets into the passenger seat. "Don't forget to buckle up..." Q says as he puts on his seat belt. Lou nods and puts on his seat belt before Q quickly pulls out of the parking lot.

"GAH!" Lou says as Q swerves the car into a tunnel.

"Well...boss did say be there quickly...so..." Q says as he drives through the tunnel and into a dirt road that leads to a wall, Lou panics before Q drives through the wall.

"It's a hologram...We don't want our base being seen out in the open, now do we?" Q explains as he drives through more dirt roads, before eventually making it to the main road.

"Do you need a GPS?" Lou says as he pulls out his phone.

"Nah...I know where the location is..." Q says as he picks up the speed. A few minutes later, they arrive at their destination. A man was being apprehended by a female officer, and was swearing up a storm.

"Well, well, if it isn't officer Nancy..." Q says as he approaches the woman holding the criminal.

"Hey Q...here in a jiffy as always I see? And who's this?" Nancy says.

"He's an intern...Lou, meet Nancy...Nancy, meet Lou..."

"Hey..." Nancy says, only to have Lou wave nervously. Q turns his attention back to the struggling man.

"Ah.....so THIS is the runaway?" Q says as he stares down at the angered criminal.

"Yep..." Nancy says. "He refuses to cooperate, but I don't want to use any excessive force..."

"You're too nice, Nancy....that's why I'm here....to play bad cop..." Q says as he grabs the man by the hood on his jacket. Lou watches in curiousity.

"H-hey!" The man says. "Easy!"

"Easy?" Q says mockingly. "We don't go easy on runaways...you're lucky Nancy's nice enough to apprehend you. If I would've caught you first...you'd be missing your front teeth..and probably have a black eye.." Q says as he shakes the man.

"You're not going to take me anywhere, take this!" the man says as he punches Q in the face.

Q doesn't move, he doesn't even flinch, he just chuckles. "Assaulting law enforcement...excessive force is authorized..." Q says as he stares the man in the eyes. Nancy and Lou watch in shock as Q punches the man in the gut, this causes the man to crumple like paper as he groans in pain.Lou was still observing quietly.

"Wow....Mister Q is really strong..."

Q then drags the weakened man into the police vehicle, the man tried to struggle even more, but he is much too weak, leaving him no match for Q's strength.

"Thanks Q," Nancy says. "I was really having a hard time getting him to cooperate."

As Q shoves the man into the car, Lou notices something falling out of the man's pocket, he lifts it up and shows it to Q.

"Mister Q, what's this?" Lou says.

"That's....drugs?! Ah, I see...little scumbag was probably selling them...he'll never learn." Q says as he tosses the bag of drugs to Nancy. "You'll lock him up for a while with this..."

"Thanks...Good job spotting that, Lou!" Nancy says. "And thanks again for getting him in that car, Q."

"No problem Nancy...Just helping a friend out..." Q says as he gets back into his car. "Come on Lou..."

"Are we going back to the base?" Lou asks as he hops into the passenger's seat.

"Yeah..." Q says as he puts the car in drive. "See you around Nancy!"

"Bye Miss Nancy!" Lou says as he waves out of the window.

"That was so....that was so...brave." Lou says as he looks at Q. "I could NEVER do that..."

"Nonsense....anyone can..." Q says as he pats Lou's shoulder. "You know...you sound like my son..."

Lou's eyes widen. "I-i do?"

"Yeah...sometimes I have to tell him the same thing..." Q says, whilst driving to the base. "You just need time, practice, and a new outlook...that's all.."

"Okay...I'll try that!"


Q hears his phone ring, and he answers it immediately. "Hello? Hey Kenneth..." Q says to Kenneth over the phone. "Yeah, Lou is right here. He did good Kenneth, he did really well. He observed me closely, and I was able to teach him a few things about the job....and you won't believe what he did...busted our little runaway fro drugs!...Yeah, I was impressed!"

Lou listens to Q's words, he was talking very positively about him. Lou was surprised, he thought he didn't make a good impression.

"....Once we reach the base, I'll leave the rest to you...but I must say, I think he did well. He may make a marvelous agent...okay...Bye now..." Q says as before he hangs up the phone.

"I think you're gonna get the job...." Q says reassuringly.

"Really?" Lou says excitedly.

"Yeah...I think you got this..."

Lou smiled at Q nervously, he was happy deep down with this outcome. Lou hoped that if he did get this job, that he would work with Q more often. Lou felt that he had made a new friend, and was excited to grow that friendship.