
How I met your mother

Cameron walks into the living room to see his father, Q sitting on the couch, reading a book. Q and his books....

"Hey, dad...." Cameron says as he sits next to Q. "I have a question..."

"What is it, son?" Q says, looking at Cameron.

"How exactly did you and mom meet? And end up together and stuff?"

"Well, I've been expecting this question for a while now..." Q says as he sits his book on his lap. "It was some time ago...I recall waking up somewhere unfamiliar to me.....no memory of anything honestly...."

A man wakes up in a warehouse, unable to remember who he is, or what he's doing there. All he knows is that he's here, and he's dressed in a trench coat and fedora hat. The man looks around, and gets even more confused and, In a panic, he runs in a random direction. He runs into many objects, being clumsy after just waking up.

Meanwhile, A young Lady is walking through a warehouse, her father was busy on a mission, leaving her to wander the town alone. She decided to explore the warehouse, because she loved the thought of being alone with her own thoughts. She sits atop a stairway and sighs quietly, enjoying her stress-free alone time.

All of a sudden, a man breaks through the wall next to her. Falling onto his side, causing his hat to fall off of his head. The lady looks at him with concern and tries to help him to his feet.

"My goodness, are you alright?" The lady asks, not acknowledging the man's strange appearance. He was dressed like a normal detective, but his face is what made him look odd. An iron expressionless mask covering his entire head. As weird as it was, The lady didn't seem to acknowledge it.

"I....who are you? Where am I?" The man asks, still feeling a little tipsy.

The lady helps the man to his feet and dusts him off. "My name is irrelevant for now....and you're inside of a warehouse...are you okay, stranger?"

The man puts his hand on his head, and in an instant, memories....or at least parts of them, rush into his head. "M-my name is Q.....and I'm...and abomination...a blight that shouldn't exist..."

The lady looks at the man now named Q, and her expression turns into one of worry. "Hey now, No need to say that my dear. I'm sure that's not true...everyone has their own purpose and goals...a reason to be alive..." She says as she picks up his hat and puts it on his head. "I'm sure you have a reason to exist...just like I do..."

Q looks down at the lady with a long stare. He grabs her hand and holds it. "Why would you say that to me? You don't even know me...."

"I don't have to know you to help you- Oh! I have to go...my father's calling!" The lady says before pulling away from Q. Q reaches for the girl before she walks away.

Q watches as the girl disappears from view. "You...you want to...help me?...."


"Was that Mom? The girl?" Cameron asks.

"Yeah....she was one of the first people (that I know of.) to show me that kind of....affection. Due to that, I became infatuated with her...and tried my hardest to find her.....I searched long and wide around town, until one day..."


Q walks around town, staying in the shadows out of fear of being seen by others, until he sees...the Girl from the warehouse! She was fighting another woman...a tall woman with black and purple attire.

"You think you're gonna stop me?" The tall woman asks mockingly.

"My dad's gonna get here and deal with you, Juri!....until then YOU have to deal with ME." The girl says as she throws punches at the tall woman known as Juri. Q watches in awe as the girl is actually able to fight Juri off, only for a short time though, because she quickly finds herself getting overpowered by Juri.

"Hah! You put up a good fight, but in the end it's all the same...WEAK." Juri says as she hops on top of a tank full of gasoline and knocks it over onto the girl's head, knocking her unconscious. Q sees the face on Juri and knows she plans on doing more to the girl than just knocking her out, so he intervenes.

Q approaches Juri and steps in front of the girl.

"Oh look, what are you? A robot detective?" Juri says before howling with laughter.

Q remains silent and stares at Juri. Juri shrugs before attacking Q, trying to kick him, only to be blocked each time. Q manages to duck underneath Juri and punches her in the gut, HARD. Juri falls on the ground before scrambling to stand.

"You think you're so strong, do you????" Juri says as she knocks over another tank of gasoline, spilling it. "Well, tough guy, block this!" She shouts as she throws a lighter into the fire, causing an explosion.

Juri escapes in the chaos, leaving Q and the girl surrounded in flames. Q doesn't hesitate to grab the girl and try to get her to safety. Doing so quickly as he too tries to avoid the flames.


"That's intense, dad!" Cameron says.

"Hehe...I know." Q responds.

"What did you do when you got yourself and mom out of the fire?"



The girl awakens, her head in Q's lap. She jumps up in shock.

"Ah!..Oh, it's...you?" She asks as Q stands to his feet and stares at the girl.

"Yes....I found you fighting that girl, Juri?...That was very brave of you to take her on like that and buy your father some time..."

"Yeah....I didn't want her to wreak havoc on my town and stand by doing nothing...so much for that huh? I got clonked out..."

"That's okay...At least you tried. You're lucky I got there when I did...otherwise you'd be dead by now."

Q realized that he was being very talkative with this young lady. That was a first, usually conversations like this don't last very long, but Q was enjoying the Lady's company, and was glad she didn't run away from him.

"You saved me?...Really?"


"T-thank you..."

"No problem...you want to help me....so I'll return the favor."

"Okay...that's nice."

"Now, I just need to ask...what is your name? You know my name,but I don't know yours...."

"Oh....I'm Gileani!"

"Gileani....what a unique name.."


"Hey....would you like to....stay with me for a few?....we could..hang out?"

"Sure! I don't mind, it'd do my body some good anyway!"


"Whoa, dad....You weren't wasting ANY time on formally introducing yourself at all!....I need to ask though...what about Grampa? Was he able to find Mom after that explosion?"

"Yeah, she told me where to find him...and I took her to him."


Gileani and Q approach the group of men analyzing the explosion scene. "DAD!" Gileani shouts and runs up to her father and hugs him.

"Gileani...you're okay!" Her father says happily. He turns his attention to Q, who's trying not to look at him. "Who's this?"

"Oh! Father...this is Q...he's friendly actually....just a man in need of a friend or two. So, I decided to become his friend.."

Q froze and looked at Gileani. "F-friend?"

"Yeah! Friend..."

"Oh? Well, nice to meet you Q, welcome to the team." Gileani's father says as he holds out his hand for a handshake.

Q shakes his hand and speaks quietly. "Pleased to meet you too...you have a very kind daughter..."

Gileani blushes slightly as her father smiles warmly. "Thank you, Q my boy! Hey, you're dressed like a detective....I suppose you might have some experience with law and stuff like that?" Gileani's father asks.

"A small amount...nothing too impressive...." Q responds.

"Splendid!" Gileani's father says as he pulls Q into the group. "You can help us out!"


"Wow...so Grampa was nice to you too?" Cameron asks.

"Yeah...I can see where Gileani got it from.." Q says, twisting his wedding ring on his finger. "How we ended up together is a long story. Let's just fast forward two or three years after I've already established a strong relationship with your mother....We were basically best friends...always hanging out with each other, and talking to each other."


Q and Gileani's father were walking around downtown. Gileani's father was trying to expose Q to more people, and make him a little less socially awkward. They walk inside a jewelry store, because Gileani's father was feeling like getting a gift for his wife.

"My wife just loves peach colored gems." Gileani's father says as he holds up a necklace. "Things like these are her love language..."

"What's a love language?" Q asks quietly.

"It's something you do...Well, to show how much you love someone...my wife bakes desserts for me...and I buy her jewelry. That's OUR love language. It differs with everyone."

"That's interesting....but is that the biggest sign of love you can show?"

"Nope, not at all...just a small thing, y'know?"

"Then tell me....what's the biggest sign of love, you can show to someone?"

"Easy..." Gileani's father says as he holds up his hand, revealing the wedding ring on his finger. "Marriage! You buy this baby, and next thing you know...you're reading your vows to the one you're going to spend your entire life with."

Q's attention was peaked by those words. "Really?"

"Yeah....Just waiting for my baby to find the one for her! You know what I mean?" Gileani's father says as he makes his way to the register and pays for the necklace. He then heads to the exit of the store, noticing Q standing at a counter. (it was at the ring area, unbeknownst to Gileani's father.)

"Hey....you comin'?" Gileani 's father asks.

"Yeah...Just gimme a second..." Q says, eyeing the rings intensely.

"Okay..." Gileani's father says as he leaves the store. "I'll be waiting in the car."



Cameron giggles. "You were trying to buy a wedding ring?"

"Yes, I was....I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Gileani....I wanted that desperately...." Q says in response. "But I didn't want to do it so suddenly though...so I waited for a few more months, getting to know her more....understand her more....so when the day came, it would be perfect."


One night, Q was sitting at a fairly empty restaurant, waiting for Gileani to arrive. He had a bouquet of flowers, her favorite milkshake, and the wedding ring in his lap. Q had waited a few months before he felt comfortable with popping the question to Gileani. Q was very nervouse, but he wasn't going to chicken out now....he was already there....and the ding of the entryway indicated that Gileani was there too.

"Hey, Q!" Gileani said as she runs up to Q and sits across from him.

"H-hey Gileani...th-this is for you." Q says as he slides her the Milkshake and hands her the flowers.

"Aww these are so pretty, thank you!" Gileani says with a warm smile.

"You're welcome."

"This is my favorite milkshake! Is this supposed to be a date or something?"


"Well, thank you..." Gileani says as she puts two straws in the milkshake for them to share. Q puts his hand up to decline the offer.

"You don't want any?"

"No. I have no need to consume food..."

"Ah, I see..." Gileani says as she starts drinking the milkshake.

"So...how was your week?" Q says quietly.

"it was amazing....I got to help dad out on so many missions...ah, it was awesome!"

"That's good to hear...."

"How was YOUR week?"

"It was okay...."

"That's good...."

"...Hey, I need to tell you something...."


"Well....you know we've known each other for a year and some months now....."


"And some people would say that it's not enough time...but I feel as if that was plenty..."


"And I feel like I know you so well, Gileani...I feel like we're more than just friends...and I WANT to spend the rest of my life with you....."

"Wow....Really....that's sweet Q..."

"I'm so glad you agree..." Q says as he stands from the table and walks up to Gileani. He kneels in front of her, thinking about the many weeks he spent practicing for this moment, and how he still felt nervous, even though he knew Gileani so well. "But, there's one thing I want to ask you to sweeten the deal...so that you know how much I love you..." Q says as he grabs Gileani's hand, and pulls out the ring.

Gileani's eyes go wide in shock. "Whoa....y-you.."

"Gileani..." Q says quietly. "Will you....will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Oh my gosh....OF COURSE I WILL!" Gileani says as she hugs Q close. "Of course I will..."

"She said yes..." Q says in shock. "SHE SAID YES!!!!"


"After that day....we got married, Gileani's Father helped Gileani and I get a house together...and once we got fully settled in, made some friends around the neighborhood....we had our first troublemaker (Q says as he taps Cameron's head.)....than we got the other one (He says as he taps Penny's head.)...And here we are 15 years later..." Q says, chucking to himself.

"Whoa Daddy..." Penny says, teary-eyed. "That was so beautiful!"

"When did YOU get in here?" Cameron said, mildly annoyed.

"Just a few minutes ago..."

"Well, you came just in time to hear me say: And, THAT, kids...is how I met your mother." Q says once again chuckling.

"That's it?..." Cameron asks. "That seems so....short."

"It is..." Q says bluntly. "And so is your attention span at this age. There is MUCH, MUCH more to this story, but I'll tell it in full when you're older..." Q says before he returns to reading his book.

Cameron and Penny look at each other, wanting nothing more then to hear the hidden details of this story.

Wanna hear the hidden details of the story of Q and Gileani's growing relationship before they were wed?

There MAY be a chance of these hidden details being told in stories or being bonus or completely seperate episodes of their own. Tell me what you think!

Anastasia_Wrightcreators' thoughts