
First Day with Father G and the inner parentals.-Part 1

The episode begins with Q waking up next to his wife Gileani. He looked at his watch to tell the time, it was 4 am. Q had to go to work today. He wondered for a bit because he was trying to decide whether to tell his friend, Kenneth, about the big move. After some time, Q decided he would inform Kenneth, just for safety purposes. Q didn't want Kenneth to think he had been kidnapped or killed or anything.

Q looks down at his sleeping wife and strokes her cheek caringly. He then stands up and exits the bedroom they're in. He walks down the long hallway, looking at his slumbering siblings, admiring the uniqueness of each of their rooms, as if they decorated their own rooms themselves... He stops at the bedroom that Cameron and Penny were sleeping in. He peered inside to see Cameron and Penny sharing a bunk bed, he also saw K sleeping in there as well. Guess all the children were sharing one bedroom.

Cameron and Penny quickly woke up to see Q standing in the doorway. They both jump out of their bed and hugged his legs.

"Hey, Dad..." Cameron said.

"Hi, Daddy..." Penny said alongside Cameron.

"My, my, you two have quite the amount of energy..." Q says with a chuckle. "Glad to see your both doing well on your first day here. Remember, if you have any worries or concerns do not be afraid to tell me okay?... I understand that this move is different, meeting all these people, your aunts, uncles, and your grandfather... it's all new to such eyes as young as yours, and I don't expect you to get used to this right away..."

"Don't worry Daddy, we're starting to like it here! Right, Cameron?" Penny says with glee.

"Yeah...we'll get used to this place, I'm sure of it!" Cameron says happily.

"Okay then...you two get back to bed, I'm off to work." Q says as he exits the room. Both Cameron and Penny wave as he leaves until he's down the stairs.

Once Q is downstairs, he sees G standing at the front door with a smile on his face.

"Off to work, son?" G says as he pats Q on the shoulder.

"Of course, it's all about supporting the family..." Q says as he walks outside, G following close behind him.

"With that son, I agree..." G says as Q walks to his car and gets inside. Starting it as he waves to G before driving off.

G looks on at Q driving away until he is no longer in view. G then heads back into his house and upstairs to wake up his children. He walked down the hall, and one by one, he woke up each sleeping individual in their respective rooms. He got to the room Gileani was resting in and woke her up gently. G then went to the bedroom that Cameron, Penny, and K are sleeping in, and woke them up as well, only to see that Cameron and Penny were already awake.

"Oh, you two are already up?" G asks.

"Yes, Grandpa...Dad came in to check on us before he left for work and we couldn't go back to sleep!" Cameron said as he and Penny ran circles around G as he walked up to K before tapping his shoulder to wake him up.

"Hey, K...it's time to wake up...you niece and nephew are waiting for you to wake up..." G says as K slowly sits up on his bed, groaning in response. Once K is up and ready, G takes the children downstairs to meet everyone else.

"Good morning, my sons and daughters...good to see you all up and about..." G says with a warm smile.

"I could've used a few more hours of sleep..." Ve says with an annoyed tone.

"We, know Ve..." The one named O says. "You and your beauty sleep..."

"Quiet down children! Now as we can all see...We have some new residents staying with us...so let's do our best to ensure they're comfortable, okay?"

"Yes Sir!" The group in unison.

"Oh, and Gileani, you and your children can take it easy if you'd like..." G says as he pats Gileani's shoulder.

"That's quite alright, my children and I don't mind helping out when we need to...Plus I've got to teach them for homeschool anyways.." Gileani responds.

"Oh, Alright then...Well, let me know if you need anything!...." G says before the group disperses.


Later at the C.I.A base, Q was typing on his computer until he felt a pain in his head.

"Ouch...." Q says as he holds his head until the sharp pain ceases. Kenneth noticed that his buddy was in distress from afar, and walk into his office to check on him.

"You alright, Q?" Kenneth said with a concerned expression.

"Yeah...this is the third time today that happened...." Q responded.

"Did you hit your head on anything?"

"Not that I know of...or remember..."

"Huh...that's strange. Well, take off your hat, maybe there's something on your head."

Q removes his hat, and Kenneth inspects his head. "Huh...There's nothing..."

"Well...guess it's just a migraine..." Q says as Kenneth gets up and walks out of his office.

"I Suppose you're right...I gotta go to a meeting, take care...." Kenneth says with a concerned smile.

Q looks back to the screen and notices his reflection. His left eye had a moving black spot in it. Q jumped at the sight and poked his eyeball. The eye then turned to look at the reflection on the computer screen.

"Hello Q..." A voice....or rather, TWO voices said to him at the same time. One voice was deep and the other was more high-pitched and sounded feminine.

"What the?" Q says in terror. "Who are you two...can anyone else hear you? What's going on?"

"Q...you need to relax....let us explain who we are...only one thing: DO NOT TELL ANYONE ABOUT US." The deeper voice said

"Yes please...do not tell anyone." The higher-pitched one said. "It would jeopardize the purpose..."

"Okay...I won't tell anyone..." Q said as he closed his office door, to ensure no one would hear him.

"I am FATHER." The deeper voice said.

"And I, am MOTHER..." The higher-pitched voice followed.

"WE....are the parental units...made by the technological genius, G. We were placed inside of your head to ensure that G would have a back-up in case something went wrong...You have been chosen to be the next parent in the instance G is harmed or exterminated..." Both voices say in unison.

"What? When did THIS happen?" Q asked in frustration.

"A few days ago when you were first brought here..."

"I knew it...I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!... I didn't want to abandon someone who claimed to be my father, but I should've known he had a second objective..."

"Calm down Q...You should be happy, not only has G passed everything possession of his including his leadership down to you, but he's also given you his genius..." MOTHER states cheerfully. She notices Q not changing his opinion and tries to comfort him more. "Oh, don't worry dear....this is a gift to you and your family...think of this as a blessing...you believe in blessings..."

"Yeah...I do..." Q responds.

"You believe all things happen for a reason, right?" FATHER asks.


"Then accept us, and let us be part of your life, we won't do anything unless we're asked to....so we hold no threat dear..." MOTHER says.

"Okay...Okay....whatever....just leave me alone right now..." Q says as he sits in his chair, deep in thought. Q was upset, he was furious...and he didn't know what to do.