
Father?-Part 2

Q awakens to see Gileani, Cameron, and Penny staring down at him from behind a window. They looked somewhat relieved to see him awake. They were speaking, but Q couldn't hear past the glass.

"Gileani!" Q says still groggy as he reaches to grab them, to no avail.

"I told you they were alright..." A gentle voice says. "We got them from your home and brought them here...we didn't want them to worry about you..."

Q turns his head to see the people who looked like him standing and looking down at him. Q then sat up and felt an ache in his shoulder.

"Well....look who's awake..." A deep, raspy voice says as the people surrounding him back away and make space for a much taller, and larger man.

The man had a peculiar appearance; a long, rather unkempt beard, contrasting with his clothing, which consisted of a very tall top hat with decorative patterns around the base, a black string bow tie at the neck, and a black waistcoat with tails, decorated with highly ornate patterns, shiny red satin lining material seen inside the tails and rolled-up sleeves. Under the waistcoat, a formal white shirt can be seen and a gold pocket watch hangs from the left side of his waistcoat.

"W-who are you?" Q says in a shaky voice.

"Now, now boy...calm down, son." The man says as he pats Q's shoulders. "It's alright....papa's got you nice and safe here at home once again..." the man says as he tries to wrap his arms around Q, only for Q to try and push him away.

"No...d-don't touch me! My wife...my children!" Q says as he tries to hop off of the stretcher, only to be held down by the man.

"Now easy boy! It's alright....just calm down...Geez, children, he's scared silly! What'd you guys do?"

"Nothing too bad Father..." The one dressed in black responded.

"I can't tell!" The large man shouts, irritated. "You guys probably didn't approach him calm enough..." The large man turns to Q and smiles. "That's alright, siblings always act in such a manner, right son?"

Q just looked at the large man with his head tilted in a way to portray confusion.

"Ahh...I see...You're waiting for an explanation as to why you and your family are here?"

Q nods slightly.

"Ah, I get it...You see, My name is G...and I am responsible for YOUR creation..."

Q didn't move, he continued to stare.

"Okay, let me elaborate...When you were younger, a long time ago, I found you in an accident...a pretty bad one too...so I took you in and fixed ya up..added some robotic parts to your body...and you were good for a while, but your memory got erased....and you ran away, I didn't think I'd find you again....until one day...I saw you. But I didn't know it was you, I thought I was hallucinating...so I sent my youngest son, K to search for you an-..."

"What?" Q says, even more, confused now.

"Yeah...you weren't always like this...you used to look like what some would call "normal". I remember you're shattered and broken form when I found you, boy...you had no hope for a future in your eyes. But I loved you like a father with his child when I first laid eyes upon you boy...."

Q points to the others. "What about them? Who are they?"

"These are your siblings, Q. They're....a little rough around the edges, but so is everyone right? Their stories are similar to yours, you hear?"

Q stared for a bit at the others, still confused.

"Allow me to formally introduce them to you. The short yellow one is K, he's a bit annoying when he wants to be, but he's quick, oh I tell you this boy can run!" He says as he smacks K's back, resulting in an irritated grunt from K.

"The two oldest ones, the black and white ones are named Tiz and Taz, they're twins and opposites. Tiz is nice, and Taz has a chip on his shoulder." G says as he wraps his arms around them.

"The red one with very pointy shoes is named Ve, he's very vain about his appearance, he'll be sure to let you know that. The chubby one in dark brown is named Daryl (because I saw his name on his ID.) he's a sweetheart but always wants sugar despite being not able to eat it. Anyway, The militant one in Dark Green is named Z, you ain't breaking a single rule with him here. The one in a darker grey with spectacles is named L, very sharp-minded I'd say, he's indeed very smart! A walking dictionary, you hear! The pink gal is C and she's quite active, and the 'more busty' gal dressed in creme attire is Liu, she's very motherly, but she's quite the monster when she's angry, you hear? The thin one in steel gray is 9, he's quiet and.....uh-well...uhm, Moving on! The orange one with a very colorful tie is O, he's quite goofy, and the tall one in light green is W, he's also a little goofy in his own right...Think of them as the TWO stooges!" G says as he pats W's back.

"All your sibling's appearances, and personalities (including your very own.) were the results of my genius and innovation!... I gave you all your identities and developed your character, therefore I am your father!"

Q nods slowly. "Okay, I think I'm starting to get it now..."

"I knew you'd understand Q, as you're also a father yourself, and you're married... Makes me wonder how many years I missed!" G says, starting to get teary-eyed as he squeezes Q in a loving embrace. "I missed you, Boy! I can't believe I'm a father-in-law...and a grandfather! I also can't believe you're working for the CIA! I'm so proud of you...that way when you get a promotion to a higher boss, I can brag about it!"

G then turns to the others. "Alright, you guys can go, me and your brother here got some catching up to do!" As G said, the others dispersed into different areas of the home, each of them doing different activities. G then turned to face Q. "I'm so glad you're home..."

Q looks at G. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Well..." G says with a warm smile. "I wanted to know if you and your children wouldn't mind staying with us...that way the whole family could be together again!"

"Hmm?... Why would you want us to stay with you?"

"Because I haven't seen you in such a long time Q... and I want you to stay here, safe...with your father, where you belong..."

Q looks down at his lap.

"At least think about it while you stay tonight. Okay? Don't worry about your work right now, I have that taken care of, just relax here and unwind tonight...." G says as he pats Q's shoulder.

"Sure..." Q says as G walks upstairs and speaks to Gileani and the children. They nod and listen closely as they go downstairs and hug Q closely.

"I'm so glad you're okay Q..." Gileani says as she wraps her arm around his neck, and Cameron and Penny hug his legs.

"You're siblings look just like you Daddy! Doesn't that make them our Aunts and Uncles?" Penny says as she points to K. "Out of all of them...He's the coolest uncle!"

"Grandpa is super cool, Dad!" Cameron says. "He looks like a wrestler..."

"I am actually..." G says as he kneels in front of Cameron. "You want to be a wrestler too?" He says as Cameron laughs. "Really Q, you have wonderful children...and you're wife is just so sweet...Very lovely lady...She said it's alright if you guys stay tonight, just gotta get your word first..."

"It's fine by me..." Q says. "I have no other reason to say no, Mister G..."

"Ah, ahh...call me FATHER G," G says, correcting Q before going upstairs. "It's my proper title..."


"So...that's your father?" Gileani asks.

"Yes, apparently...and those are my siblings..." Q responds before sighing.

"They're not too bad...I think we just need time to adjust to them, you know?"

"Yeah..." Q says as Gileani lifts Penny and Cameron by their shoulders. "Now I'm going to take these two somewhere so they can sleep for the night, as it is late. You just lay down and get some rest and we can continue this in the morning...okay?"

"Alright, Gileani." Q says as Gileani leaves the room. Q then lays down and sighs, confused by his circumstances. He slowly begins to drift into slumber, tired after the day. He decided to just do what Gileani asked and wait until the morning to better understand this strange dilemma.


Q awakens to G speaking to himself. G turns and smiles as he watches Q lift himself off the stretcher.

"So my son...you made up your mind?" G asks.

"I still need time to think...what you're asking us to do...is going to require a lot of change...I don't know." Q says with concern.

"Son...listen to me...Let ME take care of work and everything else. I won't let your life crumble from this decision, I'm going to take good care of you...and your wife and children. That's my duty as your father..."


"Tell you what, come with me, and let's go for a walk..." G says as he pulls Q outside with him.

"Walk with me, son.." G commands as Q follows. Q doesn't know why he's listening to this man, but it's something about the way he spoke that made him want to obey his commands.

"You see son, look at all this. This home, this land, everything I own I want to share with my children...and that includes you. This may sound awkward since you don't remember me, but I need you here son. I NEED you...please. Stay with us, you'd never have to worry about ANYTHING while you're with me..."

"I...guess I could..."

"I'd give you and your wife a great life, and your kids would never forget they're childhood when they grow up."

"That does sound nice..."

"You'll still have your job, and I'd even pay you to work for ME if you want..."

"Okay, okay...you've convinced me..."

"So you'll do it? You'll stay?"

"Yeah...I don't see why not..."

"Well, I'll be!" G says as he jumps for joy. "I need to inform everyone, and we can have a good ol' Family reunion party!" G says as he runs into the large manor. Q looks at the land ahead of him, wondering if he made the right choice. Q didn't mind staying with this man and getting to know him if that meant an even better life for his wife and his children. His children could train and learn how to fight with their uncles and aunts since he's always busy, and Gileani would have more girls to speak to.

Q sighed as he sat down, still hoping he had made the right choice.