
(Things you need to know before you read the story.)

(Hello reader, this story is a fan-fiction and nothing contained within this story should be taken as cannon. The story begins with 4 characters. The first two being Q (if you know enough about street fighter, you know who this is, if not...google him. Description: Q sports a hat and trench coat, along with black pants and dress shoes, stereotypical of spies and detectives. His head is engulfed in a metallic blue shell-like mask with no expression which surrounds his entire head. The mask has yellow eyes of varying brightness.) and his lovely wife, Gileani. (She is an OC and not cannon to the Street Fighter Universe. Description: Gileani is a Black American woman with a long black dress and puffy hair (for those who would like to make fanart...) A kind and affectionate woman who always looks out for her family. The two are happily married, having met sometime in the mid-80s. Gileani was the first (an possibly only) person to ever show the mysterious Q some kind of affection, rather than running away from him. Q vowed to protect Gileani and ended up falling head over heels for her, she returned his affection and next thing you know, they're saying their vows to each other. What a lovely couple. The next two characters you meet in this story, are the two children of Q and Gileani, Their son Cameron (Not cannon to the street fighter universe. Description: a seven year old boy, who wears an orange sweater, jeans, and sneakers. His hair is black and puffy with blonde ends.) and their adopted daughter and Cameron's little sister, Penisula (or penny for short.) (Also not cannon to the Street Fighter Universe. Description: Think of a younger, feminine version of the alien Twelve with puffballs, and that's Penny for you....)

Q is the breadwinner of the Family, assisting the C.I.A for his occupation. (Yeah, I'll explain this. So the C.I.A caught Q and questioned him about a string of murders, Q revealed that he too is hunting down the murderer and asked to assist them, and there you have it.) Q works alongside his now best bro, Kenneth, and is quite remarkable at his job. However, despite being a busy man, Q always ensures to make time for his family.

Gileani is the stay at home mother of the family, homeschooling the children, cooking the meals, and doing the chores. She loves her family and will do anything for them, she especially enjoys teaching her children in creative ways.

Cameron is a sporty, adventurous boy with a knack for discovering new things. He's also a bit of a prankster, and enjoys playing jokes on his sister.

Penisula (Penny) is a smart young girl whose interest is piqued by reading (similar to Q, who's a huge bookworm and enjoys the classics.) She usually follows her brother and partakes in antics with him. She's also very emotional and shows that in her behavior. Penny is also extremely clingy, and sticks beside anybody who wants her around (she hates being by herself.)

(Fun Fact for later: Gileani understands Q, though he mumbles barely comprehensible dialogue, Q's children understand him as well, perhaps learning how to understand him during their infant-toddler years.)

(Another thing about the Family of Q: Gileani and Q are Lutheran in this story. Gileani has always been Lutheran, she helped Q get converted during their marriage, this will explain the church scenes that will be in the story. This will also explain why Q has an affinity for specific hymns and is even sometimes humming them to himself. Once again, this is a fan-fiction, so this isn't cannon to the Street Fighter universe.)

There's going to be a lot of dinner with the family scenes in this story, Q has no need for food (Not canon to the SF franchise.) as he has other ways of getting nutrients. So in most of these scenes, Q isn't eating anything, rather reading a book, whilst speaking to his family.

That's the essentials you need to know before reading this fan-fiction, chapter 1 will be out shortly!