
(Something to clarify about Q's siblings...)

(Remember, this is NOT canon to the SF universe!)

Q's siblings are each different, with different personalities and details in their appearances. Though they were shortly explained by G, Let me go in-depth on who they are.

You already know who Q is, so he'll be skipped here.

K- A shorter, more immature version of Q with a mask that portrays a smirk on it. He wears sneakers to convey his young age. He's reckless and somewhat of a prankster, but he's brave, and tries to be the first one to act in the face of danger (he tries....key word: TRIES.) He's also very fast and can outrun most of his brothers and sisters. His main color is Banana Yellow.

Tiz- The more hardened of the twins. He's very angry all the time and "..has a chip on his shoulder...". He doesn't like being annoyed as well as being wrong, and he can't stand stupid mistakes and usually reacts to everything physically. He's the second tallest out of all the siblings and uses his height to intimidate. His clothing is very wrinkled, from the many times he's had to grab his clothes to stop himself from hitting something/someone. His main color is black. (Fun fact: Tiz's mask portrays an angry expression.)

Taz- Taz is the softer of the twins. He's soft-spoken and tries to find a way for everyone to learn throughout each situation. He doesn't mind mistakes if he can use them to teach in any way. He's average height compared to his brother, but he is still taller than Q. His main color is white.

Ve- The vainest out of the siblings, Ve values his appearance more than anything else, usually getting very aggressive when his suit is dirtied. His voice is sharp, yet soft, and sort of sinister (think of Him from powerpuff girls, without the echo.) He has slanted eyes that radiate a red glow, and he has very pointed dress shoes (which he uses to look stylish and cause pain.) He cannot stand K and does go out of his way to hurt him when he can. His main color is scarlet. (Fun fact: Ve's mask portrays one of disapproval. Pretty telling. His mask can also somehow change to one of a psychotic grin...also telling.)

Daryl- Daryl is more chubby than his siblings. He's always thinking of something to eat (despite not being able to.) He's nice, just lazy. He doesn't enjoy chasing people and tries to talk someone into cooperating so he doesn't have to run. However, he is pretty strong, and he can take a few hits himself. His main color is dark brown.

Z- The most militant of the siblings. He's a very law-abiding man, who can't stand the thought of breaking rules given to him. He's very strong and is often the one seen throwing a few punches at others to protect his siblings. Z is the tallest out of everyone else. He takes NO crap from anyone, and will always be the first to confront someone. His main color is dark green, and he's often seen wearing camo pants under his trench coat, very telling.

L- The smartest of the siblings, L is always ready to assist anyone when it comes to fixing something or defining a term. He has large spectacles surrounding his eyes to portray his intelligence. He's very snobby when it comes to those younger than him, and he's always there to correct someone if they make a grammar mistake. However, he's very nice when he wants to be and is always willing to help (especially if something broke.) His main color is Dark grey.

C- The active girl. C is one of the two girls in the group. She's quick and flexible, which she uses to her advantage when in a pickle. She's very sassy and isn't afraid to show her sass to anyone, and that includes her siblings. However, like the others, C is very respectful to G. Her main color is pink.

9- 9 is the strangest out of all the siblings. He's quiet and kept to himself, and he doesn't even speak to his siblings much. He's very static and doesn't seem to react in moments that need a reaction, his oddness scares his siblings, so they usually avoid him. 9 is extremely thin, with his trench coat sagging on him, and his pants being so big, that his belt is squeezing his waist. His main color is Steel gray. He's the second shortest next to K.

O- The goofiest of the siblings. He's a jokester and loves to make people laugh when he can. He's always the first to crack a joke, even when one isn't needed. He's goofy on purpose. He's also very clumsy, and often makes a mess by mistake, annoying his siblings. (To match his goofiness, his tie is many different colors. Contrasting with the solid colors of his sibling's ties.) His main color is orange.

Liu- She's the second of the two girls. The most motherly of the siblings, but she also has a temper, and when she's angry EVERYONE avoids her. She's bustier than C and her hips are shown through the trench coat. She has the softest voice, making Taz sound loud and brash compared to how quiet she is. She doesn't fight when she leaves with her siblings, rather she tends to injuries. Her main color is creme.

W- the other goofy one. This time, the goofy is UNintentional. He tries to appear confident and mature, but he often slips up and makes himself look silly. Most of the time, he's stuck with O because of how clumsy he is (the two are even called "the TWO stooges.") He however thinks more rationally than O, often trying to point him in the correct direction (to no avail though.) His main color is Light Green.

There is another sibling...

????- This brother is sadly presumed dead. He was the first out of the many beings that G created with his genius, thus making this one the oldest out of them all. He's a sailor who loves the sea, and even talks like a sailor. He wears a navy blue coat with a black turtleneck, making him stand out from the others. Not much is known about his personality, only G really knows who he is for real, so this character is a big mystery.

His main color is Navy Blue.

Anastasia_Wrightcreators' thoughts