
Wake up call


"Some days I wake up and all I can think about is just how much life on Earth sucks. I mean sure, the sheeple are happy, but me, I want to live a more exciting life. So for years on end I wished for a single chance at living somewhere I could remake myself. Where I'm completely free to be the mental handbasket this world has made me."

"I've wasted my entire life struggling to fit in. Years wasted on self deprecation with crippling depression. Hours spent in front of a mirror just practicing how to make my face smile naturally.

It was all to much for one mind to bare. To much to shoulder, and if I would ever mention it to anyone they would look the other way. Why was I so unwanted? What did I do wrong?"

"Little One... Your path has always had multiple ways it could unfurl. Some being terrible and others fabulous, but every path was forged by you, and you alone. Every action you took was simply shaping the world around you." -???

"You craved another world so badly that you gave up on your own, thus pushing everyone you knew away. The world you're from might not be perfect, but it was your home, and you abandoned it just because you were not able enough." -??

"You are a selfish and self-centered asshole that only gave a damn about himself. To afraid to put a bullet in your head, but all too willing to die." Tch "Entities like you piss me off more than anything. Blaming everyone, but one's self, uhhh." -???

"Fine, let's just get this over with."

"You ??????? ???? ???????? stand before this Heavenly Tribunal with the plead to be isekaied to the universe of Fallout. Popular R.P.G. currently licensed to ???????. Is that correct?" -??

"Yes, I wish to be reborn in the Fallout universe."

"Hmm... granted." -??

I'd like to be the protagonist from Fallout 3 as Caucasian with straight Black hair and Glacier Blue eyes, a height of 5'10 with Steve Downes voice."

(If you don't know who that is just go die)

"Noted." -??

"For wishes am I allowed OP stuff like infinite stamina or..."

"What makes you think you are worthy of obtaining Death's greatest Boon, Pathetic Bug?" -???

"Nal, that is enough. The... Bug, as you so kindly put, has enough Karmaric value to ask us of 4 boons." -???

"Oh go stuff your head in a Nebulous rotation Tri. Everytime we have some Epic grace our court you bend over backwards for them." -Nal

"Enough bickering you two. We are currently in session. Tri if you would." -???

"Oh shut up Bu. Stop having that Monkeys Stick up your ass all the damn time. It's embarrassing being in public with you." -Nal

"As you wish Nal, however I'm informing Hathor about your behavior during sessions." -Bu

"No Bu, anything, but that. Hathor is already making me sleep in a Sarcophagus. One more strike and it'll be the floor." -Nal

"Then behave. ??????? you have acquired enough Karmaric Value to ask us 4 "Wish's" of your desire. However anything related directly to Godhood or within the same realm is off limits." -Bu

"Ok, my first wish is for Logan's "aka Wolverine" advance healing factor, life is harsh in the universe of Fallout and I would prefer not dying to something in the air."

"For my second, I want the Gamer System that has both Gamers' Body and Mind."

"Third, a smartphone with access to my worlds internet."

"Simple enough, however access to the people from your world is redacted. The danger you would constitute to your former world is unparalleled. So steps will be taken" -Tri

"As for my fourth wish. I want an increase to my Cognitive abilities, such as Instant Recall, Photographic Memory, Faster Reflexes, Spidey Sense, Unparalleled Comprehensiveness, Emotional Analysis and Rational Thinking."

"Well that's all I can think of so how do we do this does everything go black and then bam, there I am, or is it a process in which I'm aware the entire time."

"Depending on the various actions an entitee has taken, results in the "Mode" of transportation. Your mostly in the clear so It should feel instantaneous." -Bu

"So bam it is then. Beam me away, and thank you. I appreciate this more than you can know. I hope I don't see you three anytime soon. Goodbye world, I hope someone gets something right.

And just like that darkness descends on my view. It'll be a long time before I can see light again but it's worth it. I'm finally out of the confines the world put me in, i'm free and I'll be god damned if I let anyone shackle me again, but I know what's in store for me, reality is always different than the fantasy we wish to live, but it's mine damn it and I'm not letting go anytime soon.

"So you and Hathor are back together huh?"

"Shut up Tri!" x2


Time goes by, how long I couldn't tell you, but what I can tell you is I came into the world screaming and kicking and covered in someone else's blood, and then it hits me, it wasn't a dream. I'm in entirely different world.

Babies have terrible eye sight and yet after a few seconds getting used to the light i'm able to see perfectly fine. I'm being held by James the protagonists' father. Well my father now... oh that's going to take some getting used too.

He holds me in the air for a moment before setting me down on (Hopefully) clean towels, with what I think is tender care, he wipes everything off and then bundles me up in a very comfy blanket.

Holding me in his arms he moves over towards Catherine and shows me off, then we move over to a machine which I believe shows me what I'll look like in the future

After they take in my future self Catherine starts reaching out towards me wanting to hold me, James passes me over oh so carefully, and I feel a sort of comfort that I've never experienced before.

My mother in my first life didn't exactly stay around for long after I was born.

With gentle rocking and a beautiful lullaby I'm ushered into the land of dreams. Feeling more at peace than I've ever felt before I embrace sleep and pray that everything isn't a dream.


I wake with a start and I freak out, I'm bound and everything's dark. I can't see and I feel weak. I shout hoping that someone hears me, however all I hears is a babies cry, and then everything that happened yesterday rushes back and I once again marvel at the fact that I'm in an entirely different dimension based on a game.

With a hand gently patting my back I fall back to sleep.


After a few weeks go by Catherine finally takes me out of the room we've been staying in. No small part on my end with my constant crying.

Seeing Rivet city in person instead of by screen was weird however the weirdest thing to me right now is that Catherine is still alive. Normally she dies after giving birth to the main player, and yet here she is, still kickin.

I watched her accidentally cut herself and she healed back after a few minutes. I wonder how the story will change with Catherine in the mix now. Honestly I don't care, this women holds me as if I'm the most important thing in the entire world, and it feels amazing.

I never knew what a mother's love felt like, but if what I'm feeling now is anything to go off of, than it's the most intoxicating thing one could ever experience.

A few more weeks go by before I hear my new name. Why did it take me a month to figure out my name you ask? Well when everyone just calls you a precious baby instead of using your name it takes a while to figure shit out.

They named me Jacob, which will take me a moment to get accustomed too. Apparently James's family has a tradition of naming all the males in the family with the letter J. Odd, but it could be worse, at least my name isn't something stupid like Jkmn, pronounced Noel... People in my old world were so stupid.


Time flies and James and Catherine are arguing again. He's is trying to persuade her that it isn't safe to raise me in this type of environment and I agree.

Just yesterday the crib I was laying in rolled across the entire lab before someone noticed their was a baby inside.

After a few more hours of arguing Catherine relents and now they're getting ready to move to vault 101, can't wait.


All the Scientists on Project Purity as well as some guys from the Brotherhood see us off. Paladin Cross has made it quite clear the she's also coming along to make sure nothing happens to us along the way.

Heading away from Rivet City, I garner my first look at the Wasteland the world had become. Ruined buildings for as far as the eye could see with a few exceptions, but those are occupied by either Raiders or Super Mutants.

The smell of decay and smoke clouding my nose and burn my eyes. Catherine pulls up the covers I'm bundled in covering my face. With nothing else to do I fall Asleep.

I can't even begin to count the number of idiots Cross has put in the ground. The dust storms and radiated rain are helping in regard that our tracks are entirely covered up, but somehow I get the feeling something is watching us. To what that might be... I have no idea.

After the storm subsides we're on the move again. We spot the settlement of Megaton not long afterwards. We stop by for a short time to buy a few "essential" items.

I have no idea on what was purchased, but my guess is on either toys or some random parts for different machines.

Only a little while longer and we'll be underground, away from the outside world. I'll have to spend the next 18 years cramped in a steel can underground.

I hope time flies otherwise it's going to be a long grueling challenge to keep my sanity in check. Well I guess I could learn all the Vault stuff from Stanley and then their's James' medical knowledge as well as Catherine's but I don't really know what she's trained in.

That's a problem for future Jacob to deal with. At the moment I'm kinda hungry.


We've made it to the vault entrance. Cross is standing off to the side where people from the vault won't be able to see her. James is talking into the device by the door.

Then sirens start blaring and emergency lights start flashing, and then the door. Dear God above that door is exceedingly loud. Imagine a banshee had a megaphone, and she was screaming into in while also dragging her nails against a chalkboard. Oh shit... I'm going to hear that sound a lot in the future, aren't I?

The door finally opened up and out comes mister overcompensating Overseer Alphones and 5 VT Security. Cross is clutching her laser rifle, but she still remains motionless otherwise.

Alphones talk's to James about leaving now or suffer the consequences, but James is able to talk him down and force Alphones to accept a deal allowing us residency, in exchange for his and Catherine's skills. And that... thing that I sensed following us is gone.

That's just one more thing to dwell on, but for now. Tremble before me mortal for your end has come in the form of cuteness, but the cute is a trap, a most dastardly trap MWHAhaha (No homo).


It's been 3 years since i've been born on this radiated rock, and yet I still don't have full access to my Wishes. My regenerative power grows stronger as does my brain, however I'm already bored out of my mind, and I have no anime to hold me over and no games to pass my time.

I've tried various things, but the Vault is just so dull and grey. The toys bought topside aren't anything to write home about, but they do help sometimes. I just wish something would change.

My system is very limited until I get a pipboy of my own. I tried using James and Catherine's, but no such luck. So I wait and bide my time until I'm 8. Another difference from the game, not 10, but 8. it's two years earlier so I'm okay with it.

I found the Special book, I was hoping for something cool to happen, but nothing did. Just a pop-up that I can now train and view my stats.

"Veiw Stats." A white transparent screen comes into view showing me.


P.10 (Due to wish)


C.8 (Due to wish)

I.10 (Due to wish)

A.8 (Due to wish)


5 more years to go and then I can really start doing stuff.


Catherine set up a play date with Amita and some of the other kids my age (Which their aren't a lot of), and let us all play. The favorite game to play was Grognak the Barbarian Vs the Evil Outsider. I'm proud to say that I was indeed the Outsider and I totally whooped all the boys butts, and won all the little girls hearts.


Alright this'll be my last log for a bit, tomorrow is the big day, I'll be turning 8 and finally getting that fucking Pipboy. There must be something special about it cause I stole dad's while he was catching up on sleep and tried again, but naughta. So just a few more hours and then I'll have access to the most OP thing in my possession, my system. Goodnight log I'll be seeing you around old friend.

Ok so here I go i'm not a writer in any of the sense so don't expect the book to be great also i'm only going to write when it feels right I'm not going to force myself because thats how good ffs die. If you have any thought's feel free to share, I'm just a reader tired of not getting what he wants so I'm trying to do it myself, Peace!

Altered_State_127creators' thoughts