
The Fallen Rise

Ever since the death of her Ex-boyfriend, Lin has been struggling to move past the day that changed her life forever, cursing her to be a Fallen Angel. When a job goes wrong and forces her to call on her old demonic friend Luc, Lin finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and betrayal that could not only change her future, but the future of the entire world.

Yasmina_Iro · Fantasy
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105 Chs


My heart pounded as Jinx continued knocking on my door and I shared a panicked look with Luc. We couldn't talk with the witch on the other side of the door and she would sense the demonic magic if he tried to change into Lucia. Damn, why did she have to be like this?

"Jinx?" Sarai called out softly, and for a moment, the witch's pounding stopped as she heard my twin's voice.

"Sarai? You're okay?" Jinx asked cautiously and I watched as my sister released Azger, motioning them and Luc toward the window. Clearly she meant to distract the witch long enough for the two demons to escape my room, and Luc pulled me into a tight hug as he kissed my hair, whispering in my ear. 

"I'll come back as soon as I can change." he promised, moving toward the window with his sibling as Sarai answered Jinx.