
The Fallen Rise

Ever since the death of her Ex-boyfriend, Lin has been struggling to move past the day that changed her life forever, cursing her to be a Fallen Angel. When a job goes wrong and forces her to call on her old demonic friend Luc, Lin finds herself entangled in a web of mystery and betrayal that could not only change her future, but the future of the entire world.

Yasmina_Iro · Fantasy
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105 Chs


I felt Luc gently shaking me awake and I groaned as I sat up, trying to shake away the heaviness in my head. I heard Azger's voice in a nearby room and I saw that I was still in their house as I rubbed my eyes.

"What time is it?" I groaned and I felt as Luc squeezed my hand. He had thrown my jacket over my bare arms and I let it slide down my body as I sat up.

"Almost sunrise. Azger went ahead and left a message with Lee for you, him and Osran will make sure you get there and back." Luc whispered, gently kissing my hair as he moved some of the strands from my face. "I need to head to my room. The couch isn't safe for me."