
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
146 Chs

Chapter 17. Canibar Territory (5) Part-1

As time went by, Count Shabel felt more and more nervous.

"Where in the world are you going?" Count Shabel snapped in a demanding tone, glaring at Tom.

After presenting the letter, Tom hadn't gone over to the rampart to block the enemies from breaking through. Instead, it was the opposite. He had gone up to the top floor where the whole of the Canibar Territory could be seen―away from them.

"Hey! You guys, too! Stop them! If you guys don't stop the Holy Kingdom all the citizens of Aylans will die! We had a deal, didn't we?!"

Count Shabel shouted as though he were being betrayed by them. However, he knew that these people were from an unidentified country. They didn't technically owe him or his people their loyalty.

But the situation had become desperate.

Ellin smiled awkwardly and Halsem looked at Tom with a look that suggested that he was about to cry.

Tom stepped onto the balcony on the top floor.

The strong downpour had decreased. Bright sunlight streamed through the dark clouds as the morning arrived. Also, a blanket of white fog had formed due to the temperature difference and it was now covering all of Canibar and the forest outside it.

Even in that fog, however, Count Shabel could see what was going on in the distance with a glance.

Fires raged, and his people were being slaughtered.

Count Shabel screamed in despair at the sight and fell to his knees.

Because of his incompetence, everyone was dying.

He felt guilty. He had believed that the Continental Law that had held for thousands of years would continue to hold forever. So, he had not been prepared to face an opponent that didn't seem to care about it.

Soon, tears filled with rage ran down from his eyes.

The screams of his people and the joy of their attackers was burned into his mind.

"It's okay," Tom suddenly spoke with a smile. "Just watch."

"Watch? W-what do you mean just watch?! What are you saying!"

Count Shabel grabbed Tom by the collar and shook him as he gritted his teeth.

The rampart was going to fall soon, his soldiers and his people were going to get killed and would not be able to escape.

'And you're asking me to just watch that? You're insane!'

"I can't believe that you would break your promise to me like this! I shouldn't have relied on you!"

A cold feeling suddenly appeared in his stomach, and his eyes widened.

"No, are you by any chance… a soldier of the Holy Kingdom?!"

Count Shabel thought of the worst-case scenario. If this person before him had actually been acting in the interests of the Holy Kingdom this whole time, then his actions would make a disturbing amount of sense.

"Breaking a promise? What are you talking about?"

Tom closed his eyes and listened. He looked like he was listening attentively to a song.

"Listen. Can't you hear that? It's like music."

"What do you mean by music?! You're out of your mind!"

Count Shabel shut his mouth at that moment.

He couldn't hear anything, but he could see it now. Here, from the very top of the citadel, the outside of Canibar could be seen.

The thick fog blocked their view somewhat, but black shadows could be seen moving inside the dense green forest.

There were a lot of them. Dozens, hundreds―even thousands. All in various shapes and sizes.

Count Shabel understood what Tom meant by the sound of music a few moments later. After the shadows had gotten a little closer, the sounds could be more easily heard.

It wasn't music, though.

It was a mix of heavy footsteps, grand drumbeats, and the magnificent sound of horns. It was the sound of an army advancing.


"Can't you hear the sounds?"

The Holy Kingdom's soldiers who were entering Canibar tilted their heads. They, who had previously occupied the outer wall and the external gate, were now listening attentively to the sounds in the air.

One soldier finally recognized the direction in which the sounds seemed to be coming from and spun around to face the forest.

Seeing this reaction, some of the other soldiers turned to look in that direction too in an attempt to see whatever it was that their comrade was seeing.

That first soldier served as a catalyst.

Due to him, three other soldiers turned their heads. And due to those three soldiers turning their heads, ten more soldiers did. And due to those ten soldiers, hundreds more did.

They all found themselves staring into the depths of the foggy forest.

At a certain point, after some time had passed, the shouts of the battlefield near the external gate had completely disappeared. An eerie silence had overcome everyone in the vicinity. It almost seemed as if everyone had forgotten what they were supposed to be doing and even where they currently were. It was like they were somewhere else.

The soldiers gulped.

Their bodies―which had become damp from the violent fight in the downpour―were heavy, and felt like wet sponges. They had mostly forgotten about this exhaustion in the heat of the moment due to the madness that came out whenever they were killing their enemies. But now that the madness was gone, they started to feel that exhaustion again along with an uncanny anxiety.

A loud, echoing, banging noise could suddenly be heard in the air.

"Is that the sound of a drumbeat?"

A soldier asked as he smiled awkwardly.

'Do we still have soldiers left in the forest? But why would they be hitting the drums?'

"Oy… doesn't it feel like the ground―"

One of the soldiers looked down.

"―is shaking?"

The ground was vibrating slightly, and many of the soldiers quickly felt it too.

The sound of the drums was getting closer. It gradually picked up speed as it approached them.

It became impossible to not notice in the silence.

Some of the uneasy soldiers started to take a few steps back, gripped by fear.

All of a sudden, the sound of a horn pierced through the sky.

Black shadows suddenly burst through the white fog and came into the Holy Kingdom soldiers' sights.

Thousands of beings seemingly materialized onto the battlefield.

The soldiers' faces turned pale at the sight.

"O-oy… hurry…" one of the soldiers stammered, breaking the deafening silence.

A moment later, the soldiers were able to identify the 'monsters' in the fog.

"… Hurry up and close the gate!"

He ran to the gate in a hurry while shouting.

The Holy Kingdom's soldiers who were outside Canibar collectively panicked and tried to enter as quickly as they could.

"Close the gate! Hurry!"

"Close the external gate!"

The Holy Kingdom's soldiers closed Canibar's external gate, leaving many of the soldiers abandoned outside.

They barricaded it shut.

"Open it for a second! We're still outsi―euaaaaaaaak!"

"Open the gate! Monster, the monster―!"

"The Devil―!"


"H-help! Please… please! Ple―euaaak!"

Screams were heard outside Canibar. Sounds of weapons clashing along with meat being ripped apart.

The Holy Kingdom's soldiers who had made it inside and heard these sounds shut their mouths in horror.

Abruptly, all the sounds disappeared. No more soldiers could be heard screaming outside, and everything had become silent once again.

The change was so sudden and jarring that it almost seemed like everything they had just heard had been some sort of auditory hallucination instead.

One soldier―perhaps braver than the rest―decided to investigate what had happened outside. So he slowly made his way over to a small hole in the worn, external gate with the intent to take a peek outside.

The other soldiers watched as their comrade slowly inched his way over toward the hole and finally, audibly gulped and peeked through it.

Right at that moment, the gate exploded.

The huge external gate was blown into pieces. The wood was shattered, the iron was bent and fragments of it blew outwards in every direction

The soldiers who happened to be near the gate were suddenly trampled underneath the hooves of Minotaur Stormtroopers, their bodies crushed.

The four-meter tall Minotaurs, with their giant builds, were able to easily get through the flimsy external gate.


The creatures possessed an incredible speed that didn't fit their size. They were deceptively fast, and had an incredible amount of power behind them.

Human soldiers were simply no match.

A Minotaur with one of his horns broken, Allin, twitched his muscles and clenched his teeth as he swung huge axes held in both of his hands.

"Hng-! One horn is more than enough to deal with Holy Kingdom's humans!"

"D-damn it! What the hell?! That's…! Block him! I said block him!"

The Holy Kingdom's soldiers were shouting loudly.

The soldiers bunched together in a tight formation and threatened the Minotaurs while holding their shields up high and aiming their spears up at them. Holy Kingdom archers fired their arrows, but Allin merely gritted his teeth and swung his axes more as he received them all over his body.

"Damn it! It stings!"

With a single swing, seven soldiers were thrown into the air, shields, armor and all. Needless to say, that armor wasn't of much help.

Some bodies were cut completely in half―bisected horizontally at the navel.


As the soldiers stepped back, another voice was heard from outside the external gate.

"In this battlefield, make a contribution and wash away the disgrace of the revolt! Regain the honor of the Centaurs!"

Red eyes were shining brightly in the fog.

Their four hooves sounded as if they were going to break the ground. They approached at an amazing speed.