
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantasy
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146 Chs

Chapter 11. The Demon Kingdom (3) Part-1

This was different from just a potion, which was effective for treatment but didn't have the power to cure disease or break curses.

Yet, if it worked as Tom said, it would mean that this holy water could cure all the above and more. It also implied that the poison could endanger a human's life if they didn't receive help within the day. Even for demons, enough of it could cause paralysis and even death.

It was the worst weapon, one that he could mass-produce infinitely if he so wished.

'We can reshape the flow of the battlefield on a whim. There's no soldier alive who wouldn't fear such a dangerous thing.'

Thinking back to the Hero's Allied Forces… The worth of those—once fear-inducing— troops changed at this moment; they were little more than lambs for the slaughter. No matter the number of enemies, if the world came to know that they possessed this kind of overwhelming power, everyone would shake in fear.

Blessed holy water that could cure near-death injuries and even block the harmful effects of magic. A fearsome poison which paralyzed the body and gradually stole away one's life force. Tossing these into their new mix of weapons, they certainly had the means to plant fear straight into their enemies' eyes.

The humans' saying 'demons are the devil's descendants!' might have finally become a reality.

'No, what they'd truly dread would be the fact that filthy beings, like demons, dared to make holy water—successfully at that. Just from this, their beliefs will be twisted once again; their convictions will be denied; their faith and religion will be shaken at its core.'

Karakul shuddered at the scariness of the holy water and the poison.

"Please, pass the holy water and poison to each military unit. Use the holy water when somebody is injured, and smear the poison on your weapons. It should begin to show effect a few minutes after entering the bloodstream."


With this, Karakul's biggest concern was alleviated. Though there would still be countless sacrifices in this clash of Demon Lords, the number of meaningless deaths would be decreased.

'…This is something he could've prepared for us before. But showing it now… Was he waiting for the right time?'

Karakul felt that his trust and sense of loyalty to Tom was getting stronger. At the same time, he knew well that this was a slippery slope; no, he'd already fallen over the edge.

Karakul was free. He was moving and acting upon his own will and desires!

But that was only a facade he'd made himself believe. In the end…

'… It's like a curse, unconsciously submitting to him.'

His very being belonged to Tom, free will be damned. That was the scariest part.

If Lily was a monarch born for peace, it would be right to say that Tom was a monarch meant for war. Therefore, a situation where their conflicting ideals opposed each other arose. While Tom slaughtered their enemies and acted as both shield and sword, Lily played the part of a caretaker, watching over her people while softly soothing those who surrendered. Yet, that was also why their balance would be perfect. Under their management, the Demon Kingdom would become one of the greatest countries in the continent's history.

Karakul was excitedly looking forward to that. A powerful kingdom—no, an empire, where demons, who were always hunted by humans while being looked down on, could live freely! The starting point where The Great Demon Empire would be established! Karakul was witnessing history in the making.

'I'm honored! I'm truly honored…!'

Karakul averted his gaze. The demons were amazed by the holy water and astonished by the poison as they put them into different bottles, inspecting their other equipment at the same time.

They were so ignorant, unaware that they were working for such a great personage…!

'They will feel it later. Then they will worship him as I do.'

Not something as simple as loyalty toward a king, but rather, a cult-like reliance, a religious belief! Just like the faith those humans espoused…!

Some day, Lily and Tom would leave a mythical mark in the demons' history, like a messenger of God or the advent of God, not merely as rulers.

"The bastards will arrive here tomorrow afternoon. So, get to it."

Tom smiled lightly as he spoke. It was unclear whether he knew how Karakul was feeling at the moment.


The Orc soldiers were standing on top of the finished stockade, wearing dark-red plate armor and holding long pikes. The torch-bearers among them turned their attention to the mountains.

The sun was gradually rising between the peaks, and along with it, thousands of demon troops were swarming down from the mountains like locusts. The invaders were breathing roughly after such a long march.

The troops who couldn't rest, eat, or even sleep properly were drawing ever closer. Yet, instead of being tired and worn out from fatigue, they had turned more brutal due to stress.

Enraged and overflowing with bloodlust, they continued forward toward the Orcs' defenses. Though the Orcs stiffened at the sight, those tasked with relaying the news of the enemy's arrival calmly blew their shofars.

"The rebels have arrived!"

"Everyone, wake up!"

"Prepare for battle…!"

The Orcs moved around busily. They grabbed their equipment and donned their armor. Different from before, they now had bottles of holy water and poison on their waists. A sea of Orcs surged around the camp, all of them heading to the stockade.

Those with crossbows loaded them, while those overseeing the ballistae did the same. Behind the stockade, the heavily-armored Ogres lined up.

Lily, who had received the report, went up the tower used for lookout. The sight of the troops gradually coming down from the mountain was a sight to behold. The ground screamed under the trampling of their heavy boots. Their enraged breaths and grunts were so rough, even Lily could hear it.

Covered in grime and sweat, many demons roared and shouted; their bloodshot eyes were entirely focused on their prey.

Lily gulped at the sight. Different from the gentle and well-behaved demons she was used to, they looked savage and vicious, like primordial beasts. Clearly, the demons were venting all their frustration caused by Bludifer's oppression.

The Orcs were also nervous, breaking out in a cold sweat and wetting their parched throats with saliva. They watched the approaching crowd in front of them while fiddling with their weapons.

The demon troops finally stopped their rapid advance. They kept their mouths shut as they glared at the fortress. The eerie silence, broken only by the occasional sound of a pant or gulp, reached a crescendo. Everyone's grip on their weapons tightened under the increasing pressure.

Bludifer flicked his finger lazily while looking at the Orcs' stockade.


The demons roared and charged forward. The earth groaned as if it was going to crumble, and the silence was shattered by the pounding of thousands of feet.

The cacophony of footsteps, weapons, and war cries was enough to evoke fear in even the most battle-hardened of soldiers. The Orcs flinched, but Karakul, noticing that, shouted.

"Brave Orcs! Fear not-!"

His lone voice fell across the defensive lines like a blanket, quelling the fear and terror that had been taking hold.

The Orcs were startled and looked at him with a mixture of worry and hope. Karakul was standing on top of their stockade, holding huge axes in both his hands. He dipped his ax into a barrel of poison and pulled it back out. Maybe it was because it was dark-red beforehand, but the thick poison dripping from his blade looked like blood.

"We have Her Highness Demon Lord with us! The Sage King is here to lead us! The one who shall defeat the tyrant Bludifer and lay the foundation of a peaceful, free country for us to live in is coming out herself to watch this battle!" Karakul scanned the Orcs after looking at Lily, who was still at the top of the tower. "You are the descendants of a long line of warriors! Punish them under the name of the Demon Lord! Show no compassion! Show no fear! Don't run away from mere vampires! Fight! Win! Grasp victory with your own hands-!"

Karakul pointed his axe at Bludifer, who was sitting on a palanquin carried by demons.

"Slaughter those filthy vampires! Drink their blood-! Shout praise for your tribe! Wail for freedom! That cry shall be our strength-!" Karakul breathed in deeply, opened his mouth wide, and let out a deep battle-cry. "Kwooooooo-!"

Every Orc and Ogre present in the fortress, along with all of the other varied demons, answered his call and let out a thunderous roar. The very air vibrated, and their cry, which made even leaves in the forest tremble, resonated across the battlefield.

The invading demons flinched at the display. Bludifer's forces were definitely greater in number. Moreover,they had many large and strong demons in their ranks, Treo and Minotaurs. Yet, they felt overpowered by the cries of the defenders.

On the palanquin, Bludifer, who was resting his cheek against the back of his hand, frowned. He felt the hair on his skin bristling at the noise of the rabble hiding behind the stockade. It made his eardrums ring.