
The Fallen Monarch

The Demon Lord, humanity’s greatest enemy. Every few decades one rises to power, threatening the human realm and all who inhabit it. To stand against the Demon Lord and its armies, humanity relies on Heroes who are sent forth to face the unfaceable. Thoma was one such Hero, though he defeated his generation’s Demon Lord over 20 years ago. Now, he is but a simple monk living in a remote abbey in the mountains of the Holy Kingdom, where he cares for abandoned children and orphans of war. Though his life has been peaceful for a long time now, things are changing. Times are getting tougher and the abbey is struggling to make ends meet. Thoma knows the future is uncertain, yet he continues to struggle toward a better tomorrow. Will he succeed, or will the past he left behind finally catch up to him? ______________________________________________ I don't own this novel or translation. I don't have any rights to claim this novel. I just do copy and past here because I am fan of this novel. If real author want to remove this please inform me.

Ash_7847 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
146 Chs

Chapter 11. Aylans Kingdom (4) Part-2

Halsem froze at Tom's words. Thinking about it, there was no real reason that they 'needed' him. Canibar was overflowing with merchants passing through. More importantly, there were many more merchants that were more respected and well-known than him. There was no real reason for him to not accept this offer. Rather… he was being 'full of himself' in trying to avoid the deal. Other merchants would be dancing with joy if they were in his place. Considering the large compensation, he would be struggling in his sleep for the rest of his life, regretting this decision. As he began to think of such things, his mind turned blank.

"What will you do now, Mr. Pushover?"

Ellin laughed lightly as she taunted him once again. Halsem grit his teeth, watching her.

'Aah, isn't this too much? To make a top-class gambler like me so hesitant?! But, an opportunity like this… isn't too common.'

'Life has to be lived on the edge!' he decided.

'This opportunity… I won't let it go!'

"Isn't that too obvious of a bait? But, as you said, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You must put my safety first in return!"

"Of course."

Upon hearing Tom's answer, Halsem turned to the stallion and supply wagon.

"Ha, hahaha! Yes! Let's try this out then! I'll shoot to be the greatest merchant with this opportunity!"

Halsem burst into laughter as Tom and Ellin looked at each other and smiled in satisfaction.

A single resident in the streets, watching the scene from a distance, frowned as he continued on his way. This resident was a servant of Shabel Canibel. He had received the order to 'investigate these people' on the Count's orders.


"Are they suspicious as expected?"


Shabel listened to his retainer's report as he looked over the map of the Kingdom of Aylans and the Holy Kingdom laid upon the office table. The retainer reported that the actions of the merchant who had just entered the territory, Halsem, were strange. The merchant had entered the city with nothing more than a shabby cart pulled by a donkey had bought a pair of great stallions and a supply wagon. A merchant buying such things on its own wasn't all that strange, but for one who only had a shabby cart pulled by a donkey a day earlier, it was a different story. Buying such things overnight was too suspicious.

Shabel, who had received the report, felt it was suspicious as well.

"How about their identities? Do they look like they have been manipulated?"

The servant held out an identification card.

"No. Halsem was registered in the Merchant's Guild as a merchant several months ago. It appears that he has been actively working as a proper craft merchant."

"What about the two other people?"

The servant looked strained.

"The pair's identities are iron-clad. It appears that they have been correctly distributed by the Mercenary Guild. It'll take more time to look into it further."

The servant looked at the Goblin-made Mercenary card in his hand.

"What about the Mercenary Guild?"

"There is no information from the Mercenary Guild regarding them, but if they had registered in the Mercenary Guild within the Holy Kingdom a few days ago, it can't be helped that the information is delayed."

"Mmm… Concerning."

This meant that there was some possibility that they were agents of the Holy Kingdom. However, he couldn't simply capture the saviors of a great many refugees for interrogation based on a slim suspicion.

'Is there no other way than to simply observe them for a few more days?'

"Keep your guard up. Observe them properly and report any change in their behavior. I don't mind even if it's something minor."

The servant nodded and excused himself.


Halsem's actions were suspicious, but there was something else even more so. That was the activities of the Holy Kingdom. Three months had passed since the declaration of war. They would have to wait for another three for the war to actually start, but…

"They are gathering an army."

There was an army gathering on the border regions of the Holy Kingdom. Of course, it might be a defensive force against the Kingdom of Aylans, but separate from the fact, an army was being gathered and equipped. According to reports, there were 100 Holy Knights, 250 priests, 500 knights, 50,000 infantry, 5000 archers, and 50 siege units. They were preparing as if they might invade at any moment. That was the report a week ago.

'Are they planning on invading earlier than the agreed-upon six month period?'

They had already prepared an invasion force with three months remaining. He did not understand why they would station their entire army for anything other than defense, considering the issue of supply, unless…

'They are surely not thinking of invading already, ignoring the Continental Law… are they?'

Count Shabel clenched his mouth shut. He was overthinking it. Even if the Pope was mad, there was no way that he would ignore the Continental Law, upheld for thousands of years. If he broke any of those ancient rules, he would lose the grace of the other kingdoms and receive their ire. No matter how powerful the Holy Kingdom was, they would still have to avoid becoming enemies with all the other kingdoms. Unless they had the confidence to win against dozens of kingdoms and empires, that is.

"I'll have to keep watching the situation for a bit longer to know for sure."

Currently, the manpower within Shabel's territory was slightly over ten thousand men. Utilizing all manner of defensive magical tools, they would have the strength of about twenty thousand men. However, that was still pitifully lacking and they wouldn't be able to hold their ground.

"I should raise our numbers just in case."

It was possible to request support in a month's time even if they did invade. If they did nothing in the meantime that is…

It was at that moment where everything changed. The door burst open and a soldier hurriedly entered. He was looking exhausted and pale, forgetting to even greet the Count as he held out a letter orb.

"L-lord Count…!"

Count Shabel read the letter orb and froze.


The letter orb was a means of mobile communication made possible through the use of magical technology. Using an orb of glass about the size of a human hand, they were able to quickly deliver messages with only slight restrictions and were quickly adapted to deliver reports and transmit orders during wartime.

However, there was a limit on the distance, which made the role of the scouts critical. They had to be within the set distance to make their report. But if they needed to survey the area outside that distance, then they had to get back within range as quickly as possible if they found something worth reporting.

The scout hiding within the foliage within a forest in Canibar territory shut his mouth. His eyes trembled as he doubted what he was seeing. It was a procession hundreds of meters long. An army made up of 100 Holy Knights, 200 priests, 500 knights, 50,000 infantry, 5000 archers, and 50 siege units. An army of 55,800 men. It was the entire force that had been deployed along the borders of the Holy Empire a week ago. It was an army separated from the defensive unit, but no one suspected that the gathered force would be used for an invasion.

Well, some had thought about this possibility, but it was not taken seriously because violating Continental Law was too audacious to consider.

'They are mad! The Holy Kingdom is mad! No, is it just the Pope that's crazy?!'

'With what confidence did they choose to break the Continental Law? Those rules had been maintained for thousands of years! Don't they fear the other Kingdoms?!'

The scout quickly raised his letter orb to send his report. The army of the Holy Kingdom, named the 'Paddle of God' this time, was commanded by Janus, from the Heretic Interrogation division.

A man in his early 50's with graying nose hairs and a bald head was wearing full plate armor and a black surcoat. He had been noticed during his time as a Holy Knight for his skills and his deviant tendencies, allowing him to be promoted to interrogations. Ultimately, this had also led him to command this army. In addition, he was one of the 'Evilesse' experiments being researched in secret by the Holy Kingdom. A devilish biological soldier made with the blood and lives of countless children. A monster possessing both youth and immense power. He was one of the Evilesse Holy Knights.

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