
Chapter 66

“There is another way. The Taran Empire stands as a beacon of unity and

empowerment. They do not seek to control or dictate, but rather to share and

offer mutual benefit. Some of us have lived in fear that joining with the

Empire would consume the heart of our culture. That isn’t the case. What

they offer is for us to make that culture all it can be, and to learn and grow as

we continue to refine our identity and shape the future we want for coming


“We have argued amongst ourselves about what the best way forward is,

but I couldn’t allow civil conflicts to continue escalating. I made the decision

that, as your elected leader, I feel is most representative of our people’s

wishes, and that will give us the best chance to achieve the future vision we


“That act was to officially reintegrate Elusia into the Taran Empire.”

The crowd erupted in a cacophony of questions, cheers, and a few shouts

of protest.