
Chapter 28

an invasion of privacy to have telepaths read other humans, so a rodent serves

as a stand-in.”

Kira plopped into the chair. “I hate to be a poor sport here, but I can’t

mind-read a gerbil.”

“It’s not so much reading a mind, as attempting to.”

“So… you want me to bore into the soul of a creature with the brain the

size of a pea?” She let the sarcasm really shine through with her tone.

Monica smiled, stepping to the door. “It’ll only take an hour or so to

gather the necessary readings.”

Kira stared into the gerbil’s black eyes. It cooed at her.

She sighed. Fok my life. KAEN LEANED BACK in his chair across the interrogation table from the second


The young lieutenant’s gaze was darting around the room, presumably

trying to spot monitoring equipment.

Does she think she can break out, or does she want to work a deal under

the table without others knowing? Kaen glanced back at Olvera and she
