
The Fallen Heaven

100 Years since The Great Revolution, along with the death of the Greatest War Criminal in the History of Mankind. Spread in the World a legend that says "His Heart must be somewhere!!!". The World Leaders, Black market, or even The nobles want it. Somewhere, Someone who seems to live without direction, is suprised to find that the thing that should have been annihilated is still exist somewhere. He now Knew what he had to do. that is to finding Rastiya Nerast before the wrong Person Find it.

Haley_Alitz · Action
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12 Chs

The Trigger

[Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep] (Radio sound)

[Ladies and Gentlemen. Today will go down in the World history. The day when the Tyranny of Heav-]

[The Atrocities of The regime will over today no matter what. The peo-]

[The Army of Brave and Strong warrior will be led by the Commander Fra-]

["I stand here to lead the Heroes who will liberate the World from the devil who claim to be God's representative"]

["The future of Mankid depends on us"]


{Now, lets do some flashback here}

More than a 100 years before the story begins.

Let's take a quick look at the history of the world that makes the world as it is today.

At that time there was a young Emperor who was Strong and Wise.

With his Mighty Power, he was able to unite the entire World under his rule. Be it Strength or diplomacy, no one can match him.

He is also said to have the power of a god which makes him even more invincible.

Despite his very young age when he did all that, he is very mature and bring justice towards his own people and other nations under his rule.

But several years later, he suddenly turned into a terrible figure.

He became even more cruel and merciless.

He has no qualms about killing those who criticize him. People are living in fear.

This sparked upheavals of rebellion in various parts of the world. The climax is when the Emperor ruthlessly slaughters 10,000 innocent people from an occupied country who are considered as people who have the potential to rebel him.

Millions of people raised their weapon, together. For one purpose, To Bring down the Heavenly Emperor from His Reign.


{Now, we are in the current timeline. the main story begin}

In a wilderness on a fairly large island. There was a young man who rode his horse at high speed.

He looked like he was being chased by someone.

But in fact it wasn't a someone, but several people dressed in all black who were jumping like a monkey on the tree at high speed also.

Some of them also carried weapons such as swords and handguns and rifles.

"Until when are you going to keep running? Hey! Time to give up Aron Telsa!"

"He's stubborn, he won't stop before his horse is exhausted!"

"Damn it. If only we were allowed to kill him"

"He will be very useful for the interests of the Nation. Killing him would be pointless."

"I know it"

"Hey. He disappeares!"

Aron who was being chased suddenly disappeared in an instant. It was so fast that trained people like them couldn't notice it.

"Fu*k. find him or our careers will be over."


{Just like them, maybe all of you are also confused, where did this Aron guy disappear. The narrator doesn't know either. so let's try to see it from Aron's point of view}

Few hours ago:

This is really messed up. I had to leave my late father's luxurious house because several men dressed in all black tried to kidnap me.

What do they really want from me? if they wanted my father's Wealth, haven't I left it behind?

You guys can take it all you bastards!

I had to buy a horse for 2 times the price so the owner would give it to me right now.

By the way, why did dad have to send me to this island? and also he said I should look for a cave.

In there, I can meet someone who will protect me.

Who is that person? if that person was in the cave, then it would most likely be an old ascetic who wouldn't even open his eyes to me.


Several shots were fired at me. but I can avoid it.

I looked back to see the people chasing me were right behind me about 20 meters away.

They jump on the tree. are you guys monkeys? even monkeys aren't that fast. you guys are more monkeys than monkeys!

"Until when are you going to keep running? Hey! Time to give up Aron Telsa!"

Yeah yeah. what do you expect by saying that? You think I'm gonna stop and ask you guys out for coffee?

It seems that I looked back for too long until I didn't realize that I would soon hit a giant tree in front of me.

It seemed like even my horse didn't notice.

"Damn it!"

I closed my eyes before the crash

A few seconds later... nothing happened to me.

I was still riding my horse like a few seconds before.

But the difference is, now I'm in a very strange place, I mean the trees. they are like giant mushrooms.

Looking far ahead, I saw a cave.

Yes. a fu*king cave.

I really found it.

What a strange fate.

{that's how he could disappear}


Moved to a magnificent building in an unknown place.

There is someone standing on the balcony, looking at the beautiful city view below while smoking.

Then someone suddenly appeared from behind and immediately knelt down to him.

"Yudish Telsa's son managed to escape sir. But our agents are after him. We will capture him in less than 24 hours."

"I don't need words. I need proof"

"Please don't worry sir. We will do our best"

The mysterious man turned around and looked at the kneeling man holding a newspaper in his hand.

[Tom Gargantua. Head of the Gargantua Party]

"Even so, I appreciate your work for manipulating Telsa's death News properly"

"Thank You. Sir"

"However, there is still one TV station that discusses the conspiracy. I do not like it"

"Sorry to disappoint you. But if you mean the Tower 8, that is the TV station that belongs to..."

"Pigeos Party. I know that. To match his influence, we need special treatment. However, don't let the other parties know about this. The more competitors, the more troubles. that power should be mine"

"Yes sir"

Stare deep into the sky. He felt anxiety like he had never felt before.

"It's been almost 100 years huh. I have a bad feeling about this"


I kept running towards the cave with my horse.

Unknowingly I felt a peace of mind that I had never felt since yesterday.

My horse slowed down by itself until it finally stopped right in front of the cave.

My horse is moving erratically. I decided to get off because it was quite annoying.

This horse was still sane before. Is he going crazy with hunger? Well I'm hungry too, maybe I'm going crazy later.

I looked into the cave, it looked like a normal cave.

There is nothing special about this cave. And is there really anyone who can live in this isolated place?

Even if the person Dad was referring to was real, he must be a wise-cracking old man.

I think it's pointless to just stay outside. So I decided to enter with caution.

The deeper it gets, the colder it gets. No, maybe it's more like cool.

I saw 2 lights that may have come from the fire.

In front of my eyes, there was a man with a thin yet burly build. He was only wearing trousers and was bare-chested. His hands and feet were chained with long and strong chains. Her long white hair reached her shoulders.

I automatically held my breath.

I have never felt such a strong aura coming from a human.

He's no ordinary person. Without even uttering a word, he was already so charismatic.

He is like a messenger of god.

Before I can say something. This man was the first to greet me.

"Are you Telsa's son's that he promised to come see me?"

{Chapter 1 End}

Hello. I'm the author. I've written on several platforms. but that's a fanfic.

I want to try a new challenge by writing my own story. I hope you guys will like it. but I will warn you, my protagonist is not your typical hero.

oh yeah, maybe you're confused about some punctuation marks, I'll explain

{=means the Narrator is talking. I also want to use a narrator who uses informal words because I find it funny.

see ya

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