
The Fallen Darkness

"You have always held the match and your heart is a celestial pyre, with godlike fury fight that recurring dark desires to just fade. I know the darkness never rests but this is how warriors are made." Year 1814 In the kingdoms of Helcaris, which was once ruled by humans but the creatures of night mingled within the human society and them being at the top of food chain became stronger and stronger as the time flies, their savagery continued to predate on weak and powerless. Lilliana Averdale, lilly for short, was an exceptionally beautiful young lady even when she is human born. The beauty standards of society was quite different as human beauty can't be compared with the vampires timeless beauty. lilly resides in the small village of Helcaris named Glasgow, far away form the capital, as council came to the conclusion that humans and night creatures should stay away from each other for internal peace and safety. Theodore welcher, well namely popular as Lord Theodore. One of the pureblooded vampire, a narcissistic man who lacks empathy. People may describe him as the Dark Lord. The one rules the kingdom of Helcaris with a tight fist. what will happen when lilliana decides to travel from Glasgow to Edinburgh, the capital of Helcaris, in the search of truth. How she found herself in the never ending mysteries. There are many unfold secrets that lies in the deep and silent alleys of Edinburgh to the Royal Castle. ~~~~ "Don't underestimate the allure of darkness even the purest hearts are drawn to it."

alish_loves · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Palace

So from now onwards chapters are from  lilly's pov and some parts will be from authors pov.


The air was chilly and brought with it the faint but distinct scent of blood. The lanterns from a long procession of carriages cast the only light in the cloudy darkness as the troupe slowly made its way towards the royal mansion.

I watched the carriages clumsily amble up the dirt road on the side of the mountain, but could barely make out till the back gate.

We have to cover the remaining distance by walking. Ellis and I had to reserve a carriage for our way because of my injured foot, although it was bleed profusely but now it is much better.

This is the first time I am seeing a real palace. Mother used to tell us the stories about brave Knights and beautiful ladies. The castles I used to imagine in those stories is completely different from this.

The sun glares down upon the thick cobblestone walls, leaving stark, vivid shadows contrasting with the blinding bright reflections. The spiked shadows of the portcullis loom like the twisted teeth of some fell beast. Ahorse nickers in the stables, and the air suddenly acquires a musty, dampsmell, the smell of sweat and heat.

Rising above the bustle below like four eagles rising on an updraft, fourtowers stand stark against the sunlit sky giving a sense of power and control. Four flags fly high, their crimson contrasting with the blue sky.

Through the heavy oak doors of the imposing keep there is a large chamber filled with rows of guards with armour and colours soflamboyant they almost distract your attention from the piles upon pilesof glittering, golden treasure clustered around. The room smells of emerald, the hard odour plating your tongue.

When we arrived at the gates, it already past noon.

The first rays of the light surrounded the walls and I can see my long, tiny shadow.

Ellis knocked on the backdoor next to the gates. she seems to be anxious probably because of me and my injury we got late. Even though she is not sharing it but she knew that it might cost her only source of income.

I hear a creaking, the doors open ajar. A dark shadows observes us especially me from the other side, but no sound reaches to my ear.

I step in quickly with Ellis.

When the doors close the darkness fills the air and a clench around my throat.

"Name" someone asked.

"Lilliana Averdale" I answered.

"And What bring you here little human" the man enquired.

"For job, sir"

"We don't take anyon-" Ellis interrupted him.

"Sir, madam cabello t-told me to bring her, we need helping hands in Royal kitchen" Ellis explained entire thing.


"-Ellis, I work here as a maid for past six months, just took a leave to meet my family."

"You both can go but first you need to clean her wound, it isn't safe." Guard replied eye my feet and sniffing that scent the blood.

"Sure, sir" we added and hurriedly left.


we made through the hallway of palace, it was quiet and so dark, barely lightened with candles. Those are myths that vampires cannot stand sunlight. Although it effects their speed and makes them hungry more often but does not necessarily kill them.

These consequences are not even present in pureblood vampires. Even though winter is approaching, it was the first time since I moved here that I had seen the sun at its highest point. In contrast to my village, it is always gloomy here.

Ellis took me to the servants chamber, there are total two rooms containing four girls in each. The chamber is comparatively bigger than most of the human houses. But only three of them stay here in this chamber, the previous one was killed by his highness recently. They told me about the incident and the maid who saw his highness killing that maid 'Asmara' was now transferred to another palace.

It is quite upsetting that some individuals suffer, and that other people take pleasure in the agony of others.

Furthermore, Ellis told me apart from her there is also another human servant, he was a slave before and now sold to the Royal palace.

I cleaned my wound with water, and changed my dress into another pair of dress. The previous one got dirty, it belongs to another maid her called Sarah.

She was a human but turned into a half-blooded vampire during a massacre when she was eleven years old. It is heartbreaking to hear that. The pain one has to go through in the process of turning half-blooded is beyond words. Some might even die from that.

The dress is little bit tight and short, reaching till my knees. Although, it feels so revealing. But I've to adjust with it.

We went towards the kitchen to meet Madam Cabello but she was talking with a man, as the time passes, I'm becoming more and more nervous.

Never faced such a situation.

What if she didn't allow me for this job? Then what will I do? There are many what's and if's in my mind.

"Ellis so how did your journey was?" Madam cabello asked.

"It was all good, Madam. This is the girl I talked about!"

She eyed me from head to toe, making me more nervous than I was ever.

"Miss Averdale?"

"Yes, Madam"

"Ellis told me that you're good with plants and know some medicine, right?" She guessed.

"Yes madam, I am good with other chores with as well."

"No no, we don't want that, we have enough helping hands. you just need to look after garden and his majesty's pets."

"I will give you one week and then examine your work young girl and if I don't see any improvements then you better forget about working anywhere in the capital. Any servants who was kicked out of palace, never had enough luck to work at another place." She added with a straight face although it seems to be rude but it is right.

The people of Edinburgh never hired any kicked out servants of the palace.

"Ellis guide her to the garden and then meet me in my chamber."

"Sure, madam." Ellis responded.


"Are you sure lilliana, you can do that?" This is the third time she is asking me the same question.

"Yes, Ellis. By the way why these plants are not growing?" I asked her.

"I don't know but after his majesty's mother died. lady laena looked after this garden personally. Recently, she went to meet her mother." As Ellis clarified, I wondered why they never hired any gardener.

But before she could answer that, Ellis went to meet Madam Cabello as another maid called her.


"Your highness, this are the reports regarding last massacres faced by humans and vampires because of witches." Theodore signaled him to continue.

"There were total death of One hundred and fifty humans and seven vampires -half blooded vampires, including three childrens. " The man finished in one breath.

"And how many witches did you captured, Oziel?" The aura of Lord Theodore is enough to intimidate any person, be it a human or vampire.

"One milord b-but she died" Oziel replied, even though he is one of the pureblooded vampire, working as a member of council. Still he is terrified, whenever his majesty is furious.

"How?" Theodore snapped.

"She committed suicide, milord."

"What about the remaining injured people?"  His Highness sighed.

"Only thirteen of them are alive." The other vampire replied.

"And any new event happened at palace while I was gone." He asked while eyeing out of the window.

"Yes, milord. A new girl was hired as a gardener and to look after your pets by Madam Cabello as you asked."

"Girl?" Theodore hummed.

"Ask that girl to meet me after sometime." Theodore said while reading another documents.

"Yes, your majesty"

"You can take your leave now."


Since Lilliana had to pack her stuffs and head to the palace before dusk, she had made a visit to her uncle's residence. Ellis had previously mentioned that the royal palace takes care of its servants; perhaps this includes providing carriages as well, but wouldn't it be a little bit expensive to provide carriages for every servants?

She thought naively.

At the end she just shrugged that thought, little did she knew that it is happening because of someone's order.

Even though it is not like the one she saw those vampire ladies travelling in the capital but still it is more beautiful and comfortable than public carriages.

She remember her meeting with Sir Darius, one of the most trusted men of the Lord Theodore.

"Who are you?" Lilliana was examining those black Roses with such focus that she flinched at the unexpected interruption.

The man infront of her was certainly not a human and that was confirmed. His crimson eyes were making her nervous, encountering a vampire and that too being alone in a vast garden is certainly not a good idea.

"Uhm- lilliana Averdale, sir." Lilliana muttered while trying calm her nervous self. She can say from the clothes that he is not some ordinary vampire working in a palace. Maybe someone important.

"And why are you doing here, girl?" Snarled the vampire in front of her. As he continued

"Do you even know that not everyone can came here." Evidently annoyed by the young girl's behaviour.

"I am sorry Sir Darius, but this is the girl that Madam Cabello hired to look after his majesty's garden." Sarah's sudden remark saved her from this unwanted conversation.

The vampire hummed and left the place.

Although, the vampire had left but Lilliana can still feel the eyes on her of someone, but she wasn't aware of the fact the Lord, himself was watching them.

She packed her bag and left for her uncle house, she noticed that someone of her things were missing.

She tried to talk with her aunt about this but that women dismissed the topic by saying maybe she didn't brought them or left those things at her house.


As she entered the palace from the back gate, it was already late and she did not clearly remembered the way of servants chamber. She wanted to ask for help but didn't had enough courage to initiate a conversation with a vampire again after encountering Sir Darius.

I am not scared of them. Its just precaution is better than cure, huh!

Her soul left her body as she felt someone's presence on her behind her. This palace isn't haunted by some ghosts, right?

She had a kitchen knife in her pocket, even though that knife isn't sharp enough to kill someone but something is better than nothing.

As lilliana turned herself, determined to attack this person but didn't know that she would be in the arms of a man. Not a man but a vampire and those scary are enough to kill me.

"These delicate hands aren't made for weapons, little human." His demeanour was intimidating despite his smooth voice.

"And may I know what you are doing here, at this phase of night despite being a human?" The Lord muttered while gazing the women in his arms.

"L-leave me, please" lilliana whimpered as she tried to struggle, his hold is getting more tightened.

"I asked you a question, or should I call the guards?" The young lord hissed.

"No Sir, I fo-forgot the way of servants ch-chamber" She shook her head as she was on the verge of crying.

"Stop crying." Theodore sighed.

"Leave me please. It is not appropriate." She sniffed as continued to get out of his hold.

As the Lord released her, lilliana landed on the ground. It is so embarrassing. Her butt is paining from the harsh landing on the marble floor but as she saw another vampire was coming towards them and she is sure that he is a guard.

"Pl-please sir believe me. I forget the s-servants chamber way. I recently joined as a gardener of his majesty's garden." The young girl pleaded, clearly anxious of what will happen next. As he doesn't seems to be a normal vampire because that guard bowed to him and only royal family receive that treatment.

The vampire hushed the guard to keep quiet and ordered

"Show one of the rooms on second floor to this girl."

As he left from there, lilliana took a deep breathe and tries to calm down but the guard is in dilemma now.


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